Per “The Christ : Church :: Husband : Wife Analogy” (2022-08-29) at Sigma Frame, in the home, children submit to the wife, who submits to the husband, who submits to Christ. In that same article in the church, women submit to men, who submit to Christ.
But in the Orthodox, Catholic, and some Protestant denominations (the majority of Christians), it is different. In the church, women submit to men, who submit to a hierarchy of clergy/elders, who submit to Christ.
Many men—including myself—have refused not only refused to show deference to, but actively challenged, the Christ-given authority of their clergy by calling them out for their distortions and false doctrines. Certain husbands have not only failed to submit, but have publicly called out their clergy for refusing to condemn their wayward wife’s behavior!
Per “Shaking The Dust Off Your Shoes” (2022-08-15) at Sigma Frame, usually men who do this ultimately abandon the church after challenging it and failing, for the church almost invariably refuses to repent.
Yet, if a hierarchy of authority and obedience is required by God, how can men fail to show the same deference to their churches, pastors, priests, and elders that they demand for their wives?
In the case of a pastor refusing to condemn a wayward wife’s behavior, how can any man—by their own rebellion to the authority of their pastor and their church—cure rebellion to authority in their wayward wives?
The answer is plain. One does not submit when the authority wielded goes against God’s authority. Thus, it is an error to say:
To the first, Peter disagrees. To the second, the Roman Catholic Church also claims that Peter disagrees.
In other words, Peter says that no woman must unconditionally submit to her husband, but Peter (supposedly) also says that every man must unconditionally submit to the pope. In otherwords, Peter (allegedly) teaches the exact opposite that The Red Pill teaches.
Isn’t that interesting?
All authority rests in Jesus. No other has unconditional authority. Thus does the submission due between a husband and wife, the church and its members, relate to its status, not its authority.
Per “The Christ : Church :: Husband : Wife Analogy” (2022-08-29) at Sigma Frame, in the home, children submit to the wife, who submits to the husband, who submits to Christ. In that same article in the church, women submit to men, who submit to Christ.
But in the Orthodox, Catholic, and some Protestant denominations (the majority of Christians), it is different. In the church, women submit to men, who submit to a hierarchy of clergy/elders, who submit to Christ.
Many men—including myself—have refused not only refused to show deference to, but actively challenged, the Christ-given authority of their clergy by calling them out for their distortions and false doctrines. Certain husbands have not only failed to submit, but have publicly called out their clergy for refusing to condemn their wayward wife’s behavior!
Per “Shaking The Dust Off Your Shoes” (2022-08-15) at Sigma Frame, usually men who do this ultimately abandon the church after challenging it and failing, for the church almost invariably refuses to repent.
Yet, if a hierarchy of authority and obedience is required by God, how can men fail to show the same deference to their churches, pastors, priests, and elders that they demand for their wives?
This is why I liked Dalrock better than all these Johnny come lately ”I’M an RP genius leader”guys put together, DAL didn’t sound like an anti-Christian Atheist like most ”I’M an RP genius leader”, as one of them alluded to here before as he/she/it projected, as usual, they are essentially fedpiller anti-Christian atheist wolves in ”Redpill” sheep clothing.
If the federal government or chicoms wanted to destroy Christianity in the redpillosphere further would they claim to be ”I’M an RP genius leader”guys that ”love CHRIST & ”good” Government more than anything BUT Church is a bunch of c@nt-worshippers and simps brah.”
If their ”I’M an RP genius leader”guys that ”love CHRIST & ”good” Government more than anything BUT Church is a bunch of c@nt-worshippers and simps brah.”
Why are they not pooling their money & ”resources like their ”geniusness”” together & finally build those ”TRUE” ”RP”” Christian” Churches that the fifth horseman/tfh/anon first asked Dalrock to make in 2013?
Oh yeah they will just use the tired excuse of ”” they’ll” try to shut us down dude so we can’t do that as WE are too much chicken$#itted defeatists that can still run ”RP” sites but NOT ”TRUE” ”RP”” Christian” Churches.”
-yeah so of course they’re not fedpiller anti-Christian Atheists masquerading as ”I’M an RP genius leader””TRUE” ”RP”” Christians”!
Everyone already knows how power-hungry ”I’M an RP genius leaders” are so why do they not want to start ”TRUE” ”RP”” Christian”Churches?
Because that might encourage MEN in the remaining non-fedpiller Churches to actually start the Renaissance(which was first prophesied at ROISSYinDC/THE CHATEAU & the first GBFM site in April 2010) to Resurrect the CHRISTIAN SOUL in homes, Churches, Universities, and Courts & other institutions across America and the world. Which anti-Christian athiest fedpillers who pretend to be ”I’M an RP genius leaders””TRUE” ”RP”” Christians” who would detest, hate & despise the Renaissance to resurrect the CHRISTIAN SOUL in homes, Churches, Universities, and Courts & other institutions across America and the world, just as much as they do the persons & powers of MOSES, JESUS & GBFM!
In the truest protestant fashion, Christ says “I have ordained you” and in countless areas Jesus calls ALL to repent. Jesus taught about His “fathers kingdom” and “the one who sent me” to the masses.
Never once did he say: Bishop, Deacon, Elder, Church Father, Church Board, Pope, or use the term “Father” in reference to / as a priest in the Orthodox or Catholic terms.
All Jesus said and did was the will of the Father. Perhaps I am wrong, but Jesus didnt divide up family structure. He spoke to an adulterous woman at a well, asked “woman, why are you weeping?” Told another woman to “go fourth and sin no more” He made an observation about an old woman at the Temple who threw in her last copper coins, and the lesson was “she gave all she had”
This doesn t mean Jesus was a feminist, but his lessons and parables were made for all. The sphere seems to have forgotten the love he had for humanity and his Fathers creation, and that He wanted “none to perish”
Its a very hard concept to wrap our minds around, even in this day. He came for the “sick”, not the healthy who should already “know” better. The learned, the “teachers of the law” and those that had the means at hand already to take his teachings and follow them.
Jesus always quoted The Torah “its is written” and “When Adam walked in the garden…” to prove who He was and to remind them that it was still “the word of God”
Ive met supposed devout Catholics and Orthodox who tell me that their traditions are correct, from Jesus Himself and passed down through the ages and have not changed.
Then / but that priest says something they dont like???? Oh, out comes “that is between me and God” (such a protestant stance). Iremember a Catholic gal who got married when I was younger….knew her family. Nice people. Beautiful wedding. At the reception, the mother said to me “Well, my daughter is going on birth control, because they dont have enough money / good enough jobs yet to support a family….and if the Pope has a problem, he can sell some of that gold in the Vatican to pay for their childcare”
Oh she was so holy though (rolls eyes)
My cousin, when her “devout” Greek husband decided he wanted a divorce from her….it was “okay” because of some long diatribe about “church fathers” and “how do we as Orthodox work around sin” kind of statements……yet, when they got married (three freaking hour ceremony) involving crowns and dancing around the altar and other frivolous made-made traditions he tells me “those crowns we wore will be waiting for us in Heaven, and it demonstrates how serious we Orthodox take marriage, family and duty to society”
What a crock! He’s just as much a sinner as I or anyone else that needs Christ love as I do.
This knit-picking verses and even Jesus mentioning divorce was pretty clear. Humans always looking for a work around or justification for their sins…….and holding some others to impossible standards that they themself cannot uphold.
And so many Christians wonder why “men dont want to come to church” look in the mirror. There’s your answer
Well said
At least Deti has some old-school ”RP” advice for height-challenged dudes.
thedeti says:
23 October, 2024 at 5:57 pm
I almost think it’s harder for the tall women than the short men.
Hard disagree. Men in general have it harder and tougher than women in general now, in all milieus, in all arenas of life. Everything. In all areas, men have a harder life than women. This is doubly so now that men have been relegated to second class status.
I worked with a guy (ex special forces) who was around my wife’s height but he worked out religiously and was jacked. He had no problem finding a nice looking wife.
You’ve just answered your own question. The 5’3″ guy was ex special forces and worked out religiously and was jacked. THAT is why he was able to marry well.
If you’re a short guy, you must get a body. You must get in shape. You cannot be a short, out of shape guy and expect to do well with women. Just won’t work. If you’re a short flabby guy, you will have a very, very tough time.
It’s unfortunate, but today if you’re a guy on the shorter end (under 5’8″), every time you approach a woman you’re at 3 balls, 2 strikes, 2 outs, no one on base. The entire deck is stacked against you. You have to do all you can to counter that. Getting in shape is an absolute must for short men. If you’re a short-height challenged guy who can’t reach the kitchen sink without a chair, get your @ss to the gym, eat clean, learn Game, do not tolerate bull$#it(especially from ”I’M an RP genius leaders””TRUE” ”RP”” Christians”, who are f@olz as I myself have left their ”genius” failing sites too)and overall max out your masculinity by restoring 60s/70s muscle cars- like the ’71 Chevy Camaro being a FAVE of mines & ‘ole Scott’s that WE once worked on at his ranch while going for twenty miles a day sprints that got sparkly the most famous f@ol who says he’s a ”genius” thinking WE were lying-WHAT NO MAN can do twenty miles a day sprints f@ol?, spinning plates, and overall looking into Australian politician Hanjal Ban’s book where she had surgery in Russia to increase her height by about 8 centimeters. She wrote a book about the experience, God Made Me Small, Surgery Made Me Tall, under a pseudonym.
Some of that last part of Deti’s comment might have been Amplified =fixed by GBFM!
Well, my question and countless other men have a similar one:
Why did God make him shorter than average? Was it to teach him a lesson about His immense love for him? If God knew he would have a hard time fulfilling the “be fruitful and multiply” command and thus making him a “bad person” and not having “gods favor”
They will tell you because of sin, a fallen world…….generational sin….the parents or great great grandpa Joe must have done something wrong.
Instead of saying “I dont know” all these quick “answers” given with authority.
I have a friend from my recovery days. He’s 5’5″ jacked, plays bass guitar in punk bands. Has a cool record collection. He said once “Dude, I work out because I have to make up for my height, and it STILL doesnt work for me. Part of the reason why I became a drunk and an addict is because of this cursed height I have. I’m in great shape, but I have to say it…..I look like a muscled up angry dwarf if you really get down to it. That leprechaun from Notre Dame (fighting irish mascot). Sure, people dont mess with me…..but I gotta tell you….it hasnt helped me get a wife or girlfriend. I still have to go pay for that if I want it. Which I do”
Shorter than average guys sometimes its just luck of the draw when it comes to getting a girlfriend or wife. The above comment made by Deti comes off as “get jacked, build / restore muscle cars and women will love you”
And if they dont “You didnt try hard enough / you were too bitter / I know a guy who is shorter nad dates hot virgins….what’s your excuse?”
They always have an answer. Sometimes a simple Christian humility can be the best an answer and these men have zero of that. Everything is “Red Pill” / “game” / “female nature” and “Gods will” (only when they claim it as such)
This comment from Deti reminds me of a 140 i.q. ”RP” ”Genius leader” (who has lost Deti from his site over the last month & half) who told Derek here to ”stay in his lane ” back in July(after he lost Derek too).
thedeti says:
23 October, 2024 at 8:57 pm
Oh, yes. If you’re a short guy and you’re in shape, you’re “overcompensating”.
If you’re a short, intelligent, articulate guy, you’re “arrogant” or you’re a “loudmouth”.
If you’re a short guy who wears some lifts, you “have short dick syndrome” and are “showing short dick energy”.
If you’re a short guy who’s accomplished at his job or is a real leader, you have “a Napoleon complex”.
If you’re a short guy who dates taller women, you’re “stepping out of your lane”.
”If you’re a short guy who dates taller women, you’re “stepping out of your lane”.”
That’s what that 140 i.q. ”RP” ”Genius leader” did when he got into the sphere back in ’17, he should have stayed in his English teaching lane instead of going in the ”RP” ”Genius leader”which he has been proven to be a failure in for years now.
Like the other one who has been a consistent failure since January 2018(whose site’s page hits went into free fall & constant nosedive once a certain commenter stopped commenting there over some 17 posts ago and nearly three years ago, but he will tell you he’s accomplished something(yet he can never specify what).
Here’s the argument again for ”I’M an RP genius leaders” starting /building ”TRUE” ”RP”” Christian” Churches yet the ”Genius leader ” here doesn’t want to obey God(as he is a well-known defier of God’s will but a ”good guy” keeper of satanic blue pilled commandments) & create them so he can continue in his own rebellion against the Father of Spirits.
johnson smonson(NOT sparkly undercover being deceitful & creating multiple identies) says:
2024-10-23 at 9:12 pm
death penalty for sex outside marriage is the only thing that ever worked. repeal the pericope adulterae and also allow ”good” Bellevuian-bound ”dads” to execute their bluepilled wives & children in the best interests of God & Country like back in the 1950s as seen on such Conservative TV shows as Leave it to Beaver,whose ”dad” should be allowed to execute him in the best interests of Dalawd & da bluepilled country of cuntworshippers,& Ozzie the Adventurer who will have to reluctantly one day execute his blue-pilled wife Harriet}sirs.
Sharkly says:
2024-10-24 at 7:56 am
Double Amen
Nah I say!
Triple Amen is called for in this situation!!!
I also like your taste in classic ”Conservative”TV shows I never watch as I like Blood & guts(that I don’t have), rape, murder& whoring modernist liberal TV shows like modernist Family of gay porn watchers and for liberal news?- Good morning American simping bluepillers.
Too many churchians like how that apocryphal passage makes Jesus the father of cuckoldry. Condemning the husband to sloppy seconds and unjustly denying him the justice contained in His Father’s law. And they also like how it implies that sinners lack the moral standing to enforce God’s laws. So that they and their hoes can practice lawlessness unhindered.
God predicted this breakdown between the sexes. Although I only skimmed over the original post here, I did not see the following revealing passage referenced. I’ve added a couple explanatory notes in brackets.
Romans 1:24(NET) Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity, to dishonor their bodies among themselves. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie [Feminism] and worshiped and served the creation [Women] rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones, 27 and likewise the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed in their passions for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what should not be done.
It should not surprise folks that straight sex will become rarer while homosexuality becomes more prevalent, just as God foretold. There is a depravity of the mind that God sends on those who exalt and serve women more than they exalt and serve the Creator who made the women for them.
When churchmen raise women up to equality with men, then women loose respect for and interest in men. Women are hypergamous and want to mate with a superior, not an equal. If you teach a woman to respect her husband as the likeness of God in her marriage, and to adorn herself with shamefacedness befitting the wayward church, that shift in relative standing will naturally increase her sexual desire for him. But the church does the opposite. Always raising women up and berating men. They’re all tools of Satan. That inversion of the sexes doesn’t come from God.
Folks misunderstand the word “worship”. Whomever you deem worthy to serve, and do serve, is who you are showing the worth-ship to be served. If you serve your wife or your boss more conscientiously than you serve God, then you are worshipping them before God. If God says your wife should cover her head when she prays (1 Corinthains 11) and you come up with a lame excuse to let your wife defy God, that’s idolatry, serving her rebellion above God. If God says women should be silent in the assemblies, but your church wants to give women a voice, that is serving the creature rather than the Creator. If God asks for wives to submit to their husbands in everything as unto the Lord, but your church promotes some other type of relationship, then they are working contrary to God to exalt the will of the woman above the will of God.
And for that God has given them over to a depraved mind. Boxer wasn’t entirely wrong when he said that our church leaders were all fagg0ts. That depravity is incipient in all of them as surely as God has foretold it.
Now some White knight will say, “But then you’re saying that the wife should serve, and thus worship, her husband. YES! That’s exactly what I’m saying. Women who aren’t prone to abstract thinking were made to serve men (visible images of God). (1 Corinthians 11:7) And are commanded to see to it that they fear/reverence their husbands (Ephesians 5:33) in the same manner as we all are to fear and reverence God. The husband is the stand-in for Jesus Christ in the marriage.(Ephesians 5) And Jesus taught that, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”.
No church will let you preach that truth. Not one! They’re all teaching Satan’s Feminist counterfeit doctrines. The church has gone whoring after the power of this world and follows the teachings of its ruler. Separate yourself from her that you do not suffer the plagues of judgement foretold to come upon that Great Whore. God is seeking men(yet too bad that us ”RP genius leaders” are a well-known bunch of loudmouthed chicken$#itted reddish colored aesthetic bluepillers) to worship Him in spirit (not in a fancy building on Sunday, and worshipping their women all the rest of the week) and to worship Him in truth, not in a neo-fertility-cult where Feminist lies get taught as being required niceness.
”And they also like how it implies that sinners lack the moral standing to enforce God’s laws. So that they and their hoes can practice lawlessness unhindered.
Folks misunderstand the word “worship”. Whomever you deem worthy to serve, and do serve, is who you are showing the worth-ship to be served. If you serve your wife or your boss more conscientiously than you serve God, then you are worshipping them before God. If God says your wife should cover her head when she prays (1 Corinthains 11) and you come up with a lame excuse to let your wife defy God, that’s idolatry, serving her rebellion above God. If God says women should be silent in the assemblies, but your church wants to give women a voice, that is serving the creature rather than the Creator. If God asks for wives to submit to their husbands in everything as unto the Lord, but your church promotes some other type of relationship, then they are working contrary to God to exalt the will of the woman above the will of God.
And for that God has given them over to a depraved mind. Boxer wasn’t entirely wrong when he said that our church leaders were all fagg0ts. That depravity is incipient in all of them as surely as God has foretold it.”
And this supposed ”upstanding ”rp genius leader” just sits at his work cubicle every day being a defeatist and ignoring the plight and blight of wayward bluepilled churchian Churches teaching evilz things to everyone.
Wheres his love of God, Country & fellow MAN by building with his own redpilled hands, the first ”TRUE” ”RP”” Christian” Church in a very long time?
Spot the logical fallacy: equivocation.
(i.e. there is no statistical causative relationship between heterosexual sex and homosexual sex, which is why he compared apples and oranges instead)
The thirst for blood never ends, does it?
The lastest ramblings on another forum now are making a case for “legal prostitution”
First foremost, its the worlds oldest profession. Even in the Bible-believing South, where everyone is a christian, and no one locks their doors and they have no need for police or law enforcement because everyone “follows the bible” has prostitution. Even in these areas, if you get caught soliciting a hooker on the street, its a slap on the wrist. Cough up a fine. Even the prostitutes dont go to jail….and when they do, The State is doing this to not clean up the street, and remove these women…its because The State (tax wise) didnt get their cut or fair share (according to them)
In Incel circles I have angrily told some of these men “look, if getting sex means that much to you. If it really is that important. If it makes you man (which Red Pill purports). If you are a lesser man because you cannot get this from women (remember, too many Red Pill men have proposed men must have this like air and water….or they will die. It is a NEED).
I have stated “Go to Las Vegas, save your money. There will be no shame. She will tell you that you are the best or biggest, or most amazing she has been with” And even in most US cities AND states where it is illegal, if you get caught….big whoop. Caugh up a fine, and you are not religious anyway….so there will still be no shame. They will still tell you the same in Las Vegas.”
I was a drug addict. Jail time for cocaine is supposedly mandatory in just about all areas. Never stopped me from meeting dealers. Never stopped me from finding it. Risks? Yes, but even in San Francisco / San Jose in those day…….I had no criminal record, if I was caught buying from a dealer or possesion. A fine. 72 hrs in jail tops. My name would not be in the papers. I would not lose my job.
Same with prostitution. This “case” they make, well, its pretty much legal already. OnlyFans, professional escorts……..the problem always….in the end…is when it gets too big, The State then wants their cut (taxes). They are not “moral” or “holy” or “God fearing” in these matters. Feminists were once ardent / strident about prostitution and how it wrecks women and the like. This is a true statement. They have all but flipped now on the issue.
In the end, if prostitution was ever made “wholly legal” nationwide, it would just be a excuse for men like our Red Pill friends to “justify” seeing a prostitute (even if they are married) because “its legal” and the arguments “well, a mans wife with holds sex, he now not bound by law, he can see a prostitute, its legal!”
They like to follow the Bible and Jesus on somethings and “hamster” on others. Typical. Just like the self righteous pharisees and teachers of Jesus’s time. Using their intellect and arrogance to justify why they can do things that are indeed stated pretty clearly to stay away from.
And I live in a state where marijuana is legal. Go to a shop. Clean, well managed. Professional. All kinds of strains and the like. No shame.
Then the taxes….yes, you see its been so hard taxed, that the illegal marijuana trade is still booming out here like cigarettes. The sin tax has become regressive and the “golden goose” has been cleaned out. There is little law enforcement can do, and the State PROMISED US ALL “it will cleanup the trade, and regulate it the money it raises will be put into prevention / education and rehabilitation…”
That never happened. So, we still have a bustling illegal trade, and the money it has raised has just been thrown into the black hole called Sacramento.
And sadly, it has not kept it away from children, like the State promised.
With prostitution legalized, I could see a similar outcome.
Everywhere you go is the smell of marijuana. Ironically, I miss the days when people smoked cigarettes.
I dont have a problem with it per say….I smoked a ton of grass when younger……I dont anymore. I get it. Come home from work, smoke a joint. I get it. Even Martin Luther enjoyed a mug or two of beer in his time.
The problem is that it can become a problem. The guy who spends his time wasted and drunk. The guy who spends all his free time smoking grass.
The difference today in States like California. They have made cigarettes EVIL. You smoke? You’re worse than Hitler! You smoke grass? Oh, thats normal and the lies of that its safer, not dangerous and everything else.
Less that 20% of the entire US population smokes cigarettes today. Alcohol consumption is way down. The side effects from smoking marijuana are just as destructive. Not including pulmanary issues….but stroke, and it has a bad effect on the development of the brain of teenagers / kids.
I dont personally have a problem with an adult who after long week of work to come home and smoke a joint. I get it. The problem again is State endorsement. Again, have not smoked it in over twenty years.
When the horrible long term results come in, the state will wash their hands of it and blame the “marijuana” companies lkie they did with alcohol and cigarette tobacco.
From what I can tell, marijuana causes long-term neurological damage, which results in permanent (or near permanent) degradation of intellectual abilities. By contrast, excluding addiction (which applies to all of these) the negative effects of cigarettes and alcohol are largely physical.
If one has an addiction to alcohol or smoking, it’s possible to recover, albeit difficult. But the damage done by marijuana is much harder to reverse, especially in children. Especially in black children, the ones who can least afford to have their minds destroyed by their pot-smoking parents. Marijuana disparately impacts those who can least afford to be impacted by it.
And it’s inevitable. We already know what will happen. It’s not like the effects of marijuana were not studied and documented before it was legalized. We know.
Feminists,R’s, D’s & ”RP genius leaders” are all in the same ”hate MEN” boat as you say here:
They are not “moral” or “holy” or “God fearing” in these matters. Feminists were once ardent / strident about prostitution and how it wrecks women and the like. This is a true statement. They have all but flipped now on the issue.
In the end, if prostitution was ever made “wholly legal” nationwide, it would just be a excuse for men like our Red Pill friends to “justify” seeing a prostitute (even if they are married) because “its legal” and the arguments “well, a mans wife with holds sex, he now not bound by law, he can see a prostitute, its legal!”
They like to follow the Bible and Jesus on somethings and “hamster” on others. Typical. Just like the self-righteous pharisees and teachers of Jesus’s time. Using their intellect and arrogance to justify why they can do things that are indeed stated pretty clearly to stay away from.
Feminists became ”pro-sex” to keep MEN on their side in the 90s nothing more than that,Same with ” ”RP genius leaders” now who are trying to court blackpillers and non-married incels they’re like those trench coat-wearing pedos, oh excuse me ”groomers” (as we must say today so WE don’t offend precious lying & deceiving ”RP genius leaders”) . That Doc Mike Savage would talk about from the ’50s/60s who would show young boys in their teens and less aged girly mags and then take advantage of them-does that does not explain the 140 i.q. one always showing ”risque” photos of galz on his site even though he supposedly wants you married?
That plus things like Orkahead accusing you of doing ”gay-coded” drinking games at San Fransisco bars and their defending of ”Biblical Marriage” proponent and pornographer to ”black pill” MEN bgr=larrysolomon=mattperkins sure got I believing they are classic 1950s/60s pedos/”groomers”.
I wonder if that had anything to do with Deti leaving SF, as he realized he used to like LIZ and Elspeth(he was just at her site about two months ago, which is around the time he left SF—see a connection?). But in later years, thanks to the influence of ”RP genius leaders” pedos/”groomers” gang of guys like bgr=larrysolomon=mattperkins, he didn’t!
He knew he didn’t want to be a ”faux MAN’S MANS” like too many others seem to want & thereby left sf with his head held high & a kick in his step, like those of us who left it before him.
I may disagree with Deti on many issues, but the Radix Fidem SF would seem to offer him next to nothing of value.
I guess the best interests of unbelievers is to legalize their sin?
Read between it. THEY want it legal so THEY can partake 😉
Oh, no thank you. I am not interested in reading that or thinking about it. I’ll take your word for it.
Look, if it was legalized they would “put it in a Red Pill lense” and justify “if your wife is withholding sex, or isnt into it” its legal, and you have every right as a man to get your needs met (remember, you will die without it 😉 )
Also if its “legal” if divorce happens it cannot be considered “infidelity” because this is legal and a Judge may not like that a man did this, but in a legal sense, well….he broke no “laws” so to speak. And marriage to them isnt about God or Jesus, its about sex.
Think about it 🙂
The teachers of the law were the first who wanted a prostitute stoned to death……and Jesus handled it perfectly. Not justifying prostitution…..but all those “holier than thou men” probably visited her themselves. She was going to spill the beans about their behavior and exploits with her or women like this.
Mind you, its the worlds oldest profession 🙂 Even in Proverbs it speaks of women like this and to STAY away from them.
But…if its legal……..well, you know…….
It was obvious this stance was coming. They justify their past exploits, all the sexy women photos on that page….and again “we’re doing this to help men” but with the slight of hand “and it will be okay for us too”
These men in the sixties would have been behind the sexual revolution 100% while stating “this is loving and caring for women” nonsense.
They justify their past exploits
Yes, the old humblebrag.
all the sexy women photos on that page
Ah, yes, I remember this from nearly two years ago now:
As this blog has matured, there has been more emphasis placed on Biblical and philosophical purity, sifting out truth from various Red Pill concepts, and determining how these are to be properly applied to Christian Men’s lives.
Purity. Biblical purity.
Was it age? Some creeping maturity / stability? Blackpill?
I dont know what excatly helped me accept my status as a man in this world, and time and place. I do know it was a horrendous journey in some cases,
I do know from what I learned about Game / Frame and Red Pill that these men were NOT what I wanted to become. I also didnt like “modern” American Protestantism which just told me to “read Corinthians 7” and “pray really really hard for a wife”
I think I accepted the separation and finally just accepted and understood “its not going to happen, you have things to do now. Life is half way over. Make the best of it”
I reflected about Christ on the cross…separated from all. I thought about Him in The Garden of asking His Father “If there is a way, take this cup!”
I thought about the nameless faceless men over the centuries who died on front lines serving a King, Country, Nation or cause and their lives ended in many cases for “worthless causes”
The fragility of life and how short it really is. People like my brother who never asked for Downs Syndrome.
Slowly began to congeal / form “do you dare challenge the universe?” in my mind. I realized what I did have. Born into a first world nation so to speak. Theoretical freedoms. Hot water. Electricity.
I just had to accept that for what I didnt have, there was much I did have. I did have loving parents who were married. I did have a fear free childhood. I did have what you would call an “education” and for my intellect, in the end at this point…..considering everything….not a bad career.
We live in a culture and time where its very sex soaked, and from men who should know better, one would think they could be the ones to help, guide, teach and lead and helop men.
Addicted to the sex act, yet hate drug addicts and men not exactly like them.
I dont know where it clicked and I accepted and learned to “make do” and focus my manhood and what it means to more productive channels.
Im better for it. I function properly now without any prescribed drugs. If I had to do over? I would have left Red Pill places at 40 instead of 51. Would have been better off.
More up to the minute late-breaking ”set-in-stone” ”rp” lore.
okrahead says:
25 October, 2024 at 3:31 pm
It isn’t exactly play acting. These women just enjoy the drama like us followers of faux MANZ MANZ.
Liked by 1 person
Farm Boy says:
25 October, 2024 at 3:33 pm
They live their own soap opera
Liked by 1 person
Cautiously Pessimistic says:
25 October, 2024 at 4:21 pm
“So what percentage are play acting, and what percentage are truly not understanding?”
Does it matter? Not being flippant, but since you can’t trust the only person who might have a shot at knowing the answer, this seems like an imponderable that doesn’t provide any value pondering.
She is like this. The particulars as to why don’t matter.
Liked by 1 person
Farm Boy says:
25 October, 2024 at 4:25 pm
Does it matter?
Being an INT, I can’t help but try to understand what is going on underneath
thedeti says:
25 October, 2024 at 4:29 pm
I’ll try to take this out of the realm of tiktokers and talk about “women” in general. Because I’ve seen women go through this outside social media and on social media. I’ve seen and heard women talk about this in person, I’ve read articles in magazines and on webzines, and also on social media.
The common theme running through this is that the woman gave up sex to a man from whom she wanted commitment, and he either (1) committed and then broke up with her/cheated/is playing hot-cold-hot-cold with her; or (2) wouldn’t commit. After this happens, she does a combination of
–soul searching (why is this happening/why does this keep happening/what am I doing wrong)
–blaming (that bastard MFer man/I’m so stupid/men are pigs/it’s a man’s world)
–emotional vomitpuking (crying, screaming, acting out)
She can then get varying numbers of people to come alongside her and either empathize or help.
The difference between “before social media” and “in the age of social media” is that in the latter, everything is greatly magnified so she can get even more empathy and “help”.
Before social media, women were willing to understand what was going on more readily. In the current age, women don’t have to understand, because their feelings are all of reality now. Social media has the effect of muting reality and amplifying feelings and emotion.
But when you get all the way down to it, women know. They know that they aren’t attractive enough to get commitment from Chad. They know. It’s just that in the current social media age, it’s easier to deny that reality while they are still engaging in herculean effort to deny it. Which is why 1 in 4 women are on head meds and 1 in 3 women are in “therapy”.
Look at all the effort it takes to deny reality. Look at everything women have to do to maintain the lie.
Women know. They know. It’s just that today, it’s that much easier to deny that reality.
Farm Boy says:
25 October, 2024 at 4:38 pm
On the other side of things, there are sites like this that try to point out the truth for those willing to listen
”Being an INT, I can’t help but try to understand what is going on underneath”
See why FB needs to do more doing and less thinking{I beat some very tough NES games(i.e.Wizards and Wariors & Double Dragon 2(those last few ”obstacle course” levels were tough for most) in the late ’80s/very early 90s by actually playing them NOT thinking about how to beat them} about doing nothing like ”rp genius leaders”do, as usual, other than serving their diverse & perverse lusts?
Everywhere you go is the smell of marijuana.
Yeah, one small town i know of on the East Coast, that just 35 years ago would have cops pull you over for just riding around in a car after 11 PM has the smell of it flowing around often when i stop by.
So we’ve found another INT in Farm Boy.
From Gunner Q:
I suppose this means that Gunner Q is an INTJ too.
And guess who else joins Farm Boy, Boxer, Deti, and Gunner Q as an INTJ? Deep Strength does. And Free Northerner too. Spawny’s Space commenter Cautiously Pessimistic is INTJ.
These are just the ones who have stated it explicitly.
Apparently INTJ is closest personality to the Dark Triad. Per Wikipedia):
So, the Red Pill.
Grandiosity? Check, check.
Egotism? Check.
Lack of Empathy? Check.
Manipulation of others? Check.
Indifference to Morality? Apparently! Check.
More Lack of Empathy? Check.
Self-interest? Check.
Antisocial behavior? Check. Check. Check.
Remorseless? Self-guilt and personal responsibility seem rare. Check.
I’ll leave it up to you to decide about whether pride, exploitation of others, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, and lack of emotion apply.
Huh, the rarest personality type and “everyone” seems to have it. That test mind you was designed as a “framework” of skills and personalities.
These men of course have made it into Dr. Suess’s “Sneetchers” story and using it as a badge to claim how “amazing” they are. They talk about free will…and then use this persnality test as a “lock” and “unmovable / unchangeable”
Soon, if not already you wont be allowed to be Red Pill unless you provide proof that you are this type of personality and no one who isnt this, is a soy boy / cuck / whipped / blue pilled type who just needs to put the work in…..but “can never change” because of a man-made test from the 1940’s.
So much for Trust in God
While I was looking this up, I found someone who commented that INTJ is associated with “mothering.” INTJ’s prefer to marry the mothering types. Can they birth and raise children and continually engage in the actions that produce children? The other stuff doesn’t matter. Things like intelligence are not interesting to them, they’d rather have a mother.
But imagine, for a second, if you were a man with a different personality type. Imagine if you found things like intelligence to be attractive in a woman. Well, I’d imagine that the INTJ’s would call this “woman worship.”
They slowly collect other INTJs and form a collective of like-minded men. They don’t even know that they are doing it. The non-INTJs get naturally ostracized, naturally selecting the INTs as those who remain. No wonder so many Red Pill bloggers are explicitly INTJ!
The irony is how feminine-coded this kind of social manipulation is. It’s exactly what happens in female group dynamics, except the females who do this are not INTJs. This is a critical distinction, because female groups are functional and effective at what they set out to do, but male INTJ groups are not. INTJ social groups are inherently anti-social, while female group dynamics are inherently social.
The Dark Triad traits come out whenever their views are challenged.
I dont know….IBM administered this test to me when I got past the initial application in 1993.
I scored differently than most men probably for the fact I came from a home with a very sick brother and had empathy more for broken people from no fault of their own.
I cant even remember which type I am, I do know it does have probably more classically “femme” qualities than “masculine”
They did place me in ID (Information Development) and UCD (User Centered Design) and failure analysis.
Its just a “framework” and it was a battery setup in the 1940’s because of the massive wave of men returning home from the war and companies used this to help try to match some skills to appropriate jobs.
Red Pill and all these armchair experts have muscled this test up into Scripture Doctrine and made it “science”
And again….if you dont have the “cool” and “real” masculine personality, it just sucks to be you……..while at the same time shaming you for this. These people are insane.
On one hand, the test has limited value in real life. It’s considered to weakly correlate to real world results. So treating it as highly valid is a scientific mistake. It’s better to say that it is somewhat predictive, but other things are more predictive (e.g. intelligence)
On the other hand, there is something to it when much more than 2% of Red Pill men self-identify as INTJ. Whether INTJ is predictive of other things is beside the point. The point is that so many Red Pill men identify as INTJ. That’s the statistical oddity, and it’s real. Whether or not INTJ is valid as a concept, it’s valid as a tool for identifying the Red Pill as an echo chamber.
I’ll say it:
Most of these men never had this test administered professionally.
They read about it online. They read about from other people. They looked it up. Saw the the “rarest” personality type, read it…..they figured and assumed “yeah, that’s me”
And went from there.
The actual administration of this test is a few hours and it has to be scored properly (from my special ed background, scoring a test like this involves a lot)
There are some who took it “online” from an ad that says “Are you a real masculine man? This test proves you are” and voila! Everyone who takes it is the “rarst” personality and if only these men were in charge……..the world would be perfect.
I hold little value to this test. Sure, it can be a “guide” for career, or how you interact…….but as a metric for a lifescript? GTFO
While I was looking this up, I found someone who commented that INTJ is associated with “mothering.” INTJ’s prefer to marry the mothering types. Can they birth and raise children and continually engage in the actions that produce children? The other stuff doesn’t matter. Things like intelligence are not interesting to them, they’d rather have a mother.
You’re talking about mothers who ”smother & overprotect” yes?
NOT women who just want children and raise them to be self-sufficient functioning adults?
As seen here:
I’ve seen this with a few different MEN in my extended family,i never thought about it for myself as my mother never batted an eye of i being out until dark at 6 PM at age 7-12(but remember i was always taller & more ”broad-shouldered” than even 99% of boys a few years older than i) over half a mile away at my neighbor’s house as she saw the smothering effects of mothers in our extended family up close for a few decades by then & she saw first hand and later told me when i was about 35yo why she never ”smothered” i because of how the smothered Men in our extended family(& outside of it) turned out i.e. looking for sympathy.
i mean look how much a victim( of his wife, sisters & mother,) a certain ”rp genius ” claims to be most of the time at his site, SF & Spawnys.
I’ve always thought sympathy seeking is a waste of time(as most people are just too busy living or self-absorbed to have sympathy anyway, especially for one not starving or needing an ambulance and immediate medial attention) at best and f@olishly holding yourself back(one guy I know keeps asking ”why do people I have helped don’t offer to help I even though I’ve helped them countless times?”- I know he won’t hear the TRUTH that I’ve told him already a few times before that he, of course, absolutely ignored) at worst.