FEMA is a Government Organization…

…and Water is Wet

Catacomb Resident

I wasn’t far away when it hit, so I’m not making this up.

I wonder how many of you recall how FEMA did things in response to Hurricane Katrina, 2005. It was a nasty, brutish response, insisting that the victims who had some shred of initiative and responsibility for themselves be rendered utterly helpless. No, I’m not referring to “means testing”, but rapacious confiscation of everything that anyone managed to come up with on their own, and destroying what could not be taken.

In one case, a particular county spent their own money fixing a broken communications cable so they could restore comms with the outside world and coordinate relief. FEMA came along and cut the cable again — on purpose. The sheriff was interviewed, weeping on camera about how he had to post armed guards on the area because, after repairing it again, FEMA came back out to cut it again.

And then there were whole truckloads of donated aid that FEMA routed away from disaster areas (where roads were clear) to staging areas where they could take full control and post armed guards. They then proceeded to deny access to those donations for many local government agencies. Further, when those governments managed to arrange for aid they actually knew they needed, FEMA would keep them from getting it, insisting that only FEMA could decide who needed what.

Private rescue operations were shut down by armed threat, especially those operations FEMA was not equipped to do themselves. You may have heard of house-to-house private arms confiscation in areas where looting was a major threat, armed National Guard troops ordered to keep people confined in that sports dome, etc. In those days, I reviewed online courses for FEMA volunteer training; it followed that same exact script. The first priority was rendering everyone utterly helpless, and refusing to provide available resources until they were fully under control and confined to wherever FEMA wanted them.

It wasn’t just Katrina two decades ago. Remember the Hurricane Maria?

I’ve heard similar horror stories after the disaster in Hawaii. Well, it’s happening again in Tennessee:

Catacomb Resident
Your Federal Government Despises You

So, now you have claims that FEMA is doing it again in places like eastern Tennessee. Folks on social media are warning that federal agencies are confiscating resources, blocking roads, etc. A chorus of denials from FEMA officials and their partners in the Tennessee version of FEMA (TEMA) serve only to confirm for me the likelihood that these complaints are true. They haven’t changed. They are the same assholes they always were. The government hates you and I.

It’s being reported by many people on Twitter/X from those attempting to actually assist:


Plenty of people are trying to help, but “help” means giving everything to FEMA and letting them “manage” it.

FEMA is not a disaster relief agency. It is a government bureaucracy designed to obstruct or prevent relief from being distributed. It’s their SOP.

The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID): there is “no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do.”

Here is what FEMA, as a system, actually does:

Catacomb Resident
Your Federal Government Despises You

Would you like to know why it will take months to restore power to TN, NC, etc.? All of our spare transformers in the US inventory were shipped to Ukraine. Want to know why FEMA is broke and has very little money for the disaster? They are still blowing it on helping illegal immigrants enter and become comfortable here in the US.

If you attempt to help anyone in Tennessee without government approval, prepare to be punished.

Meanwhile, shills for the federal government will be sure to tell you all about the price gouging. Oh, look, a squirrel, I mean “Climate Change!”

It would be one thing if the workers at the bread lines were just doing their job…

…but its a completely different story when they claim a monopoly on aid, when they arrest you or steal your resources for having the nerve to try to feed people on your own. Too bad our schools don’t teach that bread lines are the least reliable and least efficient way to feed people.


  • here: first responders and service members not being deployed.
  • here: FEMA’s physical assets not being deployed.
  • here: private rescue and aid being blocked.
  • here and here: FEMA focused on housing migrants.
  • here: FEMA focused on funding illegal immigrants.
  • here: Rep. Mace: FEMA should allocate funds to relief.
  • here: On FEMA’s financial irregularities and mission
  • here: Money for Ukraine, but not for you.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    FEMA is a Government Organization…

    …and Water is Wet

    Shhh…. ”Concerned” fellows like the one who recently said ”God gave men dominion over the earth, and so naturally Satan wants to take that dominion away from men and set up illegitimate rule over men.” don’t know such things as they live in a tradcon fairytale world of yanking & cranking 1950s -style and 1980s-style ”rapture practice” are somehow approved and admonished of in God’s WORD & where such Scriptures as these are unknown:

    4 Now Jesus, full of [and in perfect communication with] the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they ended, He was hungry. 3 Then the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command this stone to turn into bread.” 4 Jesus replied to him, “It is written and forever remains written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone[a].’”

    5 Then he led Jesus up [to a high mountain] and displayed before Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth [and their magnificence] in the twinkling of an eye. 6 And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this realm and its glory [its power, its renown]; because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore if You worship before me, it will all be Yours.” 8 Jesus replied to him, “It is written and forever remains written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.’”-Luke 4:1-7-Amp

    Or here also:

    4 Therefore, since we have this ministry, just as we received mercy [from God, granting us salvation, opportunities, and blessings], we do not get discouraged nor lose our motivation. 2 But we have renounced the disgraceful things hidden because of shame; not walking in trickery or adulterating the word of God, but by stating the truth [openly and plainly], we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. 3 But even if our gospel is [in some sense] hidden [behind a veil], it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing; 4 among them the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves [merely] as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of the glory and majesty of God [clearly revealed] in the face of Christ.-2 Corinthians 4 Amp

    ”redpillers” minds & hearts might be closed to such Scriptures but the original redpillers e.g. the MGTOW never were.

  2. professorGBFMtm

    Also i think everything would go better for the Rs,Ds & ”redpillers” if they had this non-hypocrite woman writing for them:

    M.G.T.O.W.: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore
    M.G.T.O.W.: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore

    M.G.T.O.W.: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore
    Elaine Flowers
    4.5 • 2 Ratings

    Publisher Description
    MGTOW—Men Going Their Own Way is a movement. Yes, it’s a thing! What does it mean? It means that men are fed up with women getting over on them. Or, at least that’s how some of them see it. Elaine FLOWERS wrote a blog titled, “Dating: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore” and three years later, men are still hot under the collar about it and letting her know. To this day, the conversation continues and men are resisting us (women) and they’re resisting in a way that is shocking. Yep, ladies, we’ve done it now.

    Then she wrote this next book that did not (obviously) create the above book:

    I Wouldn’t Mind Having a Husband, I Just Don’t Want to Be Somebody’s Wife: The ever-single, ever-failing, Single Woman’s Guide to Self-fulfillment & hot @rse s*x in Da clubs MENZ room

    Elaine Flowers
    4.5 • 2 Ratings

    Publisher Description
    This book was written for the scores of single-never-been-married women who are desperately seeking marriage and will help them answer the following questions. Are you aware of what being married really means? Are you prepared for a husband? If you knew what it really meant to be a wife, would you still want it?

    Excerpt: Taken from Section4

    No one sets out in marriage contemplating a divorce. But, what if you did? Not in a morbid sort of way where you’re setting yourself up with a death wish (speaking to the death of a marriage) but, in a realistic way of thinking of an ‘every’ case scenario. Ask yourself, “How would this man treat me during a divorce?”

    This is something most people don’t consider. And when the person you were supposed to love forever turns into public enemy number one, it’s difficult to process. When the man who was supposed to honor and cherish you is not only not wishing you well but is doing everything within his power to bring you down, it’s enough to literally change your outlook on life, love,@rse s&x and relationships. You lose faith in romance and commitment.

    Say you pledged your life to a man who seems to be out to get you. The word “committed” will take on a whole new meaning—complete with straitjacket as if ye were an icky MGTOW TBH.

    When you’re romantically involved in the beginning and still feeling the fluttering wings of butterflies in your stomach you would never guess that this same person would later call you out of your name, disrespect you in ways you would never imagine, plot against you, and sometimes even strike you other than on the @rse?- SMH.

    If you pay attention, there are always signs early on. For instance, I was talking to a guy on the phone for the first time. We were introduced through one of my family members and he, too, looked good on paper. During this first conversation he tells me how much he hates his brother’s wife and then calls her a beyotch cum dumster wife that cares not for her beta herb husband (the first time I’d ever heard either endearing term). I knew at that moment, if not any other, he wasn’t the one for me. Any man that would think it okay to call a woman out of her name will one day think it okay to do the same to me. Eww! And how unattractive is that anyway as I deserve nothing but the best as a delicate utilitarian of the female persuation?

    It’s the little things in the beginning which lead up to the big things later. Small incidences that may not seem to mean much early on fester and grow into bigger things or make it easier to get to the more hurtful things.

    By the time you reach the courtroom you are so used to saying ugly words that both of you are spitting out hateful retorts at each other and wondering how you got there when you once thought you were so in love.

    i bet she doesn’t even see how that book paved the way for the other evilz MGTOW book huh?

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Speaking of paving the way-heres where too many tradcons of the ”Conservative” liberal slant will be going next in their ”immovable” ”set in stone” ”Conservative” philosophy and ”morality”-being a drunk is a disease{just like idol elrushbo’s opioid-taking lust is to them now(but that’s mainly because it was mostly women who did/do that-Regarding opioid use, women were more likely than men to report recent (past 30 day) and non-recent (lifetime but not past 30 days) prescription opioid use (54.9% women vs 42.2% men)}:

    Ronald’s mother, Nelle Wilson Reagan, nurtured and encouraged her sons. She taught them that alcoholism was a disease and urged them not to blame their father for succumbing to it. She had married Jack Reagan in a Catholic ceremony, and the older son Neil was raised as a Catholic. Both boys believed that Neil took after his father and Ronald more after his mother. Nelle raised Ronald in her church, the Disciples of Christ. She was a relentless do-gooder, visiting prisoners, poorhouse inmates, and hospital patients. She also organized drama recitals—some of which featured her sons—and worked as a salesclerk and seamstress in the 1930s. As an adult, Ronald often reminisced fondly about his mother’s compassion and generosity. He moved her to Hollywood after Jack died; she died in 1962.

    See how WE got to the various tradconnic ”P@rn and yanking while cranking myself could be ”holy” according to the Scriptures that speak of JESUS as he said himself-
    {39 [a]You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and yet it is those [very Scriptures] that testify about Me; 40 and still you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. 41 I do not receive glory and approval from men; 42 but I know you and recognize that you do not have the love of God in yourselves. 43 I have come in My Father’s name and with His power, and you do not receive Me [because your minds are closed]; but if another comes in his own name and with no authority or power except his own, you will receive him and give your approval to an imposter. 44 How can you believe [in Me], when you [seek and] receive glory and approval from one another, and yet you do not seek the glory and approval which comes from the one and only God? 45 Do not think that I [am the One who] will accuse you before the Father. There [already] is one who accuses you: Moses, [the very one] in whom you have placed your hope [for salvation]. 46 For if you believed and relied on [the Scriptures written by] Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me [personally]. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”-John 5:39-47 Amp-

    }, but WE say they give us license for our perverted licentiousness instead.” as so sayeth the tradcon liars of today in the sphere (that come here to challenge i, Derek & MOD to return to their dying & ever-changing ‘RP’ doctrines to try to succeed yet still fail right on cue- tradcon sites)?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      It’s bureaucracy.

      The government bureaucrats doing this think they are “doing the Lord’s work.” It’s what top-down, control-based authoritarians believe is the divine mandate. Any community-driven, bottom-up, grassroots approach is anathema.

      The reason we keep associating The Red Pill manosphere with the left is because they share the bureaucratic authoritarian bent. Put the right people in charge and everyone else must obey:

      Catacomb Resident of Radix Fidem says “Whether you like it or not, people are meant to be led.”

      Radix Fidem, FEMA, and the Red Pill manosphere are not different religions, they are the same one with different denominations. They differ in who the bureaucrats are.

  4. Lastmod

    Well, you know….even Red Pill guys want grandma to get their Social Security and SSI checks monthly, while telling you its a PONZI scheme and FICA deductions from your paycheck are “theft”

    A co-worker of mine, who is 39. Married for twelve years. One child, finally can afford a down payment on a average three bedroom 1 and 1/2 bathroom house with a garage and yard in the Los Angeles area. He just closed on it. I am happy for him. Its not a bad area but its not some “upper middle class” neighborhood either. Built in 1974 the asking price is 1.2 million dollars. It will need some work. It will also need mandatory upgrades for earthquakes, plumbing and the like.

    This same home when it was built was 32K (a little high even for that time), but with inflation adjusted dollars a man with a growing income, still could afford this starter home in 1974 in his twenties. My co-worker had to wait until he was almost forty to afford a STARTER home in the LA area.

    He is not a soy-boy. His wife works part time. He is not “lazy” nor “in a crab bucket” and he could not afford a starter home until he was almost 40 here in the Los Angeles area. We joked a few months back as he was closing on the home “Dave Ramsey would be pissed at you, you should have got three other jobs and paid cash for the home, eaten out of dumpsters, and used your investments that grow 12-15% a year to pay cash for the place.”

    He rolled his eyes and said “Dave Ramsey doesnt live in the world we all live in”

    The other page is still using scantily / suggestively clad women with makeup (something they hate, and women should never wear, ever!) and telling men that its normal to have a trad wife, a new home, children and a one income family in the USA.

    “you just gotta put the work in”

    Delusional. I was reading a stat from some investor about my age group, GenX and only 45% of us own a home. Sounds about right.

    These folks who lost their homes in the hurricane……..they will never get them back, and will be forced to move. The Tubbs fire in Santa Rosa (and I was there when it happened), even with insurance could not afford to rebuild. They had to leave, and new developers like “blackrock” bought up the land and build luxury homes that no one can afford, and they write it off

    The Red Pill may be “mainstream” but they live in plastic bubbles. They have zero clue what “most men” go through, not that they care anyway 😉

  5. professorGBFMtm

    He rolled his eyes and said “Dave Ramsey doesnt live in the world we all live in”

    That’s been one of my favorite personal catchphrases in conversations with my brother since I first discovered Dave Ramsey in 2004/’05.😉

    The Red Pill may be “mainstream” but they live in plastic bubbles. They have zero clue what “most men” go through, not that they care anyway 😉

    The mainstream (since 2012-’13) red pill is for married/divorced men who hate the responsibility and duty advice for married men that the Mark Driscols and Doug Wilsons(which is okay for non/never-married men but not the ”twicked by society , parents and feminism” men like themselves)of the world ( but love the”MAN- UP & GAME & MARRY them hos Bros” that the ”mainstream” red pill preaches to the young) to single and never married men(which is where the split between the red & black factions of the pill definitely depart company especially back in the split up years of 2014 & ’15)

    1. Lastmod

      He lambasts companies that are woke, and then INVESTS in them through mutual funds, indexes and expects them to turn a profit for his portfolio all the while talking “walking with Jesus daily”

      He’s exceptional at what he does. Part of his was rise was the timing in the market, yes “right place and right time” do apply to some aspects of his wealth generation. Doesnt want you to own property unless you can pay in full for it, nor rent it out but its okay for him.

      Woman caller: “Hi Dave, yes…my husband and I love Jesus more than anything, thank you for all the help you give people. Ummm, yes…..my husband is a Union carpenter, and despite Unions hating God and support for Democrats he makes only 120K a year. we dont make too much……he uses his truck for most of his work its got 275K miles and needs lost of repairs. Sometimes he has to drive 100 plus miles to get to a job. He carries his tools and the like and uses the truck for serious work. Well, its time for new one and I think he can make do with a used one, ten years old…..he just uses it for his job. Its not like he needs a new truck…..and my car (the family car) is paid off but because I’m the one taking care of the kids the investment for a new vehicle should be mine.”

      Dave: “Your husband is stupid. He can keep that truck running. Its just for his work, he can make do with a beater. Family and children are the most important. He gets a used truck like you said. Make sure you pay cash for it, and if he gets butthurt over it, he can call me. As for your car, you both need to discuss a newer used car. Dont buy a new car”

      “But the children, and I have so many errands and being a ‘stay-at-home-mom’ a new car would be better for the whole family”

      “Get a newer used car, he gets a beater truck.”

      “Well, I kind-of told him I expect a new car and I looked onine and I found a 2003 truck that will be fine, its just a truck. They want $2000.00 for it, and all the money we have saved up for his truck, we could put on a new car for me and have it paid off in a year.”

      “Sounds like a plan! If you take that route, make sure you pay it off quicker than that. Make sure your husband understands that a truck is not a status symbol. He just needs it for work, he needs to grow up! Be a man and not a boy. Its just a truck. “

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