Hypergamy is a Myth: Part 2

A while back I wrote “Hypergamy is a Myth.” There I made a few observations and conclusions.

First, numerous studies show that both men and women desire to pair with someone above their station. Both men and women want to be hypergamous. There is no indication that only one sex is motivated by hypergamy.

Second, it is not possible for both men and women to be successfully hypergamous. For every hypergamous woman, there must be corresponding a hypogamous man. And for every hypergamous man, there must be a corresponding hypogamous woman. Thus, if men and women were both equally successful (or unsuccessful) at hypergamy, then they would cancel each other out and you’d have heterogamy. This is precisely what happens.

Third, there is a widespread belief—especially in the Manosphere—that human pairing is a non-Normal Pareto Distribution. This is normally called the “80/20 principle”, where 20% of men pair up with 80% of the women, leaving the bottom 20% of the women for the remaining 80% of men. However, this is not found in any data on long-term relationships (dating or marriage). In fact, humans tend to assortatively pair with people they are “looksmatched” with.

Fourth, there is a disconnect between the perception of attractiveness and what is actually “looksmatched.” In any given good match, both men and women  tend to perceive women to be more attractive than men in those average pairings. This is what leads to the common stereotype “he didn’t deserve her.” This, surprisingly, is not a feminist trope but is actually a misunderstanding of reality based on a shared false perception: women’s looks are overvalued by both men and women. In actual reality, the most successful “looksmatched” matches are those in which the man is perceived to have—but not actually having—been hypergamous.

Fifth, unbalanced relationships (where one hypergamous partner actually moves up) have a higher divorce risk. Interestingly, a hypergamous female relationship is less likely to divorce than a hypergamous male relationship. In other words, female hypergamy has better outcomes than male hypergamy, but both are worse than heterogamy. Consequently, avoiding male hypergamy would be more likely to reduce the divorce rate than avoiding female hypergamy. However, if a man avoids all hypergamy and hypogamy, he’s minimizing his divorce odds.

Sixth, since people are naturally highly effective at assortative pairing, altering the sorting process is likely to cause a bunch of negative outcomes. For example, while the perception of attractiveness leads to the perception that most pairings are a mismatch, they are actually good assortative matches. This means that any attempt to alter the normal assortative pairing process (e.g. trying to match people by perceived attractiveness) is likely to be negative and increase, not reduce, divorce risk. Consequently, by altering the natural sorting processes, following Red Pill wisdom can either result in no pairings at all or a worse pairing.

Last week, I posted a link to my original post over at Spawny’s and I made this critique regarding the standard Manosphere’s tendency to blame Bad Things on female hypergamy:

Derek L. Ramsey
“…due to hypergamy…”

Since that [quoted] comment got six likes (so far!), I thought I’d add that “Hypergamy is a Myth” and we’d all do better to stop blaming various social ills on that mythical bogeyman.

Given the sad state of discourse there, I’m sure you’ll be unsurprised by the result. Here are the least constructive comments:


I’ve read quite a bunch of silliness at Derek’s site recently. While some of it would be easy enough to poke holes in, I don’t have the time to argue with a stubborn fool who is willing to double down on his lies and who admits that nobody on earth can make him change his mind about his foolishness and his entitlement to redefine words and terms to suit himself, in order to bend reality to where his failed Feminism seems sensible. Nor do I need to feed the manosphere trolls at his site. They’re able to work themselves into a froth without my direct participation there at Derek’s troll asylum.



With screwed up doctrine like that he advocates doing evil…The excuse that you want to bring God’s kingdom here faster is just corrupt excuse making for the evil that you do and advocate. Derek’s doctrine is foolish and evil. It is a doctrine of surrender to evil, and complicity with wickedness. It is the will of the devil, that Derek believes and spreads that wicked foolishness, not God’s desire that we welcome wickedness as it comes into our society.



With Derek Ramsey working as a servant of Satan to usher in the Antichrist, by inverting our responsibility from resisting the devil to welcoming his wickedness and deception, you really cannot trust the guy. The Satanists think that deception is good, and as Derek stated above from in his “AI Apocalypse” comments, he thinks it is evil to resist the proliferation of evil and deception, because in God’s permissive will, He allows for there to be evil and deception in our world. SMH

These have “crazy uncle” vibes. You can see how I would avoid engaging with such ad hominem and those ridiculous assertions. In any case, none of that has anything to do with hypergamy, even if it were true.

Fortunately, Cameron responded in the comment section under my article with productive and insightful comments, showing that when people come here to chat, things generally proceed nicely. I suggest you check those out if you would prefer positive analysis.

As for Spawny’s Space, the on-topic comments were not much better. Here is another “6 like” comment:


A little illustration of hypergamy’s unrelenting nature –

A woman is given a choice of any of five men, all of whom are interested in her, for romance. She easily selects the most attractive one, we’ll call him Brad, and is feeling bubbly about her prospective date. Suddenly, mack daddy Chad appears on the scene, the hawtness total package, and he shows clear interest in our subject woman. Instantly, she not only enthusiastically latches onto Chad, but – and here’s the key – Brad suddenly becomes a non-entity in her eyes, basically indistinguishable from the other men she rejected; she no longer desires him in the slightest. Her hypergamy causes her to quickly feel nothing for Brad and tingly mightily for Chad

Men, on the other hand, are not like this at all. If Sally meets a man’s bangability standard, he wants her, period. Even if a more physically attractive specimen becomes available to him, and he chooses to pursue her, he will not desire Sally one iota less, and will happily engage with her if the opportunity is presented. That’s because he is prone to polygyny, not hypergamy.

This doesn’t even appear to be an anecdote, as it isn’t substantiated. The “yes men” in the crowd just eat it up as if the data supported it. Hint: it doesn’t.

If these men were actually interested in testing their viewpoint to see if it is actually true, they’d build some hypotheses and test them. For example, if men are prone to polygyny and women were prone to hypergamy, then at any given time, you’d expect men to have multiple partners while women would be serially monogamous. In other words, you’d need a lot of sexually active women for a relatively few men. That’s the assumption of the 80/20 principle, where 20% of men are paired with 80% of the women. In other words, you’d have a lot of these:

The problem? Reality doesn’t match.

As “Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks” by Bearman, Moody, and Stovel shows, in an entire high school with ~600 students in relationships over an eighteen-month period in the 90s, there is only one of these alpha males. In fact, if we zoom out a little bit, we’ll see that the whole narrative breaks down even further:

That’s right. Almost every female that this “alpha” was with was with one or two other different males (and they in turn with one or two other different females). There was not a single alpha male whose partners were exclusive only to them. There was just one alpha female (with exclusive access to four males). For the most part, there are no differences between male and female behaviors:

For example, considering people who had 4 or more partners, at least half were female. Males were not more likely to have been selected by many different females, something you would not expect if you thought female hypergamy and the 80/20 principle were true.

The ratio of participation is about 95 females to 100 males. That is what you would expect if pairing was assortative on a Normal Distribution and heterogamy was the standard. It does not replicate the Pareto 80/20 principle nor hypergamy. Males and females are almost equally likely as men to have just one partner or to have more than one partner. There is no indication at all that males are prone to polygyny and females are prone to hypergamy. The hypothesis has been rejected.

Almost a quarter of relationships were strictly monogamous and more than 40% had only one partner. There was no significant difference between male and female behavior. This militates against the hypothesis that women are hypergamous while men tend to polygyny.

By contrast, about half of relationships are interconnected in a big web of fornication. The majority of people—both male and female—had 1 to 3 relationships. There were very few alphas. In fact, there were more “alpha” females than “alpha” males, but both were relatively rare. The whores and chads might get all the press, but they really are not a significant factor. So too, all of this defies the hypothesis that women are hypergamous while men tend to polygyny.

The remaining 10% form various own small relationship webs, and again consisted of an nearly equal proportion of males and females. There is no indication of hypergamy or tendencies towards polygyny.

Notably, up to 2 in 3 students were romantically and/or sexually active. Up to two-thirds of males were in at least one relationship (and often more). Even accounting for out-of-school relationships, this defies any notion that only 20% of males can attract a female.

There is almost a complete lack of “short cycles” in the sexual habits of males and females in large groups like this.

Short cycles, or small loops, are what you would expect if there were a lot of male or female “alphas”: highly attractive individuals that have a lot of partners. The female partners of the male alphas should, if hypergamy were true, mostly partner with the other top-20% male alphas, leading to loops between common persons. But, in general people rarely shared more than one partner in common and almost every participant had 1 to 3 partners. There are only three short cycles among nearly 600 students.

The researchers—two decades ago in 2004—specifically noted how rare short cycles were and were surprised by the result. The Manosphere has never received this message.

What’s interesting is that men in the Manosphere are probably most aware of this part of society…

…but are probably least aware of this one:

In any case, what the researchers found was that students assortatively paired. Assortative mating is antithetical to hypergamy:

American Journal of Sociology
Table 2 demonstrates clear evidence of homophily in romantic partnerships. Adolescents at Jefferson tend to select partners with similar socioeconomic status, grade point average, college plans, attachment to school, trouble in school, drinking behavior, IQ, and grade. With respect to categorical attributes, partners tend to be similar in terms of sexual experience, suspension from school, and smoking. Less important is religious denomination.


American Journal of Sociology
While homophily is strong, the preference for similarity does not extend to all characteristics, most obviously sex and age. Almost every single reported romantic relationship at Jefferson is a cross-sex relationship, and as is true in most high schools, girls at Jefferson tend to be involved with older boys. Ninth grade girls tend to be in relationships with ninth and tenth grade boys, tenth grade girls with boys in the tenth and eleventh grades, and so on. Among all partnerships involving Jefferson students, we observe a mean grade difference of .9, less than expected if relationships were formed independent of age (mean difference p 1.23 in the randomly assigned pairs), but evidence of a female preference for older boys (or male preference for younger girls)

But most importantly is this conclusion:

American Journal of Sociology
Thus homophily on experience is a key element in generating the structure we observe.

People naturally sort themselves according to sexual experience. Males and females with more experience tend to pair up with others who have more experience.

This leads to a very uncomfortable fact: sexually experienced men—or men who would choose to be if they could; or men who would have if not for religion —in the manosphere are naturally attracted to women who themselves have more sexual experience or are more likely to cheat. This process process of assortative mating is natural and mostly unconscious, but it helps to realize that the men complaining how bad women are are actively—even if unconsciously—naturally attracted to the kind of women most likely to cheat on—and ultimately divorce—them.

It would be decidedly unhelpful to say “be more attractive to women who are less attractive to you and less attracted to you in order to have a better relationship” but that’s what we are talking about. This isn’t hypergamy, it is assortative mating.

Since mating preferences are not merely about sexual attraction, but involves a number of other factors, attempting to improve your looks is generally not going to dramatically alter your assortative mating prospects (whether positive or negative). Nor are most other self-help pieces of advice. Making dramatic alterations to oneself, including moving into a much higher income bracket, becoming a better student, or altering one’s social standing, are not always possible. People are not blank slates.

Anyway, let’s see if we can find any more constructive comments.


Ramman’s article “Hypergamy is a Myth” is premised on the “But But but MEN DO IT TOO!!” fallacy. No. Men do NOT “do it too”. Only women are hypergamous. Men optimize; but men are not hypergamous. Hypergamy is a specific kind of optimization that is endemic only to women.

The data (and what I actually wrote) tells a different tale, leading me to wonder if they actually read what I wrote or if they just didn’t comprehend it. Researchers have been unable to replicate the claim made in this comment. By all indications, neither men nor women are actually hypergamous.


Hypergamy is a specific state in which women are attracted only to men who are more attractive than women themselves are.

This is a perception, not a reality. The reality is that women are perceived to be slightly hypogamous in practice, but heterogamous in actuality.


Hypergamy is “attracted only to those people who are more attractive than me”. Men do not do that.

The irony is that as a relationship length increases, the more likely that the perception is that he moved up to a woman who is more attractive than he is.

Also, men are attracted to people who are more attractive than them, but they are more likely to avoid acting on this desire because the penalties of doing so are too high. If the penalties were lower, men absolutely would appear to be attracted only to those people who are more attractive than they are. It’s certainly not desire that is the limiting factor here.


Men are attracted to women who are more attractive; at the same level of attractiveness; and less attractive. Ergo: only women are hypergamous.

Both men and women do the best they can. Both optimize. But only women are hypergamous. Only women are “attracted only to those who are more attractive than me”. That’s not what men do, and it’s never been what men do.

Even if this were true—and it isn’t—it would only indicate that women desire to be hypergamous. But women are all talk and no game. When it comes to actual results, they are not hypergamous. Like men, they do not restrict themselves only to higher-tier partners.


Ramman also erroneously ties relationship duration and success to women’s hypergamous behavior.

It’s not me, it’s all of the studies which show that both men and women are hypergamous. Any hint of hypergamy disappears along with the increasing duration of the relationship. That’s just the reality of the situation. By the time most couples marry, they may have both racked up a lot of….mileage….but they both ultimately settled on a fair match.


He contends that because women fail to sustain relationships with very attractive men, ergo, women are not hypergamous.

First, this is not just women with men, it’s also men with women. Hypergamy of both sexes tends to fail early on in relationships.

Second, hypergamy is rare even in the initial stages of relationship. Most people preselect for homophily and heterogamy prior to acquiring a partner. In other words, the negotiation phase where people self-sort rules out hypergamy in most partners.

Third, even where one partner is hypergamous, this does not continue to all their relationships, just some of them. Others are heterogamous or hypogamous.


He also contends that because most women get into relationships with men who are their rough SMV or RMV counterparts, ergo, women are not hypergamous.

Because the word hypergamy means this:

Hypergamy is the practice of marrying or dating someone of a higher social status or economic standing. It can also refer to marrying into a higher caste.

To be hypergamous, you have to actually do this successfully. So the fact that women do not do this successfully means they are not hypergamous. If women are getting into relationships who are comparable matches, then by definition, they are not hypergamous.


His claims also are based on the apparent argument that the word “attraction” means or can mean something other than sexual attraction, i.e. sexual desirability. I.e. how attractive someone is to the opposite sex, for sex.

Apparent? Did he even read what I wrote?

How about this explicit statement:

…women as a group are generally perceived as more attractive than men. Whether this is because men are less picky or because women are “the fairer sex” is not the point: both seek partners who are above their (looks-based) station.

Or this one:

Because they are perceived to be more attractive, they can be more selective because they are in higher demand. So, it is true that unattractive men will get less dates than their “looksmatched” counterpart unattractive women, but this is because more attractive people—whether men or women—get more dates overall.

That claim is ridiculous, but not just because it misrepresents what I said, but because it misrepresents reality:

Attractiveness, noun — The quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses; the possession of qualities or features that arouse interest.

Referring to attractiveness to include things other than physical attractiveness is very common for people, including researchers, to do.


A woman’s willingness to get into a relationship with a man she’s not attracted to does not mean she’s not hypergamous.

Now we are getting into crazy territory. That’s precisely what it means. By definition. The definition of hypergamy is this:

Hypergamy is the practice of marrying or dating someone of a higher social status or economic standing. It can also refer to marrying into a higher caste.

Hypergamy isn’t happening. Consider:

In online dating networks, homophily begins to assert itself as soon as the first reciprocal message is received. Even looks-based hypergamy is a superficial effect.


Women have relationships with and marry men they’re not sexually attracted to. That does not mean sexual attraction is present. Women get into these relationships and marriages, and then chafe and buck against them because they settled. They’re tormented by the fact that they could do better for sex but now cannot without destroying their lives.

Whether this is true or not is orthogonal to the question of hterogamy, hypergamy, and hypogamy. This is orthogonal to the issue because women have relationships with and marry men—who are higher, lower, or the same level as they are—that they are not attracted to.

Anyway, if you want some more serious critiques of what I’ve written, go read what Cameron has written.

Now, let’s move on to the recent article:

Farm Boy

We all know about the gal’s hypergamy, and how it has been unleashed in the modern day. Let us consider a thought experiment. What if men were hypergamous, while the women were not, with all other predispositions being the same?

So men would only be satisfied with the hottest women for banging, and only the most feminine for marriage. On the other hand, the gals will readily settle for their equal, or maybe even their inferior.

Oh, yes, we all “know” about female hypergamy.

Notice how Farm Boy is defining male hypergamy as being “only satisfied with having sex with the most attractive women.” It’s feelings based, not based on actions. So, using the same definition for women, if a woman has sex with an unattractive man or a man with matched attractiveness, this doesn’t count as hypogamy because of her feelings.

It’s hard to take these feelings-based arguments seriously.

The problem with the female hypergamy hypothesis is that statistically looksmatched relationships have the most intimacy, by far. When it comes to actual feelings, a woman is happier in an assortatively matched pair. Actually hypergamous women—those who are with men who are above her station—are less happy and decidedly not satisfied. So if hypergamy is feelings-based, then hypergamy is disproved by a woman’s own feelings.

We know that women will engage in looks-based hypogamy, heterogamy, and hypergamy, so if we are basing hypergamy on a woman’s actual choices, then women are not actually choosing hypergamy. We also know that women are not more satisfied by hypergamous relationships (compared to heterogamous ones), so based on their actual feelings women are not hypergamous. And, of course, we know that women are not hypergamous when it comes to the standard full definition of hypergamy, which takes into account things other than pure sexual attraction.

The only way that women are hypergamous is their initial intentions or their motivations. But these quickly dissipate in the very early stages of relationship discovery and negotiation, and the dating and marriage marketplace quickly prices out any discrepancies. In other words, hypergamy is a perception.

Farm Boy
A Thought Experiment

What if men were hypergamous….What if the boys were taught that they don’t all deserve the hawtest chicks? Historically the guys have been able to learn about limitations and go forth. Why would this time be anything different? I am thinking that the fellas could bite the bullet and take one for the team.

Farm Boy’s cute little contrived example doesn’t work for two reasons.

First, because actual in-practice hypergamy—whether male or female—leads to worse outcomes: less satisfaction and higher divorce. Heterogamy just works better, which is why people do it.

Second, men and women are different, they are not interchangeable blank slates. Male and female hypergamy are not equivalent and interchangeable concepts. In particular, the divorce rate for hypergamous men is higher than for hypergamous women: the latter is tolerated much more than the former.  Thus, the idea that men could “bite the bullet” and pull off hypergamy in such a hostile environment is absurd. The only reason women are perceived as hypergamous is because the penalty for doing so is less.

We don’t need a thought experiment to know what would happen. Male hypergamy has been studied and it carries a much more serious risk of divorce than heterogamy or female hypergamy. If guys were asked to do it, the bullet they’d have to bite would be the much higher likelihood of divorce. Considering how aggressively men are already avoiding attachments in the existing heterogamous environment (both in terms of sexual activity and marriage), would they actually bite the bullet en masse and take one for the team? Absolutely not. If men were asked to be hypergamous, fornication would increase relative to the decrease in marriage.

If the penalty for male hypergamy was less, men would be just as hypergamous as women are, since men and women are nearly equally hypergamous in terms of their desires.


Marriages happen because the guys want sex. They’re not marrying for kids. They’re marrying for sex. Remember, their sex drives are still very high, so they need to get that satisfied. So a lot of men marry unattractive women because it’s the only way they can get sex; but they don’t like it.

The statistics do not bear this out. Assortative mating is the norm.


Unleashed hypergamy is bad for both sides, no matter who has it

It is bad for both sides, but not no matter who has it. It is much worse for men to be hypergamous than for women. Female hypergamy involves a small rise in divorce risk, but male hypergamy involves a more significant rise in divorce risk. Since a sizable majority of women are the ones filing for divorce, hypergamy is not an unreasonable risk for women. It is a Red Pill myth that female hypergamy is devastating for women. It’s generally worse for men.

Let’s summarize.

First, the average women will mate with men of all levels of attractiveness, but most often with men who are similar to them in attractiveness. If hypergamy is “mating only with more attractive men” then women are not hypergamous.

Second, the average women might choose to mate with a more attractive man, but her satisfaction—her feelings—will not be greater. If hypergamy is “only satisfied with the hottest for banging” then women are not hypergamous.

Third, the average woman mates more often with men who are of similar attractiveness to themselves. If hypergamy is “visceral sexual attraction” then women are not hypergamous.

Fourth, if hypergamy includes things like social status or economic standing, then women are heterogamous, not hypergamous.

Fifth, if hypergamy is defined as the desire to mate with someone in a higher tier, then both men and women are equally hypergamous.

In summary, the manosphere’s belief in female hypergamy is a myth.

In closing, I want to highlight Rock Kitaro’s recent commentary:

There are plenty of couples who get married, having met their spouses back when they were in high school or college. I think this is an awesome and ideal way to meet your spouse.

We’ve all had crushes. Once you graduated, it’s a romantic hope to reconnect with that one girl or guy you always had a crush on and see if you can make it work. So, why isn’t my generation en masse taking advantage of this?

Stupid curiosity for one thing. And I used to be guilty of this.

I remember criticizing a number of couples who got married straight out of high school. A lot of our mentality was

“Don’t you want to see the world? You’re tied down to one person for the rest of your life? You haven’t even experienced what else life has to offer! It’s too soon!”

Lol, now look at us. They’re still married with kids about to graduate high school, while we’re writing blogs and posting videos about the struggles of the dating market.

Assortative mating is vicious and uncaring.

Few men realize exactly how powerful their ingrained preferences are in determining the selection bias that rules their relationship outcomes. Men and women are attracted to the kind of person they are attracted to: people who are largely similar to who they are. If they find themselves always alone or with women who are experienced, cheaters, or prone to divorce, it’s because that’s who the market says they should be paired with. They can blame the world for being cruel—and it is—but ultimately the world is just giving them what they “want.”

How many men are going to look introspectively at their past beliefs and past decisions and conclude that they got exactly what they should have gotten, even if they didn’t realize where it was all leading. Men can come up with all sorts of explanations for why their method is the best and some other method is the worst, and why they their previous mistakes shouldn’t have any consequences, but this is why it is important to see what the actual data says. And, frankly, not everyone is willing to do that.

Rock Kitaro is talking about people like me. I married a girl from my high school. I’m still married. My kids are about to graduate high school. Most men in the Manosphere don’t listen to people like me. They think we are always wrong about everything and have nothing to offer, that we are disconnected from the real reality.

Back when I was on Boxer’s blog, I was the only one in the group telling people that they should be trying to find a wife as soon as possible when they are a teenager, because the best brides go quickly and young. By age 25 or so, it is too late. They tried to tell me that the divorce rate is higher among the young and that I was wrong. It turns out the divorce rate is higher among the young, but this is due to confounding: the divorce rate is higher because people prone to lower divorce rates don’t get married young….but they should and would have even lower divorce rates if they did.

The point is that if you dwell on hypergamy—a rare and mostly meaningless phenomena—you will be wasting your time when it could be better spent elsewhere. And the fact that you are wasting it discussing hypergamy is one of the reasons assortative mating practices have put you in the position that it has by your own choice. To quote Rock Kitaro:

Lol, now look at us. They’re still married with kids about to graduate high school, while we’re writing blogs and posting videos about the struggles of the dating market.

If you spend your time talking about women on the internet (something I generally avoid in favor of talking about men or having topical discussions), you are most likely going to get “assortatively paired” with yourself. This isn’t meant as an insult, it’s just that assortative mating is vicious and uncaring. Be aware. And take Rock Kitaro’s advice and branch out. And, as much as I hate saying it because I enjoy the interaction, you may want to stop reading blogs, including mine.


  1. bruce g charlton

    I haven’t read the whole thing (because I have zero patience with “fisking” as a mode of argument!) – but from your opening summary, I regard you as being broadly correct and reality-based on this subject.

    However, I would suggest that whatever modern patterns of sexual attraction and behaviour actually are, they are unlikely to be biologically adaptive (in the sense of leading to the best genetic outcomes, and/or social outcomes); because modern circumstances are so very different from societies of the past.

    I had my views on this subject modified by considering the work of Menelaos Apostolou, which seems solid to me:

    Se: https://charltonteaching.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-science-of-sex-most-important.html

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      Thanks for your link. As seems to be the growing trend, it is precisely what I needed.

      I write in the “fisking” mode primarily as a means of organizing my own thoughts and putting them to the challenge. It has been very helpful for this purpose, especially when others are unable or unwilling to take the other side in a debate. It is rare indeed that anyone reads and engages with what I write. I’m still occasionally surprised when people actually take the time to read what I write, rather than do as you did.

      As for your comment, you may well be correct.

      I would give us the timeless warning: correlation does not equal causation. My view here does not determine the cause of patterns of sexual attraction, only show where there is a lack of correlation (e.g. between the 80/20 principle and heterogamy). That is, IMO, good enough for my purpose.

      So you may be right or wrong, but I don’t have a strong enough understanding to weigh in.


  2. professorGBFMtm

    Most men in the Manosphere don’t listen to people like me. They think we are always wrong about everything and have nothing to offer, that we are disconnected from the real reality.

    YEAH, that’s where it gets ”Gnostic”-lite {I.E they have ”secret” Knowledge and you don’t know the ”secrets” that they do-BUT as the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN has shown for almost 15 years there is NO SUCH THING! The knowledge is out there in the public domain-people either just don’t like its packaging, grammar, style, or message but it is out there is the point! Waiting to be found}

    They can blame the world for being cruel—and it is—but ultimately the world is just giving them what they “want.”

    How many men are going to look introspectively at their past beliefs and past decisions and conclude that they got exactly what they should have gotten, even if they didn’t realize where it was all leading. Men can come up with all sorts of explanations for why their method is the best and some other method is the worst, and why they their previous mistakes shouldn’t have any consequences, but this is why it is important to see what the actual data says. And, frankly, not everyone is willing to do that.

    i can easily believe this-almost(at least 90% of the time-but remember I’m not expecting to be worshipped, admired, and certainly NOT sexed up by them) every woman i run into i can easily get along with and often enjoy interacting with and yet supposed RP® Genius Leaders with all their ”learning” of social skills from Dale Carnegie/Tony Robbins BOOKS & seminars, graphs, charts, terms, and ancient languages can’t even do half as good as I can interacting=talking with women.

    In other words?

    ”Learning” can be vastly overrated when you most likely don’t have the right ”locus of control” like Jack kept yammering about for a while about two tears ago.

  3. Derek L. Ramsey

    That’s where it gets ”Gnostic”-lite {I.E they have ”secret” Knowledge and you don’t know the ”secrets” that they do

    This is insightful.

    What we call “Red Pill wisdom” bears a resemblance to Gnostic esoteric secret knowledge only available to the elect. It even has its own highly specific specialized language. Just look at the way it takes the word “hypergamy” and redefines it.

    BUT as the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN has shown for almost 15 years there is NO SUCH THING! The knowledge is out there in the public domain-people either just don’t like its packaging, grammar, style, or message but it is out there is the point! Waiting to be found


  4. professorGBFMtm

    Deti keeps talking about ”being lucky” is the same true for Trump & Limbaugh?:

    Lucky loser : how Donald Trump squandered his father’s fortune and created the illusion of success

    “Soon after announcing his first campaign for the US presidency, Donald J. Trump told a national television audience that life ‘has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me.’ Building on a narrative he had been telling for decades, he spun a hardscrabble fable of how he parlayed a small loan from his father into a multi-billion-dollar business and real estate empire. This feat, he argued, made him singularly qualified to lead the country. None of it was true. Born to a rich father who made him the beneficiary of his own highly lucrative investments, Trump received the equivalent of more than $500 million today via means that required no business expertise whatsoever.Drawing on over twenty years’ worth of Trump’s confidential tax information, including the tax returns he tried to conceal, alongside business records and interviews with Trump insiders, New York Times investigative reporters Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig track Trump’s financial rise and fall, and rise and fall again. For decades, he squanders his fortunes on money losing businesses, only to be saved yet again by financial serendipity. He tacks his name above the door of every building, while taking out huge loans he’ll never repay. He obsesses over appearances, while ignoring threats to the bottom line and mounting costly lawsuits against city officials. He tarnishes the value of his name by allowing anyone with a big enough check to use it, and cheats the television producer who not only rescues him from bankruptcy but casts him as a business savant – the public image that will carry him to the White House. A masterpiece of narrative reporting, Lucky Loser is a meticulous, nearly-century spanning narrative, filled with scoops from Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Atlantic City, and the set of The Apprentice. At a moment when Trump’s tether to success and power is more precarious than ever, here for the first time is the definitive true accounting of Trump and his money – what he had, what he lost, and what he has left – and the final word on the myth of Trump, the self-made billionaire.” — ” From the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters behind the 2018 bombshell New York Times exposé of then-President Trump’s finances, an explosive investigation into the history of Donald Trump’s wealth, revealing how one of the country’s biggest business failures lied his way into the White House.” — Publisher annotation.

    How Rush Limbaugh Invented Donald Trump

    By Isaac Chotiner
    February 19, 2021

    Rush Limbaugh’s death this week, at seventy, of lung cancer, closes the book on more than a quarter century of conservative media defined by Limbaugh and his friend Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman and C.E.O., who died in 2017. Before Donald Trump’s entry into Republican politics, and even before Fox began dominating the cable airwaves, in the late nineties, Limbaugh had an unparalleled ability to rile up the Republican base and move the Party closer to his vision of pure Reaganism. That vision consisted of lower taxes and less regulation, opposition to abortion, and an aggressive posture abroad—the so-called “three-legged stool” of the Ronald Reagan coalition. For decades, this was Limbaugh’s mantra, with an emphasis on tax cuts. But his embrace of Trump in his final years, and his willingness to subsume his conservatism into the cult of one man, offered a different view of Limbaugh. He finished his career less as a leader of the Republican Party than as simply another Trump follower.

    Limbaugh, who was born to a prominent Missouri Republican family, began his broadcast career in his teens, and landed a spot on Sacramento radio, in 1984. Four years later, “The Rush Limbaugh Show” went national, beaming from New York’s WABC. (It remained his flagship station for most of his career, although Limbaugh eventually moved to Florida.) Averse to taking callers—that was often reserved for Fridays—Limbaugh had a remarkable ability to sustain a monologue, with only the commercials as breaks, for virtually the full three hours that his show aired each day. (Trump’s ability to command the microphone for an astonishing amount of time is the only comparable example I can think of, but Limbaugh, unlike the former President, could stay remarkably focussed.) He would often start a show by informing his listeners about his “stack” of clippings—usually news articles and alerts—and find ways to connect them to some overarching point he wanted to make, which often had to do with the magical effects of tax cuts on the economy, and the wastefulness of the federal government. “If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representations was bad, he should see how it is with representation,” he once said.

    As he got older and richer, he was fond of half-jokingly talking about his wealth and success. He boasted of “talent on loan from God,” and once stated, “I can’t even destroy myself. I’ve tried a couple times myself and it doesn’t work. I’m literally indestructible.” Like Trump, who enjoys informing audiences about his Ivy League education and telling them that he has better things to do than come to their rallies, Limbaugh relished the fact that those vaunted tax cuts he always talked up were going to people like himself.”

    Issac above was wrong of course Michael Savage & Vince Mcmahon made Billionaire business MAN bad guy Trump NOT elrushbo who said”Rush Limbaugh’s big concession: ‘Are you admitting Trump is not a conservative? Damn right I am!’
    Oliver Darcy Sep 16, 2016, 2:58 PM ET

    Rush Limbaugh conceded on Thursday that he does not believe Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, is a conservative.

    & for the ”Christian” RP® Genius Leaders about their two above idols”Limbaugh, like Trump, never seemed particularly passionate about conservative Christian causes. He took the “right” positions on abortion and gay marriage, but had an early insight that to much of his audience cultural grievances mattered more. ”

    Now do they see why voting or politics means very little to the MGTOW, GBFM, Derek & MOD?

    Yet the now supposed ”Christian”(as before they weren’t really ”Christian” or saved but chumps living a feelz feelz good lie at churchian buildings) RP® Genius Leaders are still living in their blue pilled delusional world of cultural grievances politics instead of the REAL WORLD® which set them up for failure, not success as it does for others in the know such as Trump, Elrushbo, ROISSY-Heartiste, GBFM & Derek to be ”lucky”.

  5. Malcolm Reynolds

    [NOTE: this comment]

    “If you are correct, then hypergamous women are lying by saying they are not hypergamous. Why would every woman do this and in such a highly coordinated way?”

    Men embellish their successes, especially in love and war. Even the bible is full of examples of this. These men didn’t need to “highly coordinate” that embellishment, it is well-known male nature to do so.

    Therefore historical criticism was invented to that into account and try to correct for it. You can read ancient accounts, apply the method and to get more realistic results.

    In the same way women embellish their sexual encounters. (The same term “embellish” applies, but you can guess in which direction that embellishment naturally goes.)

    If the study authors didn’t account and correct for that, their results are simply invalid. If I would be in the field (I’m not) with an interest in attacking their results, I would start by looking at the missing short circuits. These are the most notable red flag telling, that something must be off.

    Self-reporting is one of the reasons why most people have a very low opinion of “social sciences”. These people are not actually applying the scientific method.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      Men embellish their successes, especially in love and war.

      You’ve missed my point. It’s not that men or women don’t lie, it’s that they don’t do so randomly. There is an expected distribution or pattern to their lies.


      …is not what would happen if people were lying. The hypothesis that females just left details out or that males embellished their exploits would not result in these patterns.

      To get these outcomes it either has to be true or the result of a mass conspiracy—coordination—by the students to deceive the researchers…. or else the researchers fabricated the data.

      Just consider how there are many instances where a single male (or female) had 3+ partners. And when you look at those partners, you almost never see them having relationships with the same people. And their partners have little overlap with others close by in their “circle.” It’s as if each person—male or female—has a set of partners reserved only for them. There is almost a complete and total absence of “short cycles.”

      You would not see this if people were making stuff up. This is such statistical oddity that it either proves that the data is real or completely faked by the researchers. Understand what I am saying: individuals lying individually cannot explain the highly structured nature of the data. It can’t be explained by the subjects lying.

      It is much more likely that what we are seeing is the highly specific power of assortative mating, where there is very little overlap between groups of individuals when it comes to mating preferences. People naturally pair up with a small number of people who are most like them. It refutes the notion that there is an objective level of “attractiveness.”

      Let’s say you have six people, females A, C, and E, and males B, D, and F. If they are all friends and hypergamy were true, you might expect that the females (A, C, E) would all choose the most attractive male (B), but that’s not what you see. You’ll see a relationship structured like A < => B < => C < => D < => E < => F, such that even though D and F are both with E, D would also be with C, but F would not make this choice. At most two members of the group have interest in the same man, but on the whole their interests do not align. There is a distinct lack of alphas, hypergamy, or a Pareto distribution (as with Rollo here who interestingly doesn’t claim that women are actually hypergamous, only that they want to be, which is exactly what I am claiming).

      Much of “hypergamy”—the difference between how men and women approach dating—is explained by intrasexual competition, but this is all for show. When it comes to actual pairing, the top males don’t acquire partners at a rate significantly different than the rest of the males, nor do the females who lose the intrasexual battle continue to fight over the same man once they have lost.

      The Red Pill has fallen for believing the marketing.

      Women are primarily competing with other women in a way that men do not similarly compete with other men. This is why the 80/20 principle generally ends as soon as one woman wins the competition.

      If it were about purely physical attraction, the results would be significantly different.


      1. Malcolm Reynolds

        “or else the researchers fabricated the data”

        And sadly in the field of social sciences that’s an actual likely possibility.

        If I would conduct such research I would hand out free smartphones to the entire group under a sham and wiretap all of them under review of an ethics board. As a researcher I don’t even need to look at their messages (which is highly unethical), the metadata these devices generate is good enough for reliable results interviews could never provide.

        After the fact I would conduct the interviews to come up with your graph, however I propose, the actual data would provide a very different picture:

        The guy with the nine girl dots hasn’t ever been in “bedroom vicinity” with at least six of them. That data point doesn’t stand scrutiny and would be thrown out by historical criticism, if that would some ancient author reporting on his sexual deeds. But modern phone tracking would produce hard evidence.

        At least 15 % of the 63 “monogamous” relationships would show some “connection” to the other guys (messaging, phones being in vicinity at unusual places). This hypothesis is backed up by paternity tests done on married couples leading to a varying number of about 1/5th of children not being from the husband, despite the couples reporting faithfulness. These samples are “high school couples”, they are not married at all and do not share a household- these are showing less faithfulness not more.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “And sadly in the field of social sciences that’s an actual likely possibility.”

          But no one who has attempted to refute my claim has shown this. By contrast, they are trying to “refute” the study by either general skepticism or else by citing their own personal anecdotes. This isn’t good enough.

  6. Pingback: A Note On Hypergamy - Derek L. Ramsey

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