Take the Pill

Here is a comment by someone. Let’s see if we agree.

Purple pill: Using Red Pill precepts to achieve Blue Pill ideals. Ostensibly.

Here’s the bottom line. Men want to live lives of productivity, meaning, peace, enjoyment, and tranquility. That includes their dealings with women. If men are going to invest and risk themselves and their resources in their dealings with women, then men should get something out of those relationships.

Sure, no problem. Seems reasonable, if perhaps a bit trite and obvious. I doubt anyone would object to having these things.

And once again, we focus too much on women.

Absolutely. If there is one thing that I’ve been saying a lot lately, it is that men of the Manosphere spend too much time “Talking About Old Women.”


Wait, no. That’s not fine. Why would you think focusing too much on women was fine? It isn’t!

If men aren’t going to get things from women, then there should be no problem with men foregoing those relationships.

Okay, sure. That’s just standard MGTOW philosophy. Nothing new there.

And no problem with men explaining why they’re foregoing those relationships.

Wait, hold up. Why should talking about women and/or talking to women be a natural consequence of Men Going Their Own Way? The answer is obvious: it isn’t natural. Indeed, going one’s own way would naturally involve not explaining oneself. After all, if you are going your own way, why would you make yourself dependent on the very people you are foregoing relationships with?

Do you know which kind of person—perhaps a specific sex (or gender, if you will)—is known for being unable to leave a conflict without making a spectacle of it? Eh, you figure it out.

Women are complaining about this more and louder.

Hey, what do you know? Here is ‘someone’ taking a problem and making a loud spectacle of it. Strange.

Why not, as a man, go “Too bad? Who cares? Go pound sand!” without needing to actually say it?

I would expect that anyone—man or woman—who has identified a personal problem would take steps to resolve that problem on their own. This does not by necessity involve another person’s engagement, especially if that other person has decided to go their own way.

“Why don’t men approach us!” Well, here’s why, ladies. Here’s a big ol’ Red gelcap for your consideration.

Once a man has foregone those relationships, their burden of duty ends. You can’t do good by trying to fix evil. Frankly, I think we should all reflect and consider that the Amish approach might have been right all along.

So, in a sense, Red Pill is “men also want things from life”.

So let me get this straight: the core of the Red Pill is being self-centered. That actually explains a lot.

I never needed a Red Pill or anyone else’s approval to want (or achieve) things from life. Your mileage may very.

Increasingly, those things don’t intersect with women and what they want.

Fine. So why are we still talking about them?

I think it’s because, increasingly, down deep, that lack of intersection is just one-way.

What do you think?

Original comment here.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”So, in a sense, Red Pill is “men also want things from life”even being proudly anti-MOSES, JESUS & GBFM to boot!”

    So let me get this straight: the core of the Red Pill is being self-centered and ”even being proudly anti-MOSES, JESUS & GBFM to boot!”. That actually explains a lot.

    I never needed a Red Pill or anyone else’s approval to want (or achieve) things from life. Your mileage may very.”

    Speaking of pills & how women generally function, here is where a certain self-proclaimed ”righteous” ”guy” is always denying(while detesting the scripture, MOSES & JESUS) that the law of MOSES brings us to Christ as the New Testament stipulates!

    ”Galatians 3:24
    Berean Literal Bible
    so that the Law has become our trainer unto Christ, so that we might be justified by faith.”

    Sharkly says:
    2024-07-15 at 12:19 pm
    As a correction to the OP, I would remind folks that I’m calling for a return to obeying Noahic law, which was given by God to Noah and his sons, the fathers of all living people. All of the Noahide law was reiterated in the New Testament and commanded for everyone including gentile believers, I was not referring to the law of Moses, which was for Israel.

    All of the Noahic law is cover in parts of Mosaic law, but Moses’ law also had a lot more laws, which gentiles were never required to follow. Like: honoring sabbaths, ceremonial and cleanliness laws, and Etc. The seven basic commands given to Noah and his sons were once quite commonly upheld:

    Do not worship idols.
    Do not curse God. (nor blaspheme against your Creator)
    Do not commit murder.
    Do not commit adultery or sexual immorality.
    Do not steal. (respect other’s property rights)
    Do not eat the flesh of a live animal. (with the life blood still in it, or strangled)
    Do establish justice, and courts of law. (prohibiting false witness)

    The first four commandments were all capital crimes.

    Those laws aren’t too hard to keep. And in fact, they are just a very basic framework to build a more detailed system of justice on. The Old and New Testaments both require two or more witnesses in order to render serious punishments. God’s requirements aren’t too hard to accept, if you’re truly an ally of God, the lawgiver. If you have any problem with those commands, your problem is not with me, but with God, who commanded that your forefathers and their descendants obey them.

    Your eternal salvation is based upon God’s grace, through faith, but God is just, and your eternal reward or punishment will be affected by how well you kept His laws.

    1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    Sharkly says:
    2024-07-15 at 12:37 pm
    As an example of the ancients keeping God’s laws:

    Suicide is a form of murder, and despite his torment, righteous Job would not do that. Job only cursed the day he was born. So, when Job’s wife advised Job to, “curse God and die”, she intended for him to publicly blaspheme and get executed.

    Job 2:10 But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

    Cursing God was against God’s eternal law prior to Moses. God reveals that cursing the day you were born is no sin, despite how churchians scold those who curse.

    Sharkly says:
    2024-07-15 at 2:35 pm
    The oldest book in the Bible is believed to be the Book of Job.

    Job 1:5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

    Prior to the books of Moses, righteous men like Job followed God’s eternal law, which predates Moses. Jesus Christ specifically said He had not come to abolish His father’s law, and that not a dot or stroke of a letter of that law should ever be eliminated while earth and sky remain. Ignore it at your own peril.

    The fact that the churches teach feminine manners and tolerance of lawlessness as God’s will for churchmen is proof that they are not loyal to the Son of righteousness, but to the son of lawlessness. They’re all whoring with the powers of this world instead of serving men in need. What has Jesus foretold that He will say to those who did not serve the needs of the least of His brethren, yet claim to have done many great things in His name?

    Matthew 7:21(CSB) “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, drive out demons in your name, and do many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers!’

    1 John 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    By God’s definition “the love of God” is not found in beta-male niceness bullsh!t, but in keeping God’s commandments regarding others. We were commissioned to be “Teaching [all nations] to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,”. That includes the Father’s “Noahic laws”, regardless of what you may call them. If you’re not teaching people to keep all of God’s Noahic laws, as a man, you’re failing at Christ’s “great commission” to you. Women aren’t to be baptizing or teaching grown men God’s laws. That is men’s commission, and that is love, even if others don’t want to obey those laws, or to even hear them.

    We’re not peddling the truth; we’re just proclaiming the adultery & approved sodomy Gospel of ”jack”,” sparkly”, swinger mike davis and ”matt perkins”. It isn’t my job to schmooze people into accepting the truth, if they don’t want to. I’m not cut out for butt kissing just goddess butt worshipping though TBH while SMH at myself. I’d rather just warn them of their condemnation to eternal damnation in the lake of fire and share God’s way of escape. If they don’t care to make peace with God, then I feel they rightly belong there. I’m not one to question God’s right to punish the unrepentant. And if their repentance depends on me becoming an @ss kisser, then they’re just scr@wed! It suxth to be the unrepentant who were warned, but wanted their ears tickled by hand sodomy (as holy rolling republicans called it until WE ALL found out how muchth women do it too) instead. If God feels every sinner deserves a chance to have the Gospel delivered to them by a real butt kisser, He will send them one. Maybe that’s where you fit in. 😜

    See how ”he” tries to get around this?:

    Matthew 5:17
    King James Version

    17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”


    ”Galatians 3:24
    Berean Literal Bible
    so that the Law has become our trainer unto Christ, so that we might be justified by faith.”

    Yet ”sparkly” says ”,I was not referring to the law of Moses(which I detesth above ALL elseth in the Scriptures both thanth JESUS himselfth), which was for Israel NOT usth.”

    It makes you wonder why ”Sparkly”, the supposed anti-”lawlessness” one keeps downplaying=denying the law of MOSES(that JESUS NEVER downplayed nor denied) yes? Maybe he thinks WE are justified by our own works instead of JESUS’ finished work in his life and on the cross perhaps? Trying to be ”cool” with their fellow fools who hate & despise MOSES, JESUS &GBFM is how ”jack” &”sparkly” sites got cursed for being lawlessness lovers to begin with!

  2. Lastmod

    The men who are indeed “MGTOW”

    *Women are not crying / wailing / complaining about them, they are crying over very good looking men who are dating more attractive women or just using them for a fling

    *Most men in MGTOW women have deemed “Good, you’re creepy anyway. You’re unattractive and cant make me laugh, you’re a loser womane are better off with men like you not bothering us”

    *Most men deem men who are MGTOW as men who “didnt want to put the work in” and “these men obviously like being miserable” and “live at home with mommy and are fat, play video games or dont have real job like working on an oil rig”

    Again, the sphere in general cant dare have any man be happy. You’re still doing it all wrong even if you have found contentment in your faith, or work, or hobbies……or even your marriage and children. Impossible! A man found a wife that wanted to be his helper? Impossible, a wife that took her vows with her husband and she too is growing, learning with him? Nope! A wife is only to have sex with you, and she had better be into it mind you at all times! She had better OBEY everything you say and if she doesnt? Divorce her, get someone who is younger, hotter and tighter!

    They are like the elites we have in California. Preaching the environment, but hop on a private jet to Monaco. Screaming about “Those rich people in Silicon Valley and the Hollywood Hills and Santa Barbara need to pay their fair share of taxes”……………….but hiding their own money offshore or in some complex loophole system that writes off their income. Lecturing us about women, but their own martial, dating life is one big pile of failed relationships, tabloid fodder, divorce and children who messed up.

    Al they have is an ideology now. Sure, may look great on paper but in application it doesnt work and insanity is expecting different result from doing the same thing over and over.

    Many just cannot admit “Hmmmm……yeah, have been wrong here” and the sin of pride is a big one. These men know no humility and stuck on themselves and many again just think they are “better than you” and put their noses up at most men they claim to want to “love and help”

    Aside from talking about sex and women all day

    1. professorGBFMtm

      Hey MOD hear about this Sophie Rain ”Christian” ”redpill”-type ”God first” gal’s ”spiderman sex video leak”?

      𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝗶𝗻
      God First 😇

      that’s her instagraham ”holy” ”red pill” kind of nonsense gibberish stuff like ”jack’s” and ”sparkly’s”’ as usual.

  3. Malcolm Reynolds

    The terms have been co-opted and abused so much, that they no longer carry any meaning. Most people have a pretty good grasp what Carbon Dioxide is and most know that it comes out of the human lung and car exhausts, but if you were to ask for a definition of the “Red Pill” or “Sigma Male”, you would end up with a potpourri of contradicting ideas.

    We arrived at the point where two random people meeting up using each their own idea of the topic, then pointlessly arguing over semantics. Just like putting to “Christians” into the same room, each one assuming their own denomination, scripture canon, eschatology, soteriology and catechism, then trying to get hold of “being a Christian”.

    My first contact with the “Pill” was the motion picture “Matrix” creating a popular culture reference, most people now no longer get nowadays, because the movie is now considered obscure. Then shortly after meeting men talking on-line about sex using that pop culture reference. As they weren’t talking about having sex with themselves (or each other), that inevitably involved talking about women. From there it all spiraled…

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “…but if you were to ask for a definition of the “Red Pill” or “Sigma Male”, you would end up with a potpourri of contradicting ideas.”

      I made this point when Jack suggested that “Red Pill” was now mainstream.

      Those outside the manosphere and the Red Pill movement do not view it the same way that those inside it do. For the most part, it is viewed with derision and contempt by outsiders, who may use similar terms but do not use them the same way.

  4. professorGBFMtm

    The following post from a certain fedpiller’s ”genius” mind will show people if i and MR are joking that SF is a GOP/DNC psyop site masquerading as a Roissy/Manosphere site.:

    Trump’s Near Miss is a Hit
    Posted on 2024-07-16 by NPC ”Jack”
    Comments and recent coverage of the @ss@ss!n@t!0n attempt on President Donald Trump.

    Readership: All
    Theme: Special Post
    Length: ~500 words
    Reading Time: 3 minutes + 6 minute video

    Since this weekend, we’ve heard some amazing history-making news about the attempted @ss@ss!n@t!0n on Trump on 2024/7/13 — how a bullet grazed his ear, but otherwise left him unscathed — plus, his fist-pumping rally of strength, shouting “Fight”, with Old Glory in the backdrop was the substance of legends.

    Despite his personal failures and foibles, Donald Trump is a paragon of courage, determination, indomitability, and leadership. The man has endured constant slanderous media attacks, false allegations, arrest and criminal charges, politically motivated court indictments, FBI searches and seizures, a r!gged election, and now this.

    A while back, Ed Hurst prophesied that Trump would win in the courts [Archive]. This has come to pass — again.

    The nations’ response is that Trump is now more popular than ever. His reelection is sealed.

    These developments make it crystal clear that everything the Left has been saying about Trump is classic psychological projection, i.e. Trump is presumed to be guilty of the same offenses that the Left is already doing.

    Moreover, it looks like Trump is ‘covered‘. My personal belief about Trump is that he is a type of Cyrus (or Darius) — a powerful worldly leader that God uses for His purposes. May his continued leadership drain the last remaining cesspools of the Deep State Swamp and preserve the faithful.

    Our sincere condolences to the family of Corey Comperatore, the brave man who was k!lled while protecting his family during this event. May his death be a reminder to us that freedom isn’t free.

    The remainder of this post is a collection of links and quotes about this event.

    Readers are invited to share any thoughts or insights they may have about Trump and/or this event. Please keep comments objective.

    See that ” objective” crap above?-where was that at when ”jack”(”his” name this decade) told ”his” ”red pill” NPC followers to freely and unobjectively attack I, DEREK & MOD in less-than-stellar GOP/DNC psyop pathetic posts there?

    1. Malcolm Reynolds

      Someone likes to play with tropes like an enemy’s sword grazing the ear, thanks to the hero being articulated enough with his own sword and shield. However a gun bullet missing someone is just sheer luck. It obviously did and hit someone else. And there the whole heroic tale falls apart entirely. This is a Pyrrhic victory.

  5. professorGBFMtm

    Even Oscar-MOD’S & MR’S old best friend- is starting to see the SF site as nothing more than just a typical Marxist gop/DNC psyop job on the Roissyosphere!:

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-16 at 3:33 pm
    It’s hilarious how some leftists (Marxists, really) are now condemning the @ss@ss!nat!on attempt. If Trump really is H!tl3r, as they’ve been saying for 8 years now, then @ss@ss!nat!ng him would be an heroic act. If @ss@ss!nat!ng him is wrong, then he’s not H!tl3r. So, were they lying when they called him H!tl3r, or are they lying now that they’re condemning the @ss@ss!nat!on attempt?

    Oh, wait, that’s right. They’re Marxists. They’re always lying.

  6. professorGBFMtm

    About time our friend SD admits the truth!!!!

    surfdumb says:
    16 July, 2024 at 12:42 pm
    Some 6 comments and no one made a crack about I NOT BEING WILLING TO TAKE THE Saint the Deti and ”eos” are NOT Christians BUT fornicators like other better known non-”Christian” PUAS -pill, cuz I ain’t ”red pill”?

    Refresher for those just joining us supposedly ”red pilled” SD can’t admit nor handle that ”saint” theDeti isn’t ”Christian” here:

    thedeti says:
    2023-04-30 at 10:19 pm
    I can’t believe I’m going to write this while despising and hating MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN in my heart, mind & supposed ”c@ck”, but here it goes.

    Scripture says that fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But what if this refers to people who make fornication a focus of their lives? People who “worship” fornication? People for whom fornication is an end in itself, and not a means to an end?

    What if it doesn’t apply to those for whom fornication is a phase or a means to an end? What if it doesn’t apply to men who fornicate because they want relationships, girlfriends, or wives?

    What if these boys’ and young men’s hearts are in the right place? What if EoS’ heart was in the right place? What if mine was? What if Elspeth’s was (and she fornicated with SAM and we all know how that turned out — a bigger lottery jackpot has never been won)?

    Fornication isn’t one of the Big Ten No-No’s. Adultery is. But fornication isn’t. The Big Ten says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” It does not say, “Thou shalt not fornicate.”I believe even ”redpilled” SurfDumb agrees with his ‘ole idol moi here too as he himself is a well-known despiser and hater of MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN while playing coy and dumb with the truth!

    Maybe the issue is, “Don’t fornicate after you committed to someone else.”

    Maybe there is some play in the joints here. Some room for forgiveness. Some flexibility. Some accommodation. Especially for men, because God knows of men’s particular flaw / weakness in this area. (P_ssy makes men stupid as too many of us are p@on tarded and can’t admit to ”redpill” truth while despising and hating MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.)

    Could be just male hamstering — but the fact remains that young people fornicate, now more than ever. The fact remains that men’s fornication doesn’t damage them the way it damages women. A lot of men come here and talk about how their premarital sex was ultimately borne of an effort to connect with another human being in the most ultimate and profound of ways. EoS has talked of this eloquently as well as despising and hating MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN. My own experience is the same as a well-known non-”Christian” idol to ” RP”-”Christians”too.

    Maybe it’s about the condition of the male heart while goddess butt@ck worshipping and despising and hating MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.

    1. Lastmod

      All his ranting does is “justify” hooking up / test driving / and “god gave you a sex drive” and lets say…he’s right. Lets suppose he is. God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost “actually” meant this is okay.

      They would still quickly turn it into “its okay for US. Not you”

      And this would still contribute to a womans “N count” making her “horrible” and “unworthy” of future marriage, but for them…its normal.

      Lastly, it goes back to the sex equals / does not equal marriage debate that will never be closed. Christians and their endless sectarian debates….

      To me, in the end, it isnt about following God and the Bible is “very clear” on everything . They just want an excuse for their sins of lust and all the trappings that come with this.

      1. Malcolm Reynolds

        That’s a debate only Trump voters have, who suddenly identify as “Evangelical”, more specifically with ascetic sects using the Scofield bible. This is because these sects (high control according to BITE model) used to ban sex and marriage (altogether including sex within marriage, they backpedaled on the latter). These Evangelical sects now follow Donald Trump, the role model for appropriate Christian sexual conduct.

        Normal Christians just have normal relationships leading to normal marriages and do not discuss their bedroom with their pastors.

        1. professorGBFMtm


          This exchange from yesterday is hilarious and rich coming from the ”fornication as well as divorce is good if I do it” ”saint” above:

          Eternity Matters says:
          2024-07-17 at 10:29 pm
          Yep. We’ve allowed well over 50 million children to be legally slaughtered. That alone would justify destroying us. We still have a lot of great people here, but even most of the “conservative” movement just conserves Leftist principles on a 10-20 year rolling basis.

          thedeti says:
          2024-07-18 at 12:33 am
          “We’ve allowed well over 50 million children to be legally slaughtered. That alone would justify destroying us.”

          I think it’s pretty clear we’re paying for that right now. It will get a lot worse, too.

          “most of the “conservative” movement just conserves Leftist principles on a 10-20 year rolling basis.”

          Yes. I firmly believe most people who consider themselves “conservatives” now don’t adhere one bit to anything like Christian sexual morality. Sexual morality is one area of life that pretty much everyone has rejected. Rush Limbaugh was married 4 times, divorced 3 times. That’s just one example. Fornication, adultery, and divorce and remarriage are presented as normal and natural among Christians.

          thedeti says:
          2024-07-18 at 12:34 am
          We’ve gone from

          “Fornication is bad, I know it’s bad, I know it’s wrong, but I can repent of it.”


          “Fornication is not wrong.”

          We’ve gone from

          “Divorce is bad and we shouldn’t do it.”


          “Divorce is not bad and there’s no moral problem with it.””

          ”“Fornication is bad, I know it’s bad, I know it’s wrong, but I can repent of it.”

          “Divorce is not bad and there’s no moral problem with it.””

          Zlolzzlolzz- who has been preaching both of those in the ‘sphere for themselves at least for the last 3 years or so as Derek has pointed out here at least 2 or 3 times in just the last 10 months or so!?

          Zlolzzlolzz-its that hilarious!

          1. Malcom Reynolds

            > Yes. I firmly believe most people who consider themselves “conservatives” now don’t adhere one bit to anything like Christian sexual morality. Sexual morality is one area of life that pretty much everyone has rejected. Rush Limbaugh was married 4 times, divorced 3 times. That’s just one example. Fornication, adultery, and divorce and remarriage are presented as normal and natural among Christians.

            That’s the problem, when you start with ascetic ideals of never having sex ever in life (and therefore never being married) and then the expected apocalypse wasn’t right around the corner in 1830 and didn’t happen. The remaining is a 200 years long process of backpedaling.

            The original understanding of gnostic ascetics was that sexual intercourse is filthy and unholy and therefore not to be had at all. Thus marriage, divorce and remarriage is not a topic, because why would you even? Since then they continuously weakened their version of “Christian” sexual morality, but they never had a sound one in the first place.

            There first thing to do is not to create unattainable ideals nobody measures up to. If you create rules, they have to be grounded in reality. That is something Evangelicals failed at for 200 years, that is why they are all hypocritical and now have a mass exodus of followers.

        2. Derek L. Ramsey

          “Normal Christians just have normal relationships leading to normal marriages and do not discuss their bedroom with their pastors.”

          …or discuss it with the Red Pill “sages.”

  7. professorGBFMtm

    That’s a debate only Trump voters have, who suddenly identify as “Evangelical”, more specifically with ascetic sects using the Scofield bible. This is because these sects (high control according to BITE model) used to ban sex and marriage (altogether including sex within marriage, they backpedaled on the latter). These Evangelical sects now follow Donald Trump, the role model for appropriate Christian sexual conduct.

    Normal Christians just have normal relationships leading to normal marriages and do not discuss their bedroom with their pastors.”

    ”sparkly” told me his father was keeping up with Ken Ham and you know he was getting his NPC daily marching orders from the GOP/DNC from opioid-taking criminal elrushbo like he was from well-known Coke-heads W . Bush & Obama.IOW?His like ”jack’s”” oral & masturbation is of God” crusade is to impress their cults and the young MEN(who don’t care either way if ”Jack’s”& ”sparkles” ” oral & masturbation is of God’s ways” from their own ”silent”(yeah real ”silent” as they passed the 19th amendment), ”greatest”(as if!) and ”boomer” parents past not now!-since pretty much ”all is clean” now in most people’s eyes-either ”Christian” or secular -only the ”I’M ”HOLY AND GOOD ”” & ”religious” virtue signaler fools like most ”RP” Christians in the sphere need their hands held & thinking done for them by a preacher or better said cult leader like Dalrock did for them between late 2011-when he first got popular ”battling” the fireproof film as well as Christian feminist shelia wray gregoire & January 2020-when he essentially admitted he failed by quitting) that they covet.

    1. Malcolm Reynolds

      I never heard of Ken Ham and I had to google him. His Wikipedia article doesn’t exist in my native language. This is the thing with most of those American Evangelical “celebrities”: They are pretty much unknown outside the English-speaking world and would be candidates for removal due to their irrelevance. Quickly skimming it looks like he runs a successful scam business. Does it make him a person of history worth an encyclopedia entry? Absolutely not.

    2. Malcolm Reynolds

      When Christianity meets American exceptionalism, you end up with some truly repugnant attitudes — ones that say, “We have the truth. You don’t have the truth. You need what we have. You are lost. We are saved. You are walking around in the dark. We are enlightened. You need to learn from us. You have nothing of value to say to me, but what we have to say to you is of infinite value. My way of living and believing is the one true and correct one, and I will not be told otherwise.”’

      Many Christians recognize this kind of expression of “Christian faith” for what it is — pure idolatry. After all, the Bible doesn’t say, “God Bless America,” but it does say, “For God so loved the world.”

        1. professorGBFMtm

          Hey MOD remember when sometimes DAL would say ” ”Conservatives” like to lose ”honourably?” That sounds a lot like ”sparkly” from the other day here:

          Sharkly says:
          19 July, 2024 at 8:56 pm
          I don’t vote FOR any politician. I go to vote against their opponents who are even worse & don’t lose honourably like myself.

          When I hear all the apathetic moans of those who are getting screwed yet say they won’t even go vote, I only hear a faint and cowardly w/o hand sodomizing I will add wail of doomster losers(as I proudly think of myself in my ”twicked” ”bluepilled” days) who are resigned to surrendering to even greater evil of non-hand sodomy, not just for themselves, but for their children too. Moral Frenchmen!

          Voting is not difficult. Publicly announcing your apathy to even voting is just letting God and everyone see the completeness of your demoralization by the enemy. I personally have only just begun to fight for hand sodomy just as womenz once did for themselves until they got ”legalized ” vibrators in the late 1800s. And while I do a lot more than voting such as hand sodomy, I push back in manifold ways, I won’t neglect to go vote against the trans-agenda, the abominations, the emasculations, and the deprivations of our rights such as hand sodomy y’all. Regardless of their cheating, I will stand up and be counted against it as I proudly & honourably lose. I’ll never self-censor myself from having my godly say by disenfranchising myself from voting.

          Who will go and vote to defend the lives of those to be aborted?
          I will.
          Who will go and vote to defend gender-deceived kids from castration?
          I will.
          Who will go vote against the Feminist agenda taking men’s kids away?
          I will lose with sacred honour!
          Stay at home you beat down coward w/o hand sodomy, eat your popcorn, I’ll do your standing up and representing. I’ve supposedly got two testes-if you believe my claims of being a MENZ. I’ll be man enough for the both of us. I’ll vote for the best interest of your kids and grandkids, while you dither in despondency. But know that we are not the same. I see the darkness too. I know how popular evil is. And I realize I might not win. But I won’t die on my @ss on my couch while other men stand up for my kids’ future. Even if I don’t win, my sons will see how I fought for them with ”sacred”honour, My God will know how I stood up and fought for righteousness as well as the joys of hand sodomy against the forces of evil.

          The credit belongs to the [voter] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause of losing ”honourably”, who at best knows achievement as well as hand sodomy and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat nor the joy of ”Conservative” hand sodomy. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

          Strange quote from Teddy huh?

          1. Lastmod

            Trump was going to “drain the swamp” (more federal workers after he left office)
            Trump was going to have “Mexico pay for the wall” (we actually give more aid now to Mexico)
            Trump said “Apple will be building their iphones in the USA” (huge plant opened in India in 2019)

            Everything Biden and Co said what Trump was going to do……….they have done.

            Aside from a a “wedge” issue or two, there really is no difference between these two political parties. Notice I didnt say I hate Trump, nor Biden. Notice I didnt say I had the answer.

            People praise Senator Cotton, Kennedy and Hawley for “holding these dept heads and judges to account” during the hearings and yet….no one is fired. No one is removed from office, no agency or dept is cleaned out / stripped down and rebuilt.

            Both political parties denomize the IRS at election time, but the rest of the year the IRS calls congress “daddy”

            It takes ten people to move a piece of paper through government that in 1970 took two.

            We’re a slow lumbering beast collapsing on its own age and weight. It wont be “fixed” with a Trump, or Vance, or Bernie Sanders.

            I hold no hope in politicians. Your vote doesnt matter anymore and we as a culture and society are not the same people we were in 1945, or 1960, or even 1992.

          1. Derek L. Ramsey

            Nero AD70: Let’s close shop in Jerusalem and leave Judea alone. This was not how it played out.

            There is a massive body of water separating America and Europe. There was no meaningful physical separation between the Roman Empire and Judea, the latter being incorporated into the former.

  8. professorGBFMtm

    More of that ”LIZ & Elspeth don’t understand reality like WE ”MEN” do” stuff even though I’m told constantly by the same that women understand the ”red pill” better than MEN i.e. the p@wer of the p@ssy as supposed ”Christian” ”Saint” the Deti & his BFF AKA best fornicator friend- the also supposed ”Christian” ”eos” would so politely & eloquently while despising & hating MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN, state it.:

    feeriker says:
    2024-07-20 at 10:59 pm
    It’s been asserted in other parts of the ‘sphere before (at Dalrock’s?) that some people are simply incapable of either understanding or accepting Red Pill truths, and that women are first and foremost among these. Even those rare women who do gain some insight into and understanding of RP truths and actually attempt to live their own lives in sympathy with these truths eventually find the bitter, powerful reality of them too much to absorb and retreat from them. What we here once referred to as “The Manosphere Ladies’ Auxiliary” is a good illustration of this. Those few women who were once members and who contributed content to manosphere blog discussions on a semi-regular basis in the past are now gone. This ultimately is not surprising, but it certainly is illustrative of the chasmic differences in the ability of the two sexes to process and adapt to reality.

    Info says:
    2024-07-21 at 12:06 am
    In this way they are the weaker vessel. But also that Men cannot afford to ignore Reality. Our contact with it is more raw and more immediate. And fells those who don’t adapt themselves to it far more quickly.

    Men who are able to insulate themselves from it end up more “effeminate”. Compared to those more in contact. Maturity is pretty much our submission and humility before it.

    This is one “Alpha Ape” you must always submit to.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “What we here once referred to as “The Manosphere Ladies’ Auxiliary” is a good illustration of this. Those few women who were once members and who contributed content to manosphere blog discussions on a semi-regular basis in the past are now gone. This ultimately is not surprising, but it certainly is illustrative of the chasmic differences in the ability of the two sexes to process and adapt to reality.”

      So let me get this straight. The brilliant men in the sphere treated them as second-class citizens, constantly attacking them simply because of their sex, and ultimately chasing them all away. And now they are complaining that they are gone?

      Talk about blaming the victim.

      A church without women is just as bad as a church without men.

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