Is Matthew 5 Hyperbole?

Sharkly — Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?
So how can you learn what God’s word really means?  Ask God to daily grant you insight into His word.

In my review of Sharkly’s latest article “Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?” we wrestled with the question of whether or not Jesus’ commands were hyperbole.

Matthew 5:38-42
Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:  But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.  And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

Sharkly concluded that this was hyperbole intended to use exaggeration to emphasize a forgiving attitude. In the presence of the perfectly valid law of lex talionis, Jesus wanted his disciples to not take revenge. He didn’t actually want his disciples to give their enemies anything, let alone their clothing. They were merely supposed to forgo their right to judgment under the law.

Sharkly’s chosen citation would seem to concur:

The problem is that scripture—both Old and New—explicitly prescribe positive actions in response to evil, not no response at all, nor a reciprocal in-kind response.

Romans 12:17-21
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written:

“It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”

says the Lord. On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Proverbs 25:21-22
If the one who hates you is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals upon his head, and Yahweh will reward you.

1 Peter 3:9-17
Do not repay evil for evil, or insult for insult, but on the contrary, give a blessing, for to this you were called, so that you inherit a blessing. For

whoever wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech, and he must turn away from evil and do good. He must seek peace and diligently pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.

And who will harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed;

and do not be afraid of them, nor be troubled,

but in your hearts set the Lord Christ apart as holy. Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it with meekness and respect, having a good conscience, so that in a case when you are spoken against, those who revile your good way of life in Christ will be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing what is good, if the will of God should will it, than for doing evil.

Jesus, Paul, Peter, Solomon, and Moses—among the greatest men to ever live—all say the same thing.

Immediately before Peter gave those instructions, he said this:

1 Peter 3:1-7
In the same way, wives, submit to your own husbands, in order that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won over without a word by the way of life of their wives as they observe your reverent, pure way of life. Your adornment must not be merely external—elaborate braiding of the hair and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on fine clothing— but let your adornment be the hidden self of the heart with the incorruptible beauty of a meek and quiet spirit, which is highly valued in the sight of God. For in this way in earlier times the holy women who hoped in God also adorned themselves, submitting to their own husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him “Lord,” whose children you are when you continue to do what is good and are not afraid of any intimidation.  In the same way, husbands, live in a knowledgeable way with your wife as with a weaker vessel, showing honor to them as also being co-heirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers are not hindered.

I bet you are familiar with that quotation!

Peter is talking to godly, believing wives about their ungodly, unbelieving (and possibly abusive) husbands. He uses the example of Abraham as the bad husband, who you’ll remember twice lied and put Sarah in danger of being raped (or worse). Then, he tells godly, believing husbands not to divorce their unbelieving and ungodly wives.

He follows up these instructions by telling the church to give positive blessings and to do good in responses to evil.

There are three points to make.

First, it is absurd that men in the manosphere cite this passage in order to tell their wives to submit to them or else

“The Bible tells you to meekly submit to and obey unbelieving, abusive husbands, so you must do whatever I say in everything. And call me ‘Lord Husband’ from now on. Here is the ultimatum: shape up or I’ll divorce you.”

…especially because Peter is telling husbands not to divorce their ungodly wives.

Second, you can see why it is important for Matthew 5 to be hyperbole that is never to be taken literally, because if it isn’t addressed to all wives in all circumstances, then 1 Peter 3 doesn’t mean what they think it means.

Third, the attempt to minimize Matthew 5 is similar to the attempt to minimize 1 Peter’s focus on suffering. Both the attempts to encourage violent responses and to promote patriarchal authority have the shared effect of reducing a man’s responsibility towards God and man. It is inherently self-centered, which misses the point of the hyperbole entirely.

Let’s make this abundantly clear. The fact that Jesus used hyperbole to describe one’s response to enemies (e.g. stripping naked) does not mean that one is not supposed to respond in a literally good way (e.g. real acts of physical kindness). Indeed, the figure-of-speech “you will heap burning coals upon his head” serves the same purpose as Jesus’ hyperbole (“give him both your outer clothing and your undergarments”) without minimizing the requirement to “give him food to eat,” a literal response.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Check out this ”’genius ”redpill” comment:

    Sharkly says:
    4 August, 2024 at 6:44 pm
    SRSLY! LOL(I spell it as a ”good” bluepiller should-E.G. betaly & bluepilled)Has any man ever showed up to the office wearing a Speedo and then complained to HR that the ladies were staring at his package-which is like Moi NOT hung like a porn star?While I lie about it at jacks?LOL

    I’ll wait …
    Men generally take responsibility for their own clothing choices.LOL

    When I was very young and foolish (16-17) (and under the sway of California’s immodest culture) I too occasionally dressed to entice while exercising, but I was 100% completely aware that wearing spandex pants without underwear, was potentially offering people a male anatomy lesson that they hadn’t requested. But I wanted to show off my considerable recent blessing, until it soon dawned on me what a silly fool I was being. It didn’t take long for me to reconsider, and it wasn’t because I’d received any negative comments. In fact, it was the positive attention that led me to see that I was even enticing far older women (some old enough to be my grandma) and that it could serve no good purpose. I only did that for a brief period in my youth(”he” said as ”he” self-sodomizes ”himself”). Nor did I ever work up the audacity to cluelessly complain about other people’s reactions to my indecency.LOL

    I find it hard to imagine that women don’t know what they’re doing. But then again all of them are doing it together as a herd, and I was the only guy in my neighborhood who took the dog for a jog “commando” in spandex. None of the older men were doing what I did. I thought then that maybe times would change, but they’re still not doing what I did then. LOL Men seemingly have the ability to maintain a standard of decency while women don’t.LOL

    So Vox is right ”MEN” who use ”LOL” are gammas!:

    Gamma on the Spot
    Why the use of “LOL” is indicative of low SSH rank
    Apr 02, 2024
    Rishi Sunak is an Indian Hindu. Although he was never elected to the office by the people of Great Britain, he also happens to be the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which sufficiently illustrates the abject degree to which the English people have fallen. Once the masters of the empire on which the sun never set, they now have a strange little pagan from one of their former colonies presiding over their government.

    Despite a short and very bizarre media campaign which genuinely attempted to transform the tiny Conservative Party member into a sex symbol – the title “Dishy Rishi” was actually floated before being rapidly abandoned to the unmistakable sound of tens of millions of English vaginas vacuum-sealing themselves shut in horrified response – it was always eminently clear that despite being a situational Alpha married into one of India’s richest families, the diminutive Sunak remains an inveterate Gamma with all of the usual Gamma behavioral patterns.

    The contrast between a) the way Giorgia Meloni is leaning away from Sunak and avoiding eye contact with him and b) Sunak’s attentiveness to her is instructive.
    Consider Sunak’s all-too-typical response to an obvious question that cannot possibly have been unanticipated by either the Prime Minister or his staff.

    Speaking to BBC Radio Tees this morning, Mr Sunak was told by host Amy Oakden that the ‘overwhelming’ question being asked by her listeners was when the general election date would be.

    This included listeners asking why he ‘hasn’t got the guts’ to call a general election right now, Oakden said.

    A laughing PM replied: ‘Well, I’ve answered that question many times.’

    When it was pointed out by Oakden that he had yet to name a date – and pressed him to do so – Mr Sunak continued to laugh and added: ‘No, unfortunately not.’

    Oakden then replied: ‘Why not? Why is that funny? Sorry. Why are you laughing about that?’

    The PM responded: ‘Because there’s a way that we announce general elections, and it would be done in a formal and official way.’

    Of course, there is absolutely nothing funny about when an unpopular government is going to call the general election that is expected to sweep its party from power. Nor can one try to explain the strange behavior away by claiming that the Prime Minister was taken off-guard by the question, since it was in the context of a media interview taking place in the aftermath of recent polls reporting his government’s near-historic levels of unpopularity and dissatisfaction.

    So why was Rishi Sunak laughing so uncomfortably at something that wasn’t even remotely funny? The answer is because that is what Gammas do when they are put under pressure in an environment where they know they cannot give into their impulse toward rage. The laughter is simply sublimated anger.

    reliable sign that he’s a Gamma.
    It’s entirely normal to behave oddly when suppressing emotion. People often smile inappropriately when they are giving bad news or attempting to hold back their tears. But most men don’t laugh under pressure, and they certainly don’t laugh weirdly and repeatedly when someone is doing nothing more than asking them a simple and obvious question.

    Gammas do, and for two reasons. First, they are sublimating their anger. Rishi Sunak was obviously furious that Ms Oakden dared to ask him, HIM, THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, a question, however obvious and relevant, that made him feel bad. He doesn’t want to talk about anything that draws attention to his failure, because that punctures his Gamma delusion bubble in which he is a great success who is much-loved by the people.

    Second, they are doing that weird Gamma thing wherein the Gamma(like ”sparkly” for instance) imagines how he thinks an Alpha(like professorGB4M for instance) would behave in the situation and thereby exhibit social superiority by imitating this imaginary behavior.”


  2. professorGBFMtm

    Zlolzzzlollzzzzz(how a non betaized & blue pilled dude laughs!:

    Imperial Inquisitor Davicus says:
    2024-08-06 at 4:07 am
    Who is he, Dave Ramsey’s son? Daddy wouldn’t let him get on on the financial advice grift so he wanta to be King of Prophets? LOL!

    SEE how this ”unknown”-I know he/she/ it is really gamma ”sparkly” how?”Imperial Inquisitor ” & ”LOL”-THAT’S HOW!:


    Why the Gamma is Despised
    It’s not a mystery why Gamma males are so widely despised
    Apr 24, 2024
    People, especially women, occasionally suggest that perhaps I am too hard on Gammas. To be honest, I suspect I’m probably not as hard on them as I should be, because I am aware of the way their negative behavioral pattern stems from their psychological pain and their futile attempts to somehow avoid feeling it.

    But if we’ve learned one thing from observing Gamma behavior over the years, tolerating it only makes it worse in the end. Which is why it is important to call it out, shut it down, and excise the unrepentant parties without hesitation.

    This is an exchange from two years ago, when a Gamma attempted to “criticize” my factual statements about the theory of evolution by natural selection and the historical plagiarist who stole the public credit for it. Note two things in particular: first, that he never even hesitates to make false claims that he could have easily checked out before making them, and second, that his “criticism” never even begins to address the very work being nominally criticized.

    SIGMA: You probably know that evolution is a mathematically impossible fraud. But what you may not know is that Darwin was a plagiarist and a fraudulent anti-Christian psyop from the very beginning.

    GAMMA: You aren’t intellectually capable of making that statement, and for those of us who are, it’s one of the dumbest possible statements one could make.

    So quite the contrary, evolution is mathematically deterministic because the first principle of the universe is equivalent to the term ‘evolve’.

    In fact, the interesting thing about life on earth is that it occurred so quickly in the history of the universe, since it takes so much time to evolve the elements necessary, by generations of stars’ life cycles. And extinction events caused rapid evolution by creating punctuated equilibriums. One of which is ‘humans’ over the past three million years.

    No more of your lies.

    SIGMA: You’re flat-out wrong, Curt. And I’m a lot smarter than you are, so you really should think twice before trying to “correct” your intellectual superiors.

    You haven’t done the math. You clearly haven’t even UNDERSTOOD the math, or the problems it presents to those who believe that evolution by natural selection is capable of accounting for the observed genetic variance in modern species, including homo sapiens sapiens.

    Your proposed excuse of “extinction events” is not only obvious, it’s also not viable due to the known near-extinction events and their effects on the genetic variance of affected species such as the cheetah.

    You simply don’t possess the knowledge required to even begin discussing the matter, you haven’t done the required work, and it is obvious to anyone who has. Posturing and making snarky comments – your usual modus operandi – isn’t going to suffice here.

    By all means, feel free to show us the math that works. Hypothesize as many extinction events and punctuated equilibriums as you like and show us precisely how many are required. You won’t be the first to try and fail, and you won’t be the last.

    GAMMA: There is zero chance you’re smarter than I am. Zero chance you’ve done the math. And an absolute certainty you’re quoting a Yale professor of theology who also claimed he’d done the math. And both of you proving that the function of Abrahamism is to teach adherence to lie so that they can engage in social construction of falsehoods, in order to collectively obtain false confidence is by false pretense of sexual, social, political, economic, military, status, explaining their evasion (or failure) of evolutionary adaptation, precisely because they lack that status by demonstrable means other than social construction of falsehoods.

    The female means of lying by undermining truth and social construction of falsehoods: Judaism > Christianity > Islam … Marxism > Neo-Marxism > Postmodernism > PC-Woke.

    Same tactics (female undermining of truth) same strategy (social construction of a falsehood that attempts to deny evolutionary superiority) and same result (Dark Age of Ignorance and Superstition).

    That’s the truth of why you lie, the history of why you lie, and the technique by which you lie, and the evolutionary origin of how and why you lie, in the female means of anti-social behavior, economic, political, cultural, civilizational warfare, because the female is weaker, and must seduce with false promises (lie) and undermine with disinformation (lie) by fomenting insurrection (war) because of her (your) weakness.

    Period. End of Story. So, Accusation Submitted. Argument Presented. Judgment Presented. Conviction Issued. The only question is the sentencing and the punishment for your crimes against humanity.

    SIGMA: And yet, I am observably smarter than you are. I have done the math. I am not quoting anyone, let alone “a Yale professor of theology”. Your “absolute certainty” is not only 100 percent false, it is easily proven to be false since the evidence has been public for years. I’ve publicly debated JF Gariepy about this. The original work has been posted on my blog since 2019. The only one lying here is you, as everyone can easily confirm.

    I’m not sure what is more egregious here, the shameless dishonesty, the willingness to not only appeal to his own authority, but declare himself prosecutor, judge, and jury, the absurd grandiosity, or the sheer intellectual laziness of not even bothering to examine the material he is criticizing.

    The Gamma genuinely loves to imagine that he is prosecutor, judge, and jury.

    But regardless, is this the behavior of someone you would want as a friend? Is this the behavior of someone a woman would find attractive or seek as a lover? I don’t even want to be in the same room, or on the same planet, as anyone who is even remotely inclined to behave this way.

    This is why it is absolutely vital for every man to resist the urge to appoint himself as any sort of reality police or attempt to act as any sort of authority concerning anything he has not either a) created himself or b) been publicly recognized by others as a legitimate authority. That doesn’t mean one cannot engage in intellectual disputation if one is so inclined, only that one’s opinion merits no more respect than the argument presented is granted by those before whom it is offered.”

    IOW?:”The Gamma genuinely loves to imagine that he is prosecutor, judge, and jury.”+ ”INQUISITOR”+”lol”= gamma ”sparkly”!

  3. professorGBFMtm

    NEED more proof that a guy who can’t even be ”king of his own castle” w/o permission from his/her/its government, church & ”wife”, let alone a big shot in the sphere is a classic gamma with Bellevuian delusions of grandeur?

    Sharkly says:
    10 August, 2024 at 10:00 pm
    So, the redcoats are going to arrest every redneck in America for speaking freely against their self-destructive multicultural foolishness? Where will they jail these 100 million American men and women? Didn’t we already fight a war over this, and England eventually abandoned her rule over these 13 colonies?

    Nonsense like this makes me embarrassed to be the rightful King of England.

    Cill says:
    10 August, 2024 at 10:02 pm
    Young fellas must be tempted to identify as women to get some of the female advantages in employment, business, promotion, education, entertainment, health, shelters, criminal courts, divorce courts, priorities in queues and rescues etc. Then he could go to the boxing club and slap a woman around a bit, to finish off the day in style.

    Cill says:
    10 August, 2024 at 10:32 pm
    A mental image of King Sharkly I of England and the Americas flashed through my mind just then. Pay homage, y’all.

    Tell you what, despite an inevitable excess of pomp and splendor he’d probably run the show better than the present mob!

    & just what has ”sparkly” rep been since his debut in 2018?
    His/her/it that even ”red pill” tradcon ”saint” DALrock didn’t ever like or want during his whole non-helpful 15 months at his site as in moderation the whole time there as DAL knew he was a reddish gamma blue pill NPC SJW troll bot sent to discredit & destroy the ”Christian-MANosphere”, being put in NPC ”REDPILL” tradcon SJW BY ”JACK” in 2020 after a melee involving the words -”gay”(which ”jack” the ”red pill” SJW quickly deleted &” fixed” with his/her/its usual gibberish nonsense) being thrown around by doctor ”feelingz” Scott and ”c@nt-worshipper” by ”I can’t even be king of my own castle w/o permission from my government, church & ”wife”, cuz I’m a supposed ”Patriachial”,” red pill” chicken$#it” ”sparkly”.

    It’s so shameful & sad how that supposed ”king” is, I have to SMH TBH.

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