In light of Cameron’s comment here (per this and this), I’m sensing that cooldown is required. There will be no post today (and possibly for a few days).
Yes, a Cooldown is required as i want to say something that i think has gone unsaid in the Dalrockian manosphere for way too long as i was inspired and moved to write this from elsewhere today:
Unhappily married MEN always know the right thing to do after the right time to do it has passed.
Being Unhappily married for either sex is a choice that is made without much awareness, precognition, or preparation, mainly to please bodily urges, attempt to keep up with the jones, and parental or societal expectations, or to look ”good” to the RS & DS Soros sellouts ye praise . Maybe when the decision comes up to find a spouse WE should weigh the cost like a Man who is a builder of towers,”For which one of you, when he wants to build a watchtower [for his guards], does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to finish it?”Luke 14:28-30
Simple huh? But it seems NOT so for some of ye.
When one chooses a spouse out of careful thought and constant contemplation this person will be happier than the one who does it out of the necessity of bodily urges, attempting to keep up with the Jones, parental or societal expectations, or to look ”good” to the RS & DS Soros sellouts ye praise, for if ye do you might later look like a deranged nutty fool foaming at the mouth yelling how ye was twicked into marriage on a former Coloradoian turned Texan site or if it be possible on a former American turned Taiwanian site or just on a former anti-tradcon turned pro-tradcon Limey’s site even!
Exit Question: What can we do to plan ahead to ensure the satisfaction and sanctification of our youth’s human sociosexual needs?
Most likely what does the youth need to hear? Just be an average & ordinary Sigma(as the sphere also says) like Derek, GBFM & Cameron323 who have always had decent, average & ordinary gals to wife similar to women like the Manosphere Auxiliary Ladies Liz and Elspeth.
YES, a cool down to think and reflect on all the past mistakes that way too many Geniuses have made was needed!
Calling someone a “twat” in British culture is an insult. A serious one. Its not just “quit being obnoxious”
Its just not thrown about in daily banter. Its usually tossed out and down, daring you to defend yourself or honor or status………
“thems fightin’ words”
It can be in reference to female genitalia as well…….
Its not a a good or nice, polite word to use.
Derek. Instead of a cooldown. Just leave them alone. They know anything and everything anyway. You are dealing with a social IQ of people who never left “jr high school”
You are dealing with people who I would guess in the end are jealous perhaps of you? Not that they lose sleep over it…..but your marriage, your stances fly in the face of everything they hitched their lives to concerning women, marriage, society, dating, sex and complex female psychology
They see themselves that indeed this “red pill” is actually not infallible and they cannot accept that
i especially like this from a guy who was all about pleasing=tickling=encouragfing women’s hypergamy with game.
”If nothing can be known or established about hypergamy; then he and his ”independent alliance” partners AKA the ”king of commenters” GBFM & his best buds who eternally ride shotgun with him MOSES & JESUS, don’t know any more than I do.”
You once told us they were the secret to a good marriage and now claim ”I NEVER SAID THAT”tet if ye , follow them with all your gamey heart, might, strength & mind, you will never need to whine again”why does Derek, GBFM, MOSES, JESUS, SAM, Liz’s MIKE & Cameron323 get the dedicated babes that I don’t!????????”
Of course, you could see what JESUS(Quoting MOSES NOT Roissy,Rollo nor Iceberg Slim) has to say here, but it will offend thee i suspect & thy gamey mind and heart:
19 Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, He left Galilee and went into the part of Judea that is beyond the Jordan; 2 and large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.
3 And the gamey Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him (while the gamey Pharisees lusted for hot and wanton poon)and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason(such as hotter poon)?” 4 He replied, “Have you never read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined inseparably to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.” 7 The Pharisees said to Him, “Why then did Moses command us to give her a certificate of divorce and send her away?” 8 He said to them, “Because your hearts were hard and stubborn Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. 9 I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery[a].”
10 The disciples said to Jesus, “If the relationship of a man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” 11 But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom [the capacity to receive] it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been born that way from their mother’s womb [making them incapable of consummating a marriage]; and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men [for royal service]; and there are eunuchs who have [b]made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”-Amplified Bible (AMP)
You along with Dalrock, Jack, Scott, and Sharkey with their hammering -offering fanboys choose the 16 poon commandments over JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS long ago and now in these latter days say ”WHEREFORE ARE THOU MY God and LORD JESUS & WHERE IS MASCULINITY HIMSELF WRAPPED IN AMPLIFIED KNOWLEDGE & MAJESTY BEYOND TIME & SPACE BETTER KNOWN AS GBFM?”
WE are where you abandoned us on your gamey quest of poon, that supposedly going
ro save marriage and western Civilization over a decade ago with societal and Governmental approval through the Satanic feministic game instead of the TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE & SALVATION that passes beyond all thy and others gamey understanding. Many of the younger MEN are finding us as Alas y’all gamey gamians remain ignorant of the day of your SALVATION from the lust & deceitfulness of the earthly fallen flesh! Perhaps one day you will join us Brother Deti but sin lieth at the’s hoping and looking to devour you like a Lamb before a wolf.
I’m going to try to spend some time rereading your original post, the linked substack article and your follow up post.
It has been useful to think about the various ideas I’ve seen described by various redpill authors and commenters and to try to discern what they/we are trying to say.
Derek L. Ramsey
I agree, it is useful. And, to be clear, I’m not saying that all Red Pill ideas are wrong. In this case, I’m hyper-focused on hypergamy as an illusion, and of the role (or lack thereof) of luck. Whatever else you might say, it is that one thing—hypergamy—that I call a myth, not necessarily all the other ancillary topics.
.And, to be clear, I’m not saying that all Red Pill ideas are wrong. In this case, I’m hyper-focused on hypergamy as an illusion, and of the role (or lack thereof) of luck. Whatever else you might say, it is that one thing—hypergamy—that I call a myth, not necessarily all the other ancillary topics.
That’s good Derek, but not good enough for the RP® Genius Leaders and their yes-men
minions(as Deti says) who fear reality and criticism that just reminds them of their tremendous failure to keep so many of us here who brought tremendous and incredible success to them and even more the people who used to go to their RP® sites, but don’t now
mainly by knowing that they can’t stand the fire in the kitchen as being so-called truth-seekers who claim to be RP® Genius Leaders.
My mother told me all my life, “Tell them the truth once. If they don’t believe you the first time, they’re not going to believe you the second time, either.” It only took about 20 years for me to accept that she was right.
Profile photo for Mwanandeke Kindembo
Mwanandeke Kindembo
Author has 1.5K answers and 2.7M answer views7y
Why do some people need others to agree with them to feel right or else they don’t like people criticizing their choices?
It seems like you know the answer already, but you are asking just to verify if it’s true.
We have all been there where you want people to hear your voice or to persuade others to take your opinion. In the case of those who need others to agree with them in order to feel right, they are still got the mindset of teenagers.
Upon this a question arise: At what age is a person considered as an adult?! Well, age doesn’t matter. All which matter is how you behave towards yourself and those around you. Be ready to take criticism like a man/woman and don’t take everything personal.
You have to consider the opinions of others but keep an open mind so that you won’t fall into their trap against you. Stick with your opinions even if no one is ready to digest them. In short, expect less from people and you will live happily afterwards.
Profile photo for Assistant
The need for validation from others can stem from various psychological factors and social dynamics. Here are some key reasons why some individuals may feel this way:
Self-Esteem: People with lower self-esteem may seek external validation to feel better about themselves. If they receive criticism, it can reinforce their negative self-image.
Fear of Rejection: Many individuals fear social rejection or disapproval. They may feel that if others don’t agree with their choices, it reflects poorly on them, leading to anxiety and defensiveness.
Cognitive Dissonance: When someone makes a choice, they often want to believe it’s the right one. If faced with criticism, it creates cognitive dissonance—a psychological discomfort that arises from holding conflicting beliefs. Seeking agreement helps resolve this discomfort.
Social Identity: People often derive part of their identity from their social groups. If their choices are criticized, it can feel like a personal attack on their social identity, prompting a defensive reaction.
Confirmation Bias: Individuals may have a tendency to seek out information or opinions that confirm their beliefs while dismissing or reacting negatively to opposing views. This bias can lead to a strong need for agreement.
Cultural Factors: In some cultures, conformity and group harmony are highly valued. People from these backgrounds may feel particularly distressed when their choices are criticized, as it can disrupt social cohesion.
Past Experiences: Previous negative experiences with criticism can lead individuals to be more sensitive to disapproval. They might have learned that criticism leads to conflict or hurt, making them more defensive in the future.
Understanding these factors can help in addressing the underlying issues and fostering healthier communication and relationships.
Yes, a Cooldown is required as i want to say something that i think has gone unsaid in the Dalrockian manosphere for way too long as i was inspired and moved to write this from elsewhere today:
Unhappily married MEN always know the right thing to do after the right time to do it has passed.
Being Unhappily married for either sex is a choice that is made without much awareness, precognition, or preparation, mainly to please bodily urges, attempt to keep up with the jones, and parental or societal expectations, or to look ”good” to the RS & DS Soros sellouts ye praise . Maybe when the decision comes up to find a spouse WE should weigh the cost like a Man who is a builder of towers,”For which one of you, when he wants to build a watchtower [for his guards], does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to finish it?”Luke 14:28-30
Simple huh? But it seems NOT so for some of ye.
When one chooses a spouse out of careful thought and constant contemplation this person will be happier than the one who does it out of the necessity of bodily urges, attempting to keep up with the Jones, parental or societal expectations, or to look ”good” to the RS & DS Soros sellouts ye praise, for if ye do you might later look like a deranged nutty fool foaming at the mouth yelling how ye was twicked into marriage on a former Coloradoian turned Texan site or if it be possible on a former American turned Taiwanian site or just on a former anti-tradcon turned pro-tradcon Limey’s site even!
Exit Question: What can we do to plan ahead to ensure the satisfaction and sanctification of our youth’s human sociosexual needs?
Most likely what does the youth need to hear? Just be an average & ordinary Sigma(as the sphere also says) like Derek, GBFM & Cameron323 who have always had decent, average & ordinary gals to wife similar to women like the Manosphere Auxiliary Ladies Liz and Elspeth.
YES, a cool down to think and reflect on all the past mistakes that way too many Geniuses have made was needed!
Calling someone a “twat” in British culture is an insult. A serious one. Its not just “quit being obnoxious”
Its just not thrown about in daily banter. Its usually tossed out and down, daring you to defend yourself or honor or status………
“thems fightin’ words”
It can be in reference to female genitalia as well…….
Its not a a good or nice, polite word to use.
Derek. Instead of a cooldown. Just leave them alone. They know anything and everything anyway. You are dealing with a social IQ of people who never left “jr high school”
You are dealing with people who I would guess in the end are jealous perhaps of you? Not that they lose sleep over it…..but your marriage, your stances fly in the face of everything they hitched their lives to concerning women, marriage, society, dating, sex and complex female psychology
They see themselves that indeed this “red pill” is actually not infallible and they cannot accept that
i especially like this from a guy who was all about pleasing=tickling=encouragfing women’s hypergamy with game.
”If nothing can be known or established about hypergamy; then he and his ”independent alliance” partners AKA the ”king of commenters” GBFM & his best buds who eternally ride shotgun with him MOSES & JESUS, don’t know any more than I do.”
Hey Deti you might NOT have any answers but Roissy did!
You once told us they were the secret to a good marriage and now claim ”I NEVER SAID THAT”tet if ye , follow them with all your gamey heart, might, strength & mind, you will never need to whine again”why does Derek, GBFM, MOSES, JESUS, SAM, Liz’s MIKE & Cameron323 get the dedicated babes that I don’t!????????”
Of course, you could see what JESUS(Quoting MOSES NOT Roissy,Rollo nor Iceberg Slim) has to say here, but it will offend thee i suspect & thy gamey mind and heart:
19 Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, He left Galilee and went into the part of Judea that is beyond the Jordan; 2 and large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.
3 And the gamey Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him (while the gamey Pharisees lusted for hot and wanton poon)and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason(such as hotter poon)?” 4 He replied, “Have you never read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined inseparably to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.” 7 The Pharisees said to Him, “Why then did Moses command us to give her a certificate of divorce and send her away?” 8 He said to them, “Because your hearts were hard and stubborn Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. 9 I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery[a].”
10 The disciples said to Jesus, “If the relationship of a man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” 11 But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom [the capacity to receive] it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been born that way from their mother’s womb [making them incapable of consummating a marriage]; and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men [for royal service]; and there are eunuchs who have [b]made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”-Amplified Bible (AMP)
You along with Dalrock, Jack, Scott, and Sharkey with their hammering -offering fanboys choose the 16 poon commandments over JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS long ago and now in these latter days say ”WHEREFORE ARE THOU MY God and LORD JESUS & WHERE IS MASCULINITY HIMSELF WRAPPED IN AMPLIFIED KNOWLEDGE & MAJESTY BEYOND TIME & SPACE BETTER KNOWN AS GBFM?”
WE are where you abandoned us on your gamey quest of poon, that supposedly going
ro save marriage and western Civilization over a decade ago with societal and Governmental approval through the Satanic feministic game instead of the TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE & SALVATION that passes beyond all thy and others gamey understanding. Many of the younger MEN are finding us as Alas y’all gamey gamians remain ignorant of the day of your SALVATION from the lust & deceitfulness of the earthly fallen flesh! Perhaps one day you will join us Brother Deti but sin lieth at the’s hoping and looking to devour you like a Lamb before a wolf.
I’m going to try to spend some time rereading your original post, the linked substack article and your follow up post.
It has been useful to think about the various ideas I’ve seen described by various redpill authors and commenters and to try to discern what they/we are trying to say.
I agree, it is useful. And, to be clear, I’m not saying that all Red Pill ideas are wrong. In this case, I’m hyper-focused on hypergamy as an illusion, and of the role (or lack thereof) of luck. Whatever else you might say, it is that one thing—hypergamy—that I call a myth, not necessarily all the other ancillary topics.
.And, to be clear, I’m not saying that all Red Pill ideas are wrong. In this case, I’m hyper-focused on hypergamy as an illusion, and of the role (or lack thereof) of luck. Whatever else you might say, it is that one thing—hypergamy—that I call a myth, not necessarily all the other ancillary topics.
That’s good Derek, but not good enough for the RP® Genius Leaders and their yes-men
minions(as Deti says) who fear reality and criticism that just reminds them of their tremendous failure to keep so many of us here who brought tremendous and incredible success to them and even more the people who used to go to their RP® sites, but don’t now
mainly by knowing that they can’t stand the fire in the kitchen as being so-called truth-seekers who claim to be RP® Genius Leaders.
Profile photo for Susan Scher
Susan Scher
Author has 14.6K answers and 30.1M answer views7y
Because they don’t have enough confidence in themselves. They need to have other people tell them, “Yes, you’re right” for them to believe it. They think it matters that people approve of them. That’s why they are sensitive to criticism. In their mind, they are being told they are wrong.
My mother told me all my life, “Tell them the truth once. If they don’t believe you the first time, they’re not going to believe you the second time, either.” It only took about 20 years for me to accept that she was right.
Profile photo for Mwanandeke Kindembo
Mwanandeke Kindembo
Author has 1.5K answers and 2.7M answer views7y
Why do some people need others to agree with them to feel right or else they don’t like people criticizing their choices?
It seems like you know the answer already, but you are asking just to verify if it’s true.
We have all been there where you want people to hear your voice or to persuade others to take your opinion. In the case of those who need others to agree with them in order to feel right, they are still got the mindset of teenagers.
Upon this a question arise: At what age is a person considered as an adult?! Well, age doesn’t matter. All which matter is how you behave towards yourself and those around you. Be ready to take criticism like a man/woman and don’t take everything personal.
You have to consider the opinions of others but keep an open mind so that you won’t fall into their trap against you. Stick with your opinions even if no one is ready to digest them. In short, expect less from people and you will live happily afterwards.
Profile photo for Assistant
The need for validation from others can stem from various psychological factors and social dynamics. Here are some key reasons why some individuals may feel this way:
Self-Esteem: People with lower self-esteem may seek external validation to feel better about themselves. If they receive criticism, it can reinforce their negative self-image.
Fear of Rejection: Many individuals fear social rejection or disapproval. They may feel that if others don’t agree with their choices, it reflects poorly on them, leading to anxiety and defensiveness.
Cognitive Dissonance: When someone makes a choice, they often want to believe it’s the right one. If faced with criticism, it creates cognitive dissonance—a psychological discomfort that arises from holding conflicting beliefs. Seeking agreement helps resolve this discomfort.
Social Identity: People often derive part of their identity from their social groups. If their choices are criticized, it can feel like a personal attack on their social identity, prompting a defensive reaction.
Confirmation Bias: Individuals may have a tendency to seek out information or opinions that confirm their beliefs while dismissing or reacting negatively to opposing views. This bias can lead to a strong need for agreement.
Cultural Factors: In some cultures, conformity and group harmony are highly valued. People from these backgrounds may feel particularly distressed when their choices are criticized, as it can disrupt social cohesion.
Past Experiences: Previous negative experiences with criticism can lead individuals to be more sensitive to disapproval. They might have learned that criticism leads to conflict or hurt, making them more defensive in the future.
Understanding these factors can help in addressing the underlying issues and fostering healthier communication and relationships.