
Bruce Charlton has some interesting thoughts (emphasis added):

Christianity - crushed and tormented by centuries of theology
Christianity painted itself into a corner. Only those who were able to live with a permanent state of imprecision and contradiction were able to participate in the discourse. Anyone who seriously tried to make sense of things and get at the truth – was excluded.

It’s hard for me to express (because it apparently invisible to most people!) my horror at the way Jesus Christ and what he did has been enmeshed in vast webs of other stuff.

A new Christian may begin with a wonderful sense of simplicity and clarity; but is almost immediately confronted by enmeshing menaces wherever he turns. And the new Christian will find that such-and-such is regarded as absolutely necessary to being-a-Christian – that “being-a-Christian” is something which takes place only within these assumptions – that there is asserted to be no real way of being-a-Christian except within such assumptions…

What’s worse is that the simple and obvious truth and reality which led to becoming a Christian, somehow gets reversed, in all sorts of ways. The whole thing gets smothered by an endlessly regressing external weight of mandatory demands; which cannot be grasped and must just be accepted and obeyed

My primary objection in “Dr. Michael Heiser” might be summarized rather plainly: he’s joined countless others in unnecessarily adding his own requirements to “being-a-Christian.” Do not question, do not examine. Just accept and obey.

Whether it be Heiser, Radix Fidem, or the occult mystics in the church, they are not simplifying Christianity, they are replacing requirements that they don’t like with new and improved requirements that they do like.

The king is dead, long live the king!


  1. professorGBFMtm

    My primary objection in “Dr. Michael Heiser” might be summarized rather plainly in spirit: he’s joined countless others in unnecessarily adding his own requirements to “being-a-Christian.” Do not question, do not examine. Just accept and obey

    {like the un-”sanctified”& un-”Christian”& highly failurous ””Christian”-Game”( tremendously failurous to marriage & life in general)that was promoted as capital T TRUTH that would supposedly get a MENZ married & stay ”happily married” like DAL(who just two years later in May 2016 was a shell of his former glory days self , seeking out a meager ho-hum existence with mostly other failing reddish colored tradcons like Warhorn Media I might add) a decade + ago}.

    Whether it be Heiser, Radix Fidem, or the occult mystics in the church, they are not simplifying Christianity, they are replacing requirements that they don’t like with new and improved requirements that they do like.

    The king is dead, long live the king!

    In that same summarized plain-talking spirit comes this from May 2014 which asked a GREAT Question that needs to be asked of Heiser, Radix Fidem, or the occult mystics in the church!

    Namely ”HAVE YOU EVER READ THE BIBLE?” for the sake of brevity like ”Jack”{who himself has long contradictory (verbose) and confusing as so sayeth even secret king sparkly too)screeds} always demandeth!

    Why does Dalrock Dictate that “Christian Men Need Game” instead of teaching that “Christian Women need Christianity and the Law of Moses which Christ Came To Fulfill?”
    Why does Dalrock Dictate that “Christian Men Need Game” instead of teaching that “Christian Women need Christianity and the Law of Moses which Christ Came To Fulfill?”

    Why do Dalrock and his loyal flock of Frankfartians want to rebuild the church around serving women’s butt and gina tinzgzlzlzozozolzooz instead of serving Jesus and Moses?

    One thing that really gets Dalrock off is all of is his loyal flock of frankfartian supporters who always preach falsely that Jesus came to abolish the Law of Moses so as so sanctify all the churchian butthztext and fornananiciatioznzlzlzolozoz and Dalrock’s Game.

    You can tell that this really gets Dalrock off as he never seeks to correct his errant flock of frankfartian fanboyzlzlzozozo.

    Instead he bans and banished da words of Christ and Moses and da GBFM.

    So we ask again, “Why does Dalrock Dictate that “Christian Men Need Game” instead of teaching that “Christian Women need Christianity and the Law of Moses which Christ Came To Fulfill?”

    True Christian Women do Not Need to be Gamed: Dalrock & Vox’s Christianity is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ
    A true Christian woman does not need to be gamed. A true Christian woman follows the Law of Moses which Jesus came not to abolish but to fulfill:

    16 Unto the woman he said , I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bringforth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. -Genesis

    Indeed women no longer follow God, Jesus, and Moses, but their butt and gina tinglez. And the hilarious thing is that rather than trying to resurrect the Christian Soul in the churches, schools, universities, and family court system and reform women, the “Christian men” such as Dalrock & Vox suggest that we all become slave to butt and gina tingelzozozizlzo and learn how to serve them first and foremost, over the teachings of Christ and Moses, as serving butt and gina tinzgzzlzlozolzoz over Christ and Moses is the heart and soul of game.

    Jesus Christ Exalted the Law of Moses, not Dalrock / Vox Gamey Game. More Gamey Churchians Threaten to Ban and Censor the Words of Da GBGM for Quoting Jesus Christ and Honoring THE LAW OF MOSES Over Gamey Churchian Butt and Gina Tingalalozozzoozzo
    Churchians have no shame and deserve every divorce/broken marriage they get. Their failed gamey crusade shall soon be forgotten, while the Christ and Moses they castigated, ignored, belittled, censored, and impugned shall Rise Again and Serve the Rising Generation who honors the Law of Moses and our Lord Jesus Christ over gamey game and gina tiznzgzlzlozozozo.

    “Those who live by the tingzlzozozozozl shall die by the tingzlzlzozozlzoz” -GBFM

    donalgraeme writes, “IV. Conclusion
    It cannot be denied that before the advent of Marriage 2.0, it wasn’t necessary for Christian men to have to Game their wives. Nor did they face an environment which was set up to ruin marriage as much as possible. Unfortunately, we do live in the Marriage 2.0 regime now, and Christian men must adapt to the times.”

    Real Christian Men would Man Up and Exalt Christ and Moses, rather than Denying Their Teachings, just to serve tingzlzlzzo and kneel before a woman’s whims.

    donalgraeme writes, “For some men, that means a decision on their part not to marry. For others, that means marrying and accepting the possibility that their wives may blow up their marriages at any time, and they have no means of recourse.”

    my tender little lamb donalgreme, if a woman can blow up a marriage at any time, IT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE! Which do Churchians hate more–the teachings of Christ and Moses or the Obovious?

    And what about Great Men like Heartiste who Speak the Truth That Sets Us Free?

    donalgraeme writes, “Those Christian men who take their chances in marriage must use whatever methods of maintaining control in their marriage are available, with Game being one of the few things still left in the toolbox. Should any of this be necessary? Of course not. But these are evil and desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures.”

    my tender little lamb donalgreme, if you enter into a non-Christian marriage and then have to act in a non-Christian, gamey manner bowing down beofre a woman’s tingzlzozoz instead of honoring Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Law of Moses to maintain the un-Christian marriage, how exactly are your serving Christ? What about these Unholy acts makes one a Christian?

    Now you people see why I mostly just go zlzlozoozlzzoozzo instead of reasoning with Christ-opposing Chruchians.

    The sad thing is they destroyed the Glory of Christ and Desouled the Church all for a little bernankified nookiezizlzzizizzlozlzozozo.

    Above donalgraeme writes, “Since GBFM loves to talk about the law of Moses, lets discuss it briefly.”

    This is a remarkable and telling comment from a Churchian, who thinks that Moses is irrelevant to Christianity.

    I pointed this out by showing how Jesus also loved to “talk about the law of Moses,” and was threatened with being banned and censored.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ Honored The Law of Moses, which donalgraeme detesteth and scoffs at, considering only worthy of “brief discussion,” and only because GBFM brought it up. Well, long before da GBFM, our Lord Jesus Christ also brought it up–in these translations Jesus cites THE LAW OF MOSES directly:

    Matthew 5:17 (CEV) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    17 Don’t suppose that I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.
    Matthew 5:17 (ERV) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Jesus and the Old Testament Writings
    17 “Don’t think that I have come to destroy THE LAW OF MOSES or the teaching of the prophets. I have come not to destroy their teachings but to give full meaning to them.
    Matthew 5:17 (GW) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Scriptures
    17 “Don’t ever think that I came to set aside MOSES’ Teachings or the Prophets. I didn’t come to set them aside but to make them come true.
    Matthew 5:17 (GNT) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Teaching about the Law
    17 “Do not think that I have come to do away with THE LAW OF MOSES and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.
    Matthew 5:17 (TLB) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    17 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come—it isn’t to cancel THE LAWS OF MOSES and the warnings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfill them and to make them all come true.
    Matthew 5:17 (NOG) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Scriptures
    17 “Don’t ever think that I came to set aside MOSES’ Teachings or the Prophets. I didn’t come to set them aside but to make them come true.
    Matthew 5:17 (NCV) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    The Importance of the Law
    17 “Don’t think that I have come to destroy THE LAW OF MOSES or the teaching of the prophets. I have not come to destroy them but to bring about what they said.
    Matthew 5:17 (NLV) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Jesus Teaches about the Law
    17 “Do not think that I have come to do away with THE LAW OF MOSES or the writings of the early preachers. I have not come to do away with them but to complete them.
    Matthew 5:17 (NLT) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    Teaching about the Law
    17 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish THE LAW OF MOSES or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.

    Dear donalgraeme,

    Go ahead and delete this. I am copying it and taking a screenshot of it, so that the world can know that you are A) bearing false witness against Jesus and Christianity and B) Censoring and deleting Jesus’s own words so that you can replace true Christinaity with your gamey version which denies the LAW OF MOSES which JESUS CAME TO FULFILL.

    donalgraeme writes,

    “If you are not willing to engage in a substantive debate over the merits of your post, or of mine, then I will delete your further comments.”

    Nice ad hominem attack. Typical Churchian reaction to actually having to read the glorious words of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST who exalts THE LAW OF MOSES but not your failed, decrepit CHURCHIAN GAME.

    Go ahead, make my day. The Pharisees also censored, banned, and crucified Christ. Par for the Churchian course.

    But the thing is, the Lord Jesus Christ will endure, no matter how many times you banish and condemn those who quote and Honor Him.

    The world will little note nor long remember your violent transgressions against the spirit of Christmas, but it will yet celebrate JESUS and THE LAW OF MOSES for millenia to come.

    Just because you, Dalrock, and Vox failed to honor JESUS by exalting the LAW OF MOSES, and thusly allowed GAME/TINGLELZOZOZOZ to rule your CHURCHIAN CHURCHES, don’t try to crucify Christ now and resurrect Him in your own Gamey image as a slave to tingzlzlzozlzizuzlzlzoz.

    mdavid writes, ” Btw, could you please trim or limit GBFM’s comments so they don’t take up the whole thread? It’s hard to read others with all that copy/paste.”

    There you have it folks. When one quotes the Lord Jesus Christ on a “Christian” blog, the Churchians rush to ban and censor them, and accuse them of blaspheming because they are quoting the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Game on, worshippers of tinzgzlzlzozo and h8rs of the Word of Jesus Christ.

    Donal Graeme bares false witness against da GBFM, libeling and slandering da GBFM.

    Donal Graeme, “There is more, of course, but rather than simply quote the profane and often all but unreadable language of GBFM, I will translate some of his major arguments. ”

    Firstoff, my language is entirely readable by tens of thousands who love da GBFM. Your inability to bask in the Glory and Love of God is not their problem.

    Then, you accuse da GBFM of being profane.

    All that I am doing is quoting the “profanity” of Game, as defined by the “Great Heartiste.”

    You will find da GBFM simply quoting the words there, and inserting them into the Sermon on the Mount, which Dalrock and Vox commandeth that we must do.

    When it comes to GAME, the Great Heartiste is far and above far, far greater than all other gamey bloggers. The readership and respect of the Great Heartiste makes Vox/Dalrock look like fledging altar boys before the Pope of Game.

    But one thing that the Great Heartiste does not do is conflate GAME with CHRISSTIANITY, as your idols DALROCK AND VOX DO.

    For this reason, and others, HEARTISTE is a greater Christian, and has a better understanding of Christianity then you and your idols Dalrock and Vox.

    Feel free to apologize for falsely castigating and impugning da GBFM and bearing false witness against Jesus and Moses, while libeling Christianity. For Jesus asks that we forgive those who repent, and shy away from sinning again in the future.

    Is Donal Graeme a Moses-hater, Christ-hater, or both

    Donal writes, “Since GBFM loves to talk about the law of Moses, let’s discuss it briefly. The law of Moses set up an impressive amount of social and legal controls over women. Women were in most cases under the authority of their father or husband, they had limited legal standing outside of the men in their family. A woman who committed adultery was stoned to death, and a woman who fornicated but pretended to be a virgin, likewise. In short, women were soundly controlled by general society, and prevented from acting up their primal instincts.”



    See how to do it in the interest of ”brevity(& nonlong {verbose} screeds like ”jack”) & summarized plain speaking” posts from back in the day?

  2. professorGBFMtm

    HA!Another one of ”jacks” satirical ”red pill” tradcon posts that reminds me of the above discussion on ””Christian”-game”:

    Jumping through Hoops for saps/simps AKA ”FATHERS” of precious sinless princesses that NEED NOT CHRIST nor MOSES law but only ”mysticism”
    Posted on 2024-08-30 by Jack
    How A Patriarchal Mutual Submission social structure works.

    Readership: All
    Targeted Readership: Young single Christian men
    Theme: Community
    Author’s Note: This essay is based on a discussion under Which Churches have Sold Out? (2024/8/24)
    Length: 1,800 words(as in too d@mn long….. of a verbose screed)
    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    It’s hard to find a church or community that encourages girls to stay chaste and marry young. It is rarer still to find one in which fathers are included in, or central to the courtship process. But as noted in the previous post, even if a supporting family, community, and patriarchal structure are present, young people need proper and truthful teaching about male and female nature, how to behave, what to do, what to expect, and what to look for.

    Jax joined a church that appears to be rather patriarchal in structure, if not in teaching, and he has run into some challenges inherent in a Patriarchal Myually Submitted system. The sap/simp pastor advised him that if he’s interested in a young woman, he should first talk to her father about it, or as the pastor said, “date her father.” This pastor also expressed the idea that men are the initiators and children are subject to their parents, especially if they are still living at home, so therefore you need to get her sap/simp”father”’s blessing.

    Jax was confused, frustrated, and a little suspicious of all this, not knowing how things ‘work’ or what to expect. He felt like he was “jumping through hoops” — expected to put on a good show and be a “dancing monkey”, but NOT for the girl — for the girl’s father and the church community.

    The good men at Σ Frame told him that this is to be expected in a Patriarchal system and that his chances are probably better than he thinks. I’ll explain why below. A lot of online proponents of Patriarchy don’t talk about these things. They probably don’t even realize these challenges exist.

    Patriarchal Involvement
    The father’s involvement is important for the following reasons.

    It is well known that women are strongly attracted to celebrities, Ch@ds, criminals, dark triads, jerks, high SMV men, Boss lesbians with Cocaine etc. But women are also attracted to men/Boss lesbians chosen for them by leaders (her sapping/simping bullying father / parents / pastors in this case that led to the fall of the Church over the last 400 years). There is an element of faith and trust, and a larger sense of purpose, bullying, and social integration that changes the context in which the man and the relationship itself is viewed. The fem-logic goes something like, “If I can’t have the ”leader” sap/simp, the next best satisfaction is to have a man chosen for me by the ”leader” sap/simp.” This is one reason why arranged marriages ‘work’ in bullying communities that eventually fail.
    Daughters are much more likely to seriously consider men recommended by their fathers.
    One very important green flag in vetting a woman for marriage is that she should have a good relationship with her father. Going through her father almost guarantees that you’ll get a girl who’s on good terms with her dad. Even if she’s NOT on good terms with daddy, but if she likes the man her father introduces to her — enough to marry him — then this creates a venue in which her relationship with her father is likely to mend. Either way, this tends to filter out girls who are disrespectful to men / hostile to male authority / feminist / rebellious / etc.
    Dealing with a clear-headed, decision-making man who is conscientious about the longitudinal outcome is much easier, more efficient, safer, and conclusive than dealing directly with a whimsical woman. ‘Conclusive’ means you’ll get a clear yes or no decision rather quickly. There’s no time wasted in guessing, wooing, and wondering.
    If you can make a good impression on a girl’s father and establish good rapport with him, then your foot is in the door. If the girl also likes you, then you are in like Jim.
    Being accepted by her father up front streamlines the process of integrating yourself into her family. It’ll be much more likely that you’ll be included in major family decisions, bullying, business dealings, investments, property distributions, and inheritances(which sap/simp daddy’s little redpill princess gets first crack at).
    If a church / community respects fathers’ authority over their daughters, then it’s more likely that the church will respect your authority over your wife and family in the mutually submitted future.

    How to Navigate a Patriarchal Structure
    Patriarchy places a lot of demands on men. (It places demands on women too, but men definitely don’t get off the hook.) Here’s how it works.

    Male performance is just as important as it is in the secular SMP, if not more so.
    A man has to establish himself as a valuable contributing member of the church / community. (See Case Study below.)
    It is assumed that men seeking marriage should be self-aware, mature in character, making good progress in a career (or else show promise of doing so in the future), and actually be ready for marriage. If he is not, then he will receive a lot of attention and discipline intended to push him in that direction. This means that if a man expresses an intention to marry a girl in the church / community, and the elders feel he is not ready, then they will make demands of him and set up a series of ‘hoops’ for him to jump through like intense unMANly bullying. This should not be taken as a passive-aggressive rejection, but as an acceptance conditional upon his performance and progress as precious daughters need no CHRIST or salvation nor learning(I speak as a proud ”red pill” sap & simp). (See Case Study below.)
    Church elders have a responsibility to instruct, discipline, guide, and mentor young men and gr00m them for marriage. This is often hard work for both elders and young men. (See Case Study below.)
    You have to take both the long view and the community-wide view to see things properly. If you don’t have a solid Christian, Patriarchal, and/or ‘accepted’ view of things, you will fall under scrutiny and suspicion and be stonewalled. For example, “jumping through hoops” is better regarded as a system of checks and training to ensure that the man is capable of carrying the significant responsibilities of being a husband, father, and an up-and-coming future patriarch in the family / church / community. This discipline is good for everyone involved. But if you see it as an annoying and time-consuming obstacle, or you express bitterness, doubts, or frustrations with the process, or you are not grateful and humble, then you will not be accepted. (See Case Study below.)
    In a Patriarchal system, you have to impress the girl’s father, which is a lot more difficult than impressing a foolish young woman as ”fathers” are usually the ULTIMATE saps & simps TRUTH be told.
    Having a good reputation and/or being well liked in the church / community is a very important factor. It definitely helps with impressing both(shy socially @wkward & t@rded BUT ready to bully younger MENZ) fathers and girls. This is good news for men who are lacking LAMPS/MOSES, JESUS & GBFMian characteristics, but bad news for men who lack charisma, interpersonal skills, and social acumen e.g. shy socially @wkward & t@rded ”fathers” BUT are happily ready to bully younger MENZ then wonder ”where are the good MENZ who want I to bully them (for my daughter who I simp for to think highly of me for being a shy social t@rd)-NOT MENZ ENUFF TO BE BULLIED PERHAPS EH?
    In a Patriarchal system, people tend to get married young, which makes things more challenging when you’re over 30 and single.

    Case Study — Jumping through Hoops
    At one Chinese church I attended about 20 years ago, a non-Christian young man started coming to our church regularly and hitting on the girls. The girls rebuffed him because he was not a Christian nor totally rad & bad@ss. He kept coming back, so one day the pastor took him aside and asked him what his intentions were. He was quite honest and said (Chinese) (babe) Christian girls are good, so he wanted to find a (Chinese) (babe) Christian girlfriend. The pastor explained to him that he should have marriage and happily ”dealing with”/bullying younger MENZ as his goal, and if he could not accept this, then he should not come back as he will be ”dealt with”/bullied. After some discussion he accepted this. Then the pastor told him that if he was serious, then he needed to come to church every Sunday and serve in the church, and if he was unwilling to do this, then he should not come back. He agreed to this too, and he started coming to church every time the church doors were open and serving in various ways. After a year or so, he became a Christian and was baptized into the church. By that time, the congregation had taken a strong liking to him, as well as a few girls. Shortly after that, he fell in with a very attractive girl there and they married within a year(8-12 months as is ”required” by ”Parents”/”rents” who later wonder ”why so few children were born?”. Now, he has three children and he is a deacon at that church happily ”dealing with”/bullying younger MENZ around while also wondering” why so few MENZ showing up to church y’all?”

    That is how the grace of God works in a Patriarchal -Mutual Submission bullying system.

    Maybe ”red pill” tradcons shouldn’t have spent a decade+ telling young MENZ(trying to build cred with them) that ALL churches/communities are blue-pilled ”Beta” sap/simp factories like St. Rollo huh?

    Now it’s too late & they are ”trying to correct course” after it getting tremendously rough weather out here.

    At least they will lose with honor!

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Speaking of ”At least they will lose with honor!” & a decade+ ago comes the secret king Vox Day from the safety & ease of living of his ”Posh as all get out but modest Manor in Switzerland”

    Monday, August 11, 2014
    Saving civilization is not “manning up”(even though the way WE failingly do it w/o MOSES, JESUS & GBFM it does )
    Unlike many in the Game community, I don’t have much regard for the self-styled MGTOW sorts. I tend to view them as being predominantly weak and damaged individuals of low socio-sexual rank like us tradcons that bully single MENZ & keep them from our churches while wondering with the galz ”where are the MENZ?”, who would probably sacrifice their oft-expressed principles in a minute if the right woman presents herself in the right way (again like us f@olhardy but br@ve sap/simp tradcons).

    Here is why: a man who is genuinely doing his own thing doesn’t make a big deal about it. If I’m not going to read a book, I just don’t read it. I don’t loudly proclaim to all and sundry the fact of my not-reading it. I don’t know any man who makes a habit of announcing that today, again, he is going to refrain from having sex or engaging in romantic relationships with chickens, or indeed, poultry of any kind. The very act of the self-identification as a Man Not-Reading a Book or a Man Not Having Sex with Chickens is an indication that everything is not in psychological good order again like with us failing tradcons longing for the ”good old days” of the 1910s- 1950s that led directly to the current situation of today!

    Now, I have a lot of respect for men who take vows of celibacy for religious or intellectual reasons. I don’t think it’s an accident that some of Man’s greatest geniuses, men like Isaac Newton and Nicholas Copernicus, never married, although I think it is a genuine tragedy that, in the case of Newton, their genes were lost to the race.

    But the vibe I get from most self-styled MGTOW is that their professed choice is an emotional reaction, not a proactive decision. This observation is supported by the reaction some have had to the statement of the completely obvious that if civilized men do not manage to reproduce and instill civilized values in their sons, civilization will not survive. To somehow summarize that as a call to “man up and marry those sluts” is to miss the point so profoundly that I don’t even know where to begin pointing out the errors.

    I can’t fault a man who is so psychologically damaged by his experience with the opposite sex that he has been rendered capable of nothing more than retreating into a cave and licking his wounds for the rest of his life. But it is not behavior that merits respect from other men, nor is it of any use to anyone who values the finer aspects of Western civilization and wishes to avoid a collapse into mud hut barbarism.

    As for those who claim I am somehow attempting to shame such men, what would be the point of that? It’s a factual observation, nothing more. If a man is so delicate as to remove himself from the world due to the bad behavior of a woman or three, he’s not likely to be of any use in the upcoming battle for the West that WE will honorable lose.

    There is always a risk in doing anything worthwhile and sometimes the odds are stacked against you. That is the way things are; it is the way things have always been. The hero is the man who runs toward the sound of gunfire, not the man who runs away from it like us ”honorable”tradcons always do in our Posh as all get out but modest Manor in Switzerland.
    Posted by Vox at 4:13 AM

    Labels: Delta, Gamma,why losing/failing ”red pill” honorable tradcons rule as civilization sinks into the abyss,

    Se how ”Jack” today follows in Vox’s already failing over a decade ago with the young MENZ ‘s footsteps?

  4. professorGBFMtm

    Peaking of ”That is how the grace of God works in a Patriarchal -Mutual Submission bullying system.” here comes ”jack’s” submissive ”MENZ” sidekick lackey as he/she/it takes slams at some unknown person(I know who of course & if you have been paying attention at home you would too).

    Cool It, Gals
    Posted on 30 August, 2024 by Farm Boy — 18(peeps don’t care as much now that TON,LIZ,MOSES,JESUS & GBFM no longer comment here) Comments
    1 Vote(same)

    Cill wrote,

    When my woman is unavailable to give me a haircut, I go to my barber. My barber, who meets and knows all types (she moonlights as a prostitute and gets around) tells me lesbian relationships are the most strife-ridden of all.

    Then she reeled off a long string of examples. She didn’t put it this way but it was obvious the strife comes from the fact that each lesbian is every bit as entitled as the other. Imagine 2 wives each expecting the other to be her servant, as wives expect of their husbands, in addition to satisfying their princess demands – material, emotional, monetary, shit-tests etc.

    A lesbian relationship is a recipe for squabbles and rich material for a soap opera. Maybe us blokes could write the script. All we’d have to do is think of a pair of daft bints each expecting the other to strive like a man to satisfy her every whim.

    First of all, a combo hair dresser / prostitute is a new one. I always figured that if you were a prostitute, that was your job sort of like tradcons job is to fail & honourably lose.

    The Bible gives guidance to women married to men. Much of it can be summarized as “don’t be a beech”. I know some religious people who even today take this to heart. For others, the influence might still be there from watching mothers, aunts and grandmothers.

    In addition, even modern day fellas work hard to please as f@ols are wanted TBH. I know that I did with my ex. Furthermore, many guys still assert themselves by claiming to be a secret king that nobody knows about. So part of the old time man/woman dynamic remains.

    Let us discuss Boss lesbians. The Bible obviously gives no relationship guidance in this regard. There are no role models from the past in their lives. The feminist types are obviously cheering that lesbians should be boss-babes. Young women, lesbians or not, are still told that they deserve everything. I wonder if lesbians feel that they deserve more, as they are on the vanguard of awesomeness.

    I wonder what lesbian couples would be like if they followed the Bible’s rules for married women. I bet that such couples would be happier. I am sure that I would be flogged for suggesting such.

    Sharkly says:
    30 August, 2024 at 9:16 pm
    The family wouldn’t have a head.

    You can’t operate as a democracy between two people. That’s why marriages with no head, or two heads, don’t work(like mines &”jack’s” ””synergy” relationship””. For things to work you have to have a way of resolving differences. Somebody has to decide how to resolve the impasses. Marriage was set up as an unequal relationship analogous to the relationship between Christ and the church and mine and ”jack’s”SF(who has been actively persecuting me ever since he/she/it took down my site(s) links for his/her/it’s new ”mystical” cult he/she/it joined recently). The church is supposed to obey Christ in everything ‘jack” you sell out, using a wedge issue to cause ”redpill” schisms f@ol!!!!

    Two very agreeable people may be able to get along well enough to imagine that they don’t need for either of them to hold headship, but headship is needed when there isn’t agreeableness nor mutual submission like in mine &” jack’s” ”relationship” where I happily and humbly submit to his/her/it’s active persecution against me & headship over I too.

    IMHO A man who never disagrees with his wife is no man at all.

    And if your wife always quickly submits, you may think your marital methods are better than the man whose wife stubbornly fights him over everything. But that may not be the case, you may just be lulled by your submissive wife into being blissfully ignorant of the constant rebellion that other men are forced to contend with, without any enforceable authority to properly discipline their wives. And then, like an ignorant f@ol(see moi as a excellent example), you might share your profound ignorance as if it were wisdom borne out by your easily achieved positive results.

    If that is you, I’m happy for you that your marriage works well in spite of your non-”redpill” t ignorance. But, shut up f@ol(again look at me for an excellent example )! Your vanity and arrogance in publicly peddling the foolish belief that “mutual submission works as a complete marriage power structure for all situations that don’t include whackjobs that yank & crank ”Conservatively” nor believe” ”Husbands/Fathers” are allowed to execute wife &kids” as the same said whackjobs discredit & further destroy the ruins left of the ”Christian”-UnMANlyosphere”, will stand against you on the day of judgment just as my own ”Husbands/Fathers” are allowed to execute wife &kids”will condemn I to the lowest pit in hell & my Chicken$#itery in general like where I say it’s cool to hit your wife or my mom dad, but I was too much of a ”Chicken$#it” to do it myself{sort of like where I have talked tuff about wanting to ban MOSES, JESUS & GBFM after they left my penny-ante site(s), but I am a well-known to big to all ”Chicken$#it”to do it(I just said why I didn’t other than it being a lie as they took my main site from 66,500K pagehits to well over 89000K hits )homies if ya hip to it}.

    If, as a “man”, you never found a marital problem that you can’t submit your way out of, then you haven’t achieved a healthy marriage, you’ve just chosen to take on the role of the woman so that your wife can exercise her husbandry over you without any conflict or back talk from her sap/simp the same type of relationship I have with ”jack”TBH while SMH as I yank & crank too.

    I’m not saying that wives are never right as mine sure as hecj=k was about I being a ”Chicken$#it”. I’m just saying that it is never right to let them usurp your headship against you. A man can be persuaded to change his mind while remaining fully in control like when he yanks & cranks for example. Remaining a” man” that rules over his/her/it own household well, keeping them in subjection with all True ”red pill” tradcon yank & crank gravity. A wise tradcon ”man” will not be reduced to a clown in his own home(like MOI was at my wife’s home & on my penny-ante site(s). While the option is his/her/it, to clown around when he chooses, a wise man will always remain the undisputed lord/lady of his/her/it’s house as he/she/it proudly yanks & cranks w/o being fruitful or multiplying y’all(like a TRUE ”red pill” tradcon hot d@mnit)!

  5. professorGBFMtm

    My primary objection in “Dr. Michael Heiser” might be summarized rather plainly: he’s joined countless others in unnecessarily adding his own requirements to “being-a-Christian.” Do not question, do not examine. Just accept and obey.

    Whether it be Heiser, Radix Fidem, or the occult mystics in the church, they are not simplifying Christianity, they are replacing requirements that they don’t like with new and improved requirements that they do like.

    The king is dead, long live the king!

    THAT actually partly explains why ”red pill” ”genius” ”leaders” end up divorced &unable to relate to women as they are told(& they are more than happily & greedily want to believe) of endlessly (fake & unreal) submissive ”Manic Pixie Dream Girls” who live only to obey and serve them(this is what they think of their ”good” daughters too are wanton to do also) IOW they live in a fantasy world before & after marriage & then ”wakeup” after the wife says ”I want a divorce!”Read the following which illustrates this as a TV show review:

    Sorry, But The Bear’s Claire Is Pure Male Fantasy
    By Radhika Seth
    July 30, 2023
    Sorry But ‘The Bears Claire Is Pure Male Fantasy
    Photo: Chuck Hodes/FX.

    The Bear’s second season is absolutely jam-packed with brilliantly written female characters. There’s Ayo Edebiri’s Sydney, of course, but also Liza Colón-Zayas’s delightful Original Beef veteran Tina; Jamie Lee Curtis’s utterly deranged matriarch Donna; Olivia Colman as a soft-spoken head chef; and even Abby Elliott’s Natalie, who after being largely sidelined in the first installment, emerges as a no-nonsense project manager who spearheads the restaurant’s transformation into The Bear. Perhaps that’s why Molly Gordon’s Claire stands out so much—an effortlessly beautiful childhood friend of Jeremy Allen White’s Carmy, who re-enters his life in episode two and promptly turns it on its head.

    Don’t get me wrong—Gordon, who is a captivating, scene-stealing presence in everything from Booksmart to Shiva Baby, is brilliant here, too, but there’s no escaping the fact that Claire is a prototypical Manic Pixie Dream Girl from the moment she bumps into Carmy at the supermarket. You can see it in the way she’s filmed: The first time we meet her, she comes into focus softly, reflected in the glass of the sliding cabinets; almost an angel, bathed in a gentle, hazy, golden glow. (Syd and Nat, by contrast, almost always look exhausted under the stark strip lighting of the restaurant.) You hear it in the spine-tingling music, REM’s “Strange Currencies,” which swells to hammer home her significance. And you know it from what she says: she’s quippy; she finishes his sentences; she’s achingly cool; she asks, albeit indirectly, for his number; and, despite not having seen Carmy in years, remembers what he said he’d name his restaurant. He’s dumbstruck, and from that point onwards, we know that Claire is utterly perfect and that she and Carmy are destined to be together.

    According to Nathan Rabin, the critic who coined the term, a Manic Pixie Dream Girl “exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures.” She’s a woman who’s endearingly eccentric but lacks a real inner life; one who is entirely devoted to making the male protagonist happy and bringing him out of his shell, while having no complex issues of her own to deal with.

    According to Nathan Rabin, the critic who coined the term, a Manic Pixie Dream Girl “exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures.” She’s a woman who’s endearingly eccentric but lacks a real inner life; one who is entirely devoted to making the male protagonist happy and bringing him out of his shell, while having no complex issues of her own to deal with.

    That doesn’t sound like what most ”red pill” genius leaders thought & foolishly believed a wife/girlfriend was instead of a sinner in need of Salvation like themselves(which they also f@olish deny as reality?)


    They have denied the Faith & the Scriptures including here:

    Romans 3:23
    Berean Standard Bible
    for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    Then they wonder ”Why do Derek & GBFM have such faithful wives?”

    Actually believing the Faith & the Scriptures helps a lot.

  6. professorGBFMtm

    i have been thinking of doing a comment based on how blue, fed & red tradcons are under a ”WE WILL WIN” delusion for about 5 days now & here comes this comment today:

    okrahead says:
    1 September, 2024 at 2:38 pm
    Thessalonians 2:11-12 King James Version (KJV)
    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    They gave up God, and madness filled the void. There is only one cure, and your shrink doesn’t have the prescription. They embraced the madness because it promised them the freedom to pursue their lusts without consequence. It was all a lie like ”redpill” tradconism that WE foolishly preach as Salvation to the World or at least the West. 19th Delenda Est.

    They gave up God, and madness filled the void. There is only one cure, and your shrink doesn’t have the prescription. They embraced the madness because it promised them the freedom to pursue their lusts without consequence like us tradcons pursue with all yank & crank enthusiasm. It was all a lie like ”redpill”tradconism that WE foolishly preach as Salvation to the World or at least the West.

    What’s mine, Gamaliel the Elder Pharisee{who was taught St. Paul according to St.Paul himself(Acts 22:3) } & Derek say in response to that?:

    “If you are found to fight against God” is a phrase from Acts 5:39 in the Bible, where Gamaliel, a Pharisee, explains why the Sanhedrin should not kill Jesus’ apostles. Gamaliel’s main point is that false spiritual movements(such as Ridex Fidem) will fail by God’s hand. The verse states, “If it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God”.
    Some say that fighting against God is foolish because God always wins. Sometimes, God allows his enemies to believe they are winning to display his glory.

    & that explains why various MEN’s rights groups since the 1850s(in I think New York state or NYC), then Dalrock, Athol Kay & Vox between late ’08 & in Vox’s case up to right now also & ”jack”, Ed Hurst, Sparkly & ”bgr=larry solomon=matt perkins” let alone Jordan Peterson & various others will continue to fail as it’s obvious their ”saving of western civilization=lets return to when women didn’t vote & even the ANE” is against God’s purposes & wrath on humanity of at least the last 200 years right around the time that political feminism started gaining speed-coincidence or God?- you decide!

    Gamaliel’s main point is that false spiritual movements(such as Ridex Fidem)will fail by God’s hand.

    BUT ”Jack” doesn’t listen to wise counsel nor sound reasoning hence why Novaseeker, MOSES, JESUS & GBFM left him in the Summer of 2021. Then Jack destroyed his site on September 20th, 2021 with ”life & lessons on Mathew 10:with lots of Butthexting empowerment thanx to ”jack”” ”Christian” swinger gay porn post.

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