The Parable of the WHAT?

A couple weeks ago I wrote “The Parable of the Four Soils” where I discussed the four types of soils—hearts of man—in which the seeds—the Word of God—were spread. One of the great things about the Parable of the Sower is that Jesus explained what it meant. Unlike many other scriptures, we don’t have to wonder in confusion about what it means. There is no need to spend time debating over its broad points, when Jesus states them quite clearly. Here is a summary:

The Parable of the Four Soils

The first soil is the heart of one who hears the message, but lacks any understanding of it. They do not receive the knowledge nor do they believe it.

The second soil is the heart of one who hears the message and believes it with joy, but it does not take root within himself. Though they may believe for a long time, when that faith is ultimately challenged, the lack of knowledge and understanding is revealed and they immediately fall away. Though they “believed,” they are nonetheless revealed to have a soil—a heart—of stone. Their heart was not—and never had been—renewed by the message. The knowledge was not received: they turned away because of the message! They stumbled in the unbelief of the Word of God.

The third soil is the heart of those who believe and receive the message, but who are unfruitful as Christians. Perhaps they add their own theology—foundation—upon what Christ has revealed. Or perhaps they just get distracted. Regardless, they fail to reap a harvest. Paul describes such a man as only barely being saved from fire, having experienced a complete material loss.

The fourth soil is the heart of those who believe, receive the knowledge of God, understand it, and produce a harvest.

So I was extremely surprised when I saw the title of this article: “The Parable of the Seeds : Red Pill Edition.” It was—and still is—rather shocking. Honestly, it may be the worst article on Sigma Frame that I’ve ever read. If my pastor preached something like this, I’d probably leave the church and never return. It’s that bad.

On the other hand, it is also one of the best examples I have ever seen of how mysticism leads one into error. In this is is highly instructive.

Let’s shine a light on it.

In the article scripture has been freely reimagined and reemployed to say something that the original did not say, utilizing a truly terrible analogy to further a Red Pill ideology. But consider that after Jesus gave this parable, he then interpreted it explicitly. It’s not really subject to speculation about what it means or how it applies (but pressing it into service for a completely unrelated topic reminds me of the leftist Tim Keller approach).

Such an alteration of scripture, I suppose, is the fruit of ungrounded mysticism. Why am I surprised? But it’s not just that scripture was changed, it’s that the interpretation provided by Jesus was simply case aside:

The Parable of Seeds: Red Pill Edition

Concerning the first type of seed, “The Devil” could mean one of several circumstances:

No, “the devil” is not figurative language for “one of several circumstances.” The devil is Satan.

I guess we are not taking the devil seriously now, putting Satan in scare quotes. This sentence reads like something Satan would write if he wanted you to question whether he even existed.

I guess Jesus couldn’t possibly have meant that the Devil stops some people from accepting the Word of God by taking away the message and replacing it with something else, like mysticism. No, Jesus must have meant it as something else rather than what he actually said.

But there is a key exegetical error here. In Jesus’ parable, there are four kinds of soils—hearts of man—but only one kind of seed. There is no “first type of seed.” As Jesus explained, all the seeds are the same: the message about the kingdom. There isn’t a first, second, third, or fourth type of seed, because the seed is constant. The differences are in the soils, in the hearts of the men to whom the seed—the Word of God—is presented.

See how the four soils are given one seed?

Matthew 13

…When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it…

…the one who hears the message and immediately receives it…

…this is the one who hears the message

..this is the one who hears and understands the message

For a teacher of English, this mistake reflects very poor reading comprehension (in addition to agricultural ignorance). Jack @ Sigma Frame should not be teaching scripture if such basic “exegesis” is beyond his ability.

This isn’t difficult. Jesus himself explained what the seed was. I mean this without hostility or hatred, but Jack @ Sigma Frame is represented by the first soil:

Matthew 13

Now listen to the meaning of the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the Wicked One comes and snatches away what had been sown in his heart. This is the one that was sown alongside the path.

The writer at Sigma Frame heard the message—literally the Parable of the Sower—and did not understand it. Satan has so snatched it away from him that even he—an English language teacher—cannot tell that there was only one type of seed and four types of soil!

I’ve spent the last few weeks shouting out a warning about the mysticism of Radix Fidem. Mysticism says that there are many different messages: that there is no such thing as objective truth that can be apprehended. It explicitly rejects the one message of scripture as the sole Word of God. It rejects the validity of the mind, which then leads to subjective “truth.” You are seeing the fruit here. Such is the teaching of Satan, who snatches away the true message and replaces it with his own “truths.”

There can be no understanding—no knowledge—from those who have rejected the mind that God gave them. Those who reject the mind for pure mysticism will always be those whose hearts are in the first soil, for they will never have understanding and knowledge of the message. They will worship a false Christ who they are certain is the real one. They may even be granted vast physical and spiritual powers by mystical means, but they will be worth precisely nothing, for they do not understand the Word of God. As Jesus taught, even if they do great miracles, including successfully casting out actual demons, they are still rejected.

The writer at Sigma Frame should be following the instructions given to those who lack understanding and presume to instruct others in their erroneous ways:

1 Timothy 2:11-12

A woman must learn without causing a disturbance, by being in complete subjection. I do not permit a woman to teach or to impose authority over a man, rather she is not to cause a disturbance.

This obviously false teaching is cause for disturbance. Given that he does not correct his exegetical errors, he should be silent, forbidden to teach, and forbidden from exercising authority over the men who are permitted to do these things. He should remain in complete subjection to those who are teaching the Word of God.

Of course, he is not subject to the authority of Christ’s church. No one can do anything about his errors. If he leaves his post up on his own free will, that should tell you everything you need to know.

The Parable of Seeds: Red Pill Edition

(1) They become soured against the truth for any number of reasons, maybe because it involves self-sacrifice and suffering, or it conflicts with worldly ideologies and values they hold dear.

This is the first reason for what “The Devil” of the so-called “first type of seed” is supposed to be. It’s not Satan.

What Jack says about the “first” seed is what Jesus said about the second soil. With the first soil, the people do not understand what they hear. The seed just lays there on the rock without sprouting. It is present, but without any comprehension. The seed can’t have soured because the gospel message can never sour. And neither can their reaction to the message have soured, because they never understood it to begin with: they never received it. It was snatched away from them before they could.

Rather, it is the second soil where one received the message and then later turned away from it because of the truth of the message. They were soured against the message that they had originally received with joy because they didn’t like what the message was. The message itself was the reason for its rejection. Oh, yes, they understood it indeed, but they didn’t like what it had to say.

So bad is this reimagining, that he couldn’t even get the soils straight! And this isn’t that hard. Jesus said that the second soil was those who received but later fell away (“soured”). It is, literally, unbelief, just as scripture attests.

The Parable of Seeds: Red Pill Edition

(2) They are too spiritually impoverished and dissipated by sin and therefore have no real power to choose or follow through on their decision.

This is the second reason for what “The Devil” of the so-called “first type of seed” is supposed to be. It’s still not Satan.

Did Jesus say any of this? No he did not. He said that the devil—Satan—prevented them from receiving and understanding the Word. Nowhere does Jesus say that they have no power to choose or follow through. Nor did Christ say they made any decision at all regarding the message. They heard the message, but they didn’t receive the message. They lacked understanding of the message.

To this end, Jesus explained why he spoke in parables. It’s not very complicated:

And the disciples came and said to him,

“Why do you speak to them in parables?”

And he answered and said to them,

“Because the knowledge of the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but it has not been given to them. For whoever has, more will be given to him, and he will have an abundance, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. This is why I speak to them in parables, because although they are seeing they do not really see, and although they are hearing they do not really hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,

Isaiah 6:9-10
Although you will hear, you will never understand, and although you will see, you will never perceive. For this people’s heart has become calloused, and their ears can hardly hear, and they have closed their eyes, otherwise they would perceive with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn back to me, and I would heal them.

But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous people desired to see the things that you are seeing, and did not see them, and to hear the things that you are hearing, and did not hear them.

That’s why he spoke in Parables. That’s why the first soil exists. It is those men who heard without understanding, and saw without perception. It is those with hearts of stone. It’s not about how many sins they committed, nor their power to choose or decide. It’s about their hard hearts.

How do we know they had hard hearts? They did not have knowledge of the message. If they had even a little bit of knowledge, what they had was taken away. Oh, these Jews had their mystical Hebrew traditions, but they were worth nothing then, just as they are worth nothing now. They did not know or understand the message. It never entered their minds (“understand with their hearts”).

Hard hearts are the fruit of being “heart-led.”

This is, perhaps, the greatest argument that Sigma Frame has ever made against mysticism and Radix Fidem.

The Parable of Seeds: Red Pill Edition

(3) They are not accepted by other Christians and/or are denied Christian fellowship for some reason, maybe because they are habitually unclean or too defiled.

This is the third and final reason given for what “The Devil” of the so-called “first type of seed” is supposed to be. And, finally, it’s not Satan. It’s might be anything but definitely not Satan.

I’m sorry, what? Denied Christian fellowship? Not accepted by other Christians? I’ve heard this one before:

Jack’s words sound almost identical to those of the Naked Pastor. In so doing, the methodology of the LGBTQ leftist is revealed to be identical to that of the ungrounded mystic.

Now notice what Jesus says about the second soil: people rejected the Word of God because of the Word of God. It’s those pesky verses again! The Word of God is being sent, and the people either receive it—believe—or they don’t—unbelief. Placing the blame on other Christians for not being welcoming enough is not at all what Christ said in his parables.

Let’s emphasize this. Each Christian is responsible for his own response to the message. He cannot blame other Christians for not being inviting or giving fellowship (e.g. for not affirming their sexual sin or their heresy). Jesus did not excuse the hard hearts of men for not receiving, understanding, and standing firm in the message because of whatever their peers did. They should have received the message and stood strong despite what others may or may not have done.

This Red Pill Parable stinks.

When I wrote my original piece, I wrote this:

The Parable of the Four Soils

Mystics try to convince me that their experiences and powers prove their faith. But spiritual experiences have two possible sources, not one. One is God, the other is demonic. The mere fact of the reality of the spiritual isn’t enough to determine which source is the origin. No matter how good it feels, no matter how much joy it brings, no matter how effective the miracles, no matter how many converts it nets, none of that is validating.

Mysticism which is not grounded in scripture is demonic. It leads to the case where the message is not understood and rejected. It is, literally, snatched away by Satan. What is left is a lack of understanding.

Now, given how bad Jack’s understanding of the message is, we are not surprised at how ridiculous the rest of his analogy is:

  • “Hearing the word” is analogous to marriage and/or sexual congress.
  • A person who hears the word, accepts it, and then rejects God to worship the world’s idols is like the wife who leaves / divorces one man and bangs or marries another.

This absurdity requires no commentary.

But now we can see why the bad analogy involving “types of seeds” rather than “types of soils” was employed. The article goes on to describe 3 types of seeds devoured by birds, 2 types of seeds that fell on rocky soil, 3 types of seeds choked out by brambles, and many types of red pill seeds—expressed and implied—that are supposed to have fallen on fertile soil.

The imagery of the Parable is being employed to facilitate Jack’s ideological goals. It’s a bad analogy, but who cares!

How amazing is it that the Red Pill is now analogized with the gospel message! Never before have I seen this made so explicit. Regular readers here often accuse Red Pill writers of this—directly and indirectly—in the comments, but now it has been made so much more explicit. Maybe instead of calling the Red Pill teachers Saints, we should be calling them Messiahs.

The article is riddled in personal ideologies. Scripture is merely a tool used to promote those ideologies. It has nothing to do with God. It’s an abominable use of scripture to achieve non-biblical ideological goals. It’s the kind of thing that I’m used to seeing from apostates, not from those who clam to be traditionalist Christians. This is a clear example of what a few years of mysticism will do to a Christian. Don’t go down that path to ruin.

After two days since it was posted, the article has only two comments and exactly one like: from Catacomb Resident.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    For a teacher of English, this mistake reflects very poor reading comprehension (in addition to agricultural ignorance). Jack @ Sigma Frame should not be teaching scripture if such basic “exegesis” is beyond his ability.

    This isn’t difficult. Jesus himself explained what the seed was. I mean this without hostility or hatred, but Jack @ Sigma Frame is represented by the first soil:

    Matthew 13
    Now listen to the meaning of the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the Wicked One comes and snatches away what had been sown in his heart. This is the one that was sown alongside the path.

    The writer at Sigma Frame heard the message and did not understand it. Satan has so snatched it away from him that even he—an English language teacher—cannot tell that there was only one type of seed and four types of soil!

    I’ve spent the last few weeks shouting out a warning about the mysticism of Radix Fidem. Mysticism says that there are many different messages. It explicitly rejects the one message of scripture as the sole Word of God. It rejects the validity of the mind, which then leads to subjective “truth.” You are seeing the fruit here. Such is the teaching of Satan, who snatches away the true message and replaces it with his own “truth.”

    There can be no understanding—no knowledge—from those who have rejected the mind that God gave them. Those who reject the mind for pure mysticism will always be those whose hearts are in the first soil, for they will never have understanding and knowledge of the message. They will worship a false Christ who they are certain is the real one. They may even be granted vast physical and spiritual powers by mystical means, but they will be worth precisely nothing, for they do not understand the Word of God. As Jesus taught, even if they do great miracles, including successfully casting out actual demons, they are still rejected.

    The writer at Sigma Frame should be following the instructions given to those who lack understanding and presume to instruct others in their erroneous ways:

    1 Timothy 2:11-12
    A woman must learn without causing a disturbance, by being in complete subjection. I do not permit a woman to teach or to impose authority over a man, rather she is not to cause a disturbance.

    This obviously false teaching(which has been standard in the ”Christian” ”Man”osphere for some time) is cause for disturbance. Given that he does not correct his exegetical errors, he should be silent, forbidden to teach, and forbidden from exercising authority over the men who are permitted to do these things. He should remain in complete subjection to those who are teaching the Word of God.

    Of course, he is not subject to the authority of Christ’s church. No one can do anything about his errors. If he leaves his post up on his own free will, that should tell you everything you need to know.

    It’s NOT just Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne who has trouble with understanding or comprehension(of any kind) BUT other supposed ”redpill” ”leaders” too!

    Like the one who admits his father was a strict Patriarchist who would ”lawfully” hit his mother every now & then BUT he didn’t do as hisFather did because of the lawless bluepilled muh Government and the ”rp””Patriarchial” ”Scripture” of ”WE ought to obey (bluepilled) Man, rather than God”(”RP” ”Patriarchy”Acts 5:29)false teaching of supposed ”Christians” who fear arrest by lawless ”Men” more than pleasing God whose holy order of Patriarchy must be followed over any commandment from a lawless or blue pilled Government ”law” commands no matter what any false teacher says.

    These supposed ”rp” ”Patriarchial”” Scriptures ”are (as usual) riddled in personal ideologies. Scripture is merely a tool used to promote those ideologies. It has nothing to do with God. It’s an abominable use of scripture to achieve non-biblical ideological goals. It’s the kind of thing that I’m used to seeing from apostates, not from those who claim to be traditionalist Christians. This is a clear example of what a few years of mysticism and obvious false teaching will do to a Christian. Don’t go down that path to ruin.

    That’s what I said further above in a nutshell!

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “It’s NOT just Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne who has trouble with understanding or comprehension(of any kind) BUT other supposed ”redpill” ”leaders” too!”

      I understand if people are confused about Paul’s teaching on women’s hair. That’s confusing and there are many competing explanations. I understand if people are confused by Jesus’ Olivet Discourse or John’s Revelation. These are notoriously difficult to understand, even for seasoned theologians.

      But Jesus explained what the Parable means. Many of the listeners got it wrong, but they didn’t hear the explanation that Jesus gave the disciples. But Jack heard both the Parable and the explanation and he still got it wrong!

      “Like the one who admits his father was a strict Patriarchist who would ”lawfully” hit his mother every now & then BUT he didn’t do as hisFather did because of the lawless bluepilled muh Government and the ”rp””Patriarchial” ”Scripture” of ”WE ought to obey (bluepilled) Man, rather than God”(”RP” ”Patriarchy”Acts 5:29)false teaching of supposed ”Christians” who fear arrest by lawless ”Men” more than pleasing God whose holy order of Patriarchy must be followed over any commandment from a lawless or blue pilled Government ”law” commands no matter what any false teacher says.”

      Right, if it were commanded by God for a man to correct his wife by hitting her, then nothing the State commanded would or could stand in his way. Now either God didn’t command it or Messiah Hammerhead is a hypocrite for obeying man rather than God.

  2. Lastmod

    Posted on a post on Instagram last night. Yes, it was for Real Men. It was for Real Men that “love God first, no matter what, no matter the cost!”

    The clip spoke about how men in the church are “weak useless Betas” and need to be working out four days a week minimum, and must be physically strong, and have a “good provision” and marry a virgin, and if you are single as a man in todays culture “its your own fault” you “are week, and christian women only respond sexually to men who have it all figured out, plan and we men have dropped the ball badly for them”

    The comments were full of “Amens” and of course women chiming in “If a man loves Jesus, and she sees it, we girls know there is nothing that will stop him, we love that” type of comments. And, “All the guys in my church need to hear this. Daily” nonsense.

    I made a comment of “so what does a 5’4″ man do, or a man born physically handicapped from birth?”

    The barrage was swift and fast

    *He needs to be content with what God gave him, and work from that
    *He needs to stop whining and do something
    *He needs to be the best he can be to a woman
    *Women dont care about that, they just want a man who loves Jesus with his everything
    *I know a guy who is 5’2″ and has a very hot, devout Christian wife . The key? Confidence in Jesus
    *When you have sole confidence in jesus, you will have no problems with Christian women
    *Rollo says……
    *Roosh says……
    *My dude, you need to get rid of those panties, and put some real underpants on, and pull them up!
    *I’m 33 and I will never give up. God’s got this, and He’s gonna bring me a wife when He is ready! Just me and the rep bar right now! Quit whining!
    *My guy, watch videos from Life.Chruch, its geared to men and masculinity. Men are uplifting each other daily (they’re not btw)
    *You have to trust God. The problem is we men in Christ dont want to trust Him, and this is why we have so many problems today. We need to do better
    *A gal in my church told me what I had to do to get women to date me, and its EXACTLY what this post says. We need to talk to our sisters more and listen to them!
    *There is someone for everyone. The examples you mentioned. They have to stay in their lane. That short guy should be finding a short gal. That handicapped dude needs to find a handicapped gal

    A man reached out and said he has a “mens group” that fights and prays and “leads” men daily. But in order for Jesus to give blessings, “I” have to drop the bitterness and demons that have poisoned my life (what bitterness?) and I could get all the information and tools and workbooks for only 39.95

    The future of Christianity is Africa, China and India in the end. It really is. Still stuck on what women want, still stuck on American Christianity (house, a minivan, horrible praise music and christian virtue signalling)

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