Exploring Gnosticism: Part 4

Today we’re going to skip ahead to the sixth post in Jack’s series on Gnosticism.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

Don’t be afraid of conflict. Conflict improves discernment. Make it your friend and ally.

“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” — Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” — Matthew 10:34 (ESV)

…and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household church!

Trust that the truth will come out through adversity.

I want to pause here to note that Jack wrote this series in 2021, when I was still commenting at Sigma Frame and the there was a somewhat different group of readers and commenters. Later, Jack would tell me to keep my commentary on my own blog, and then when that posed insufficient to his preferences, he started telling me what I should write and lecturing me about being divisive and not promoting unity.

I wonder why Jack—when he gave me “advice”—didn’t thank me for all the conflict that I’ve supposedly engendered. He seems to have changed his mind. So much for conflict improving discernment and truth coming out through adversity!

Jack @ Sigma Frame

Gnosticism is a sin of idolatry and rebellion. It is everywhere! We are not aware of it. We need to repent from it, root it out, and fight against it. How can we repent and fight against it if we don’t even know what it is?

This description is so vague and unclear that it fails to communicate anything actionable. It is an ill-defined bogeyman.

As we’ve seen in this series, Jack’s poorly defined conception of modern “Gnosticism” has no connection to historical Gnosticism. In many (most?) cases, his descriptions are precisely opposite from what the historical Gnostics actually believed.

It’s the blind leading the blind.

As alluded to in Part 3, in our next post we’ll show how the foundations of Jack’s beliefs regarding Gnosticism are rooted in historical anachronism.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Jack @ Sigma Frame

    Objective Communications for Effective Group Leadership

    Don’t be afraid of conflict. Conflict improves discernment. Make it your friend and ally.

    “As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” — Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)

    “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” — Matthew 10:34 (ESV)

    …and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household church!

    Trust that the truth will come out through adversity.

    I want to pause here to note that Jack wrote this series in 2021, when I was still commenting at Sigma Frame and the there was a somewhat different group of readers and commenters. Later, Jack would tell me to keep my commentary on my own blog, and then when that posed insufficient to his preferences, he started telling me what I should write and lecturing me about being divisive and not promoting unity.

    I wonder why Jack—when he gave me “advice”—didn’t thank me for all the conflict that I’ve supposedly engendered. He seems to have changed his mind. So much for conflict improving discernment and truth coming out through adversity!

    Jack @ Sigma Frame

    Gnosticism is a sin of idolatry and rebellion. It is everywhere! We are not aware of it. We need to repent from it, root it out, and fight against it. How can we repent and fight against it if we don’t even know what it is?

    This description is so vague and unclear that it fails to communicate anything actionable. It is an ill-defined bogeyman.

    Jack basically knew once i and Novaseeker left SF and the the resulting posts delivered similar results pageview and commenting-wise to his 2017-November 2020 era of posts, he needed scapegoats and bogeyMEN which would soon become ”Gnosticism”,MOSES,JESUS and GBFM after they left laf443259520 *Permanently* on November 30th,2021(knowing it was now a zero chance of them returning to SF)-that scapegoating and bogeyMEN making continued until it targeted Liz & Elspeth in 2023 and MOD & Derek in ’24.

    In other words?
    SF and laf443259520 imploded in mid/late 2021 and then needed the ”right” scapegoats and bogeyMEN to blame it all on which soon after became”Gnosticism”,MOSES,JESUS,GBFM, Liz & Elspeth,MOD & Derek.

    Also could any of the so-called ”Patriarchal” RP® Genius leaders tell us why their so-called ”Patriarchal” strongMAN elpresidenti Trump has this mere woman as their ”Pastor”?
    The Affairs and Scandals of Trump’s Pastor | Paula White Documentary

    372K subscribers




    719,260 views May 17, 2024
    In a world of faith and flashy lights, megachurches and their pastors sometimes come with mega-drama… In Pastor Paula White’s world, alleged marital affairs, bankrupting churches, and using church money to pay for plastic surgery aren’t unheard of. As a young girl who lived in a trailer and became a young married mother, she grew up to become a preacher after an affair with the associate-pastor of her church (and not before they ran off together to start their own church). She went on to lead a congregation of 22,000, became a multimillionaire, hosted a Christian TV show, owned a private jet and an 8,000 sqft. beach-front home. But no matter how high she climbed, betrayal, greed, and multiple scandals have followed Paula her entire career and three marriages. This is the scandalous story and luxurious lifestyle of Pastor Paula White.

    Video Chapters:
    0:00 Intro
    2:26 The Come Up
    12:09 Revisionist History
    40:08 Church and State
    1:11:20 Pet Palate Cleanser

    ”Pastor” Paula’s Father Donald Paul Furr III sounds like most RP® Genius leaders fantasy world version of themselves (I.E.”tough-take no $#it from wimminz”unlike their so-called ”Patriarchal” strongMAN elpresidenti Trump who simps for a female”pastor” ) though maybe that’s why they speak nothing of Trump’s ”pastor” and essentially the U.S. ”Pastor”?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      People forget—despite you, our resident history teacher, telling them repeatedly—that we all used to be able to debate and conflict wasn’t shunned simply because it was conflict. It’s really stunning to recall that Jack said this:

      Don’t be afraid of conflict. Conflict improves discernment. Make it your friend and ally.

      That wasn’t that long ago, but my how things have changed. That now seems like ancient history.

      Remember when Sharkly defended me from the Doctor of Feelings? He recognized that conflict will, inevitably, hurt people’s feelings but that, ultimately, the truth doesn’t care about your feelings. Of course that was the beginning of the end, because Jack sided with the aggressor—Scott—and put Sharkly and me in moderation. Then, later, Sharkly said he regretted having defended me.

      What a steadily degrading world we live in, even these participants see themselves as the heroes in this little tale.

      Gone are the days when we could use conflict constructively in those forums. Mostly these days, people get banned or are—at the very least—made to feel unwelcome. Ad hominems run rampant.

      This blog is one of the few remaining where conflict is still constructive—our friend and ally—and we don’t actively chase people away merely for holding conflicting viewpoints.


  2. jack smitty

    Just like Naziism and racism. If everyone is a Nazi and racist then nobody is. Same with Gnosticism.

    Perhaps Jack sees vestiges of Neo Platonism in Judaism and Catholicism both and identifies this as Gnosticism. But some aspect of Neo Platonism does not equal Gnosticism.

    For instance there are “Orthodox” Jews who believe that a Jew reincarnates until he has perfectly kept all 713 mitzvot. Not in the same life, but over multiple lives. Like maybe one life he keeps the sabbath perfectly, and in another kosher perfectly, etc. And when he has kept all 713 perfectly throught one life or another, he merges into God. This is a corrupted and Judaized form of Neo Platonism. But its not Gnosticism.

    Similarly the Eastern Orthodox system of the essence energy distinction, or the Catholic beatific vision. The beatific vision is the vision of God which Justin Martyr sought through Platonic Meditation prior to conversion to Christianity. The EO essence energy distinction is a way to take the Neo Platonic merging into God’s essence idea and take it into Christianity without fully violating the distinction between Creator and created. “We merge into his energies, not his essence. See, we aren’t Neo Platonists.” Its still not Gnosticism.

    Buddhism is also not Gnosticism, despite being Neo Platonism without a soul and without a Creator God. Its precisely because it denies the existence of a Creator God (and a soul) that it can’t be Gnosticism!

    Could Hinuism then be Gnosticism? Nah, its just illiterate Indian corruption of Neo Plantonism.

    Gnosticism requires antisemitism. And Gnosticism requires Jesus as saviour somehow or another. So Buddhism and Hinduism are LESS than Gnosticism.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Jack Smitty,

      Perhaps Jack sees vestiges of Neo Platonism in Judaism and Catholicism both and identifies this as Gnosticism. But some aspect of Neo Platonism does not equal Gnosticism.

      He sees this in Judaism, but, to the best of my knowledge, not Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. There is no reason for Jack to condemn Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. He’s expressed some admiration for parts of it, but has largely left it alone.

      Jack is part of the Radix Fidem sect, which teaches that Judaism threw off the proper ancient Hebrew mysticism and that Jesus was an Ancient Near East mystic who came to restore the ancient Hebrew mode-of-thought that the Hellenized Jews had rejected in favor of pure “Platonic” and Aristotelian intellectualism and rationalism. Judaism is the villain in this story, and associating Judaism with Gnosticism is intended as a slur.


  3. professorGBFMtm

    Perhaps Jack sees vestiges of Neo Platonism in Judaism and Catholicism both and identifies this as Gnosticism. But some aspect of Neo Platonism does not equal Gnosticism.

    He sees this in Judaism, but, to the best of my knowledge, not Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. There is no reason for Jack to condemn Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. He’s expressed some admiration for parts of it, but has largely left it alone.

    Yeah, they’re protected groups under non-”Sectarian” and ”let’s all Unite under one RP® Genius Leader as RP® Pope whom I should be”Jack.

    The Eye of Sauron says:
    2023-05-29 at 2:31 pm
    One of the main downsides of the manosphere and its now remnants is the wildly variant sectarianism.

    One might think of this as having some positives as well.

    But when you have a group of people from different faith traditions trying to solve a problem like this, you are bound to eventually run into this. Who are the “real” Christians? Then everything grinds to a halt. Its one of several reasons I take long breaks.

    I reckon the best use of such a space would be for it to be a forum for men who have tried certain things, some failing some working. And encouragement.

    And the problem is also defining what it means when we say something “worked.” Rollo defines it as “mens reproductive problem”, which is essentially a euphemism for “how to get laid” and leaves this to the individual man to decide if he is talking about living a PUA lifestyle or hard, lifelong Christian monogamy with a wife who makes his bedroom into a nightly individual pr0n movie or anything in between.

    This inevitably leads to all these differing opinions about what the moral context for sex is, and which sect or set of Christian sub-beliefs has threaded the needle of biblical interpretation exactly right. Then, “You are not a real Christian.”


    Jack says:
    2023-05-29 at 5:56 pm

    Agreed. This is exactly why the comment policy says…

    2 — Comments vehemently attacking religious faiths of any variety are subject to moderation.

    7 — Please refrain from making assumptions or accusations about whether anyone is a “true believer”, or a “born again Christian” or not. I believe it’s impossible to know the answer to this question without knowing the person on a day-by-day, face-to-face basis. Instead of resorting to this brand of ad hominem, readers should be attempting to comprehend the viewpoints offered, and place them within a meaningful context, preferably the one intended.

    This time, it is my own fault. I introduced this idea in a comment about the man who asked his wife to get an abortion. We can see how that unraveled. The lesson to be learned is that logical fallacies are distracting and inconducive to discussion, even when presented in theory or in jest.

    I have noticed that schisms have been appearing all over the manosphere lately. G Filotto lambasted Bruce Charlton, and then GunnerQ and a couple writers at the Orthosphere hit back at G Filotto. Derek Ramsey has taken issue with many things we’ve written here. Then Andrew Tate and his guys. Even JustPearlyThings had a falling out with some of her noted guests. All this makes me wonder what’s going on. Does it have something to do with the Red Pill going mainstream, such that Red Pill personalities are now feeling comfortable enough to sling hash at each other?”

    See how none of that applies to the ”Gnosticism” he somehow sees everywhere?

    For one thing, SF Jack thinks he’s in his ”Christian®” Churchian Republican® Church building safe space life bubble when the manosphere like its originators and predecessors the MGTOWosphere and Roissyosphere is mostly atheistic and Agnostistic, hence why he is rejected as some kind of RP® Pope that he desires to be to everyone.

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