Fleeing Evil

Over on Twitter, some are disheartened that we have walked away from the Olympics:

Dr. Naomi Wolf — Twitter
The heartbreaking thing about so many people being horrified by the Olympics opening ceremony and thus switching off from the games, is that the athletes themselves had nothing to do with any of it. Their incredible hard work is being battered by self-absorbed artistes and louche Satanists.

But the New Testament instructs us to flee evil: to have nothing to do with it.

1 Thessalonians 5:22
Stay away from every kind of evil.

Ephesians 5:5-13
For this you know with certainty, that no person who is sexually immoral or impure or greedy (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon those who are disobedient. Therefore, do not take part in these things with them,  for at one time you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Walk as children of light  (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),  discerning what is pleasing to the Lord.  And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead even expose them, for it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light. For what makes everything visible is light.

It is worth considering why the Christian athletes—our Brothers and Sisters—are not stepping away from the Olympics.

As Christians we are obligated to live in and among those who hate and abuse us. Peter wrote about this in his first epistle. Not even the Amish are so isolated that they do not interact with those outside their group (e.g. they do a brisk amount of commerce).  We cannot fight evil, nor should we try. Do we oppose evil by merely not participating personally, or must we flee it entirely? There are no clear answers. Wisdom is called for.

The fact of the matter is that I have chosen to flee out of obedience to Christ. Others, such as the athletes, might decide not to flee because they are in a position to minister Christ’s love to others. But, and this is critical, my actions are not hurting the athletes. The harm done is by the Olympic organizers themselves, by choosing to be anti-Christian. If the Christian athletes are harmed by me turning off the TV, the fault lies solely with the Olympic organizers. I am merely following my conscience.

On a merely practical basis, if the Christian athletes were to—en masse—flee evil by quitting the field of battle and going home early, this would likely cause significantly more impact than anything we observers could do.

But it wouldn’t even take a mass of people. When Eric Liddell refused to compete on a Sunday, his obedience to God became the stuff of legend. One person’s obedience can make a difference.

The problem, as I see it, is that many athletes are part of the problem, active contributors.

I often cite Charlton, who notes that most “middle management” requires that participant to engage in dishonesty. It is difficult, perhaps even impossible, to be part of such a system without lying. The job simply requires it and the participants find ways to justify their behavior.

Charlton uses the example of the UK peer review process, where in order to receive approval for a scientific study just to participate in research they must promise the committee things that they can not possibly ethically promise. In other words, every researcher must lie in order to do his research. It is the entry requirement. If you don’t want you lie, you must give up your career in research. The fact that there are Christians in those fields implies that they’ve compromised by putting work over Christ.

I suspect that, like the modern career scientist, becoming an Olympic athlete involves many “small” compromises with evil. Whether it is the agreement that transwomen are women or something else, by the time they are performing on this world stage, they’ve already justified so many evils that one more doesn’t seem like much. So its easy for me to repent by turning off the TV, but much harder for an Olympic athlete to make a stand, when doing so may cost them their career.

How many of the Christian police, politicians, and other government grunts who enforced the illegal, immoral, and unethical covid mandates were willing to sacrifice their careers to do what was right? How many pastors refused to shut the doors of their churches?

This is why I find the words of 1 Peter to be so pertinent. It provides insight into all of these issues.


  1. Malcolm Reynolds

    When you run with the mainstream narrative like Dr. Naomi Wolf did, you agree with every prescribed opinion (even if it turns out deadly) or get your privileges revoked and be called a “conspiracy theorist” on Wikipedia.

    Everyone who participates in the modern “olympic games” does exactly this, or sees the same fate as Dr. Naomi Wolf. So this is what these “athletes” are: mere puppets doing what their masters tell them. Panem et circenses, there is not a single reason to follow this spectacle.

  2. professorGBFMtm

    Do we oppose evil by merely not participating personally, or must we flee it entirely? There are no clear answers. Wisdom is called for.

    On a merely practical basis, if the Christian athletes were to—en masse—flee evil by quitting the field of battle and going home early, this would likely cause significantly more impact than anything we observers could do.

    But it wouldn’t even take a mass of people. When Eric Liddell refused to compete on a Sunday, his obedience to God became the stuff of legend. One person’s obedience can make a difference.

    The problem, as I see it, is that many athletes are part of the problem, active contributors like most ”Christian” ”redpillers” I would say too.

    Over at Spawnnys, they know ALL WE need do is vote harder this time and things will change overnight.

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    1 August, 2024 at 12:33 pm
    Repeal the 19th

    Sharkly says:
    1 August, 2024 at 2:06 pm
    A short non-helpful post about losing honourably to mostly other chicken$#it Republican virtue-signaling f@ol friends that remind me of my own proud Bellevuian c@nt-worshipping self from 2019:
    Getting the Word Out
    November 10, 2019 / Sharkly

    Repeal the19th AmendmentHow to tell others about God’s loving plan of patriarchy w/o actually winning but losing honourably as ”Conservatives” are want to do?
    Where I work I usually get a couple emails weekly about what the company is doing to empower women, or increase diversity. Supposedly diversity of ideas is a good thing, and apparently you get it by hiring and promoting people who don’t look like myself. LOL However, even though my ideas are quite outside the mainstream, instead of being celebrated for such diversity of thought, I know I might be fired for sharing my diverse beliefs with some of the “diverse” people at work. Although I do continually push the envelope at work, sharing more about Godly Sexism than anybody else I know there.

    I bought the shirt, shown above, from Amazon and wore it yesterday.(not to work) My boys were the first to ask me what the 19th amendment was. And It gave me the chance to share with them that the 19th amendment allowed women to vote in the USA.

    Later I got to briefly share the calamity of women voting with a stocker at Walmart who asked me what the 19th amendment was. He didn’t really say anything in return. I assume he had been coached not to speak of his personal politics with customers. But, his facial expression looked shocked, like he’d just had his p@on or supposedly in my case strap- on nutz(I borrowed from the hourable gay porn star Mrs. Mike davis, thanks be to ”red pill” pope ”Jack” for getting us into contact dudez) grabbed.

    Our country has made a grave mistake by letting women “help” rule us. And as expected, ideological politics descended from written platforms and whole speeches printed in newspapers, into glamour photos and quotable quips from the candidates. Today we have memes and soundbites, but the effect is the same. Both parties left off deep discussion of the candidates stances and ideas and effectively turned elections into beauty contests judged by flighty “undecided” women.

    Giving women the vote also meant the inevitable passage of “women’s issues”, e.g. Abortion on demand,(babies are drawn & quartered in their mother’s wombs) No-Fault Divorce,(family men like elrushbo are absolutely ruined for No-Fault of their own) the Sexual Harassment campaign,(that criminalizes even the mildest pursuit and advances by unwelcomed men like my ”genius” self) Equal pay for twice the drama, and every imaginable perversion of virtue and justice along with a whole raft of freebies and carveouts designed to provide for women who don’t care to treat any man respectably enough to earn that provision from him. So, women voting has brought a murderous reign of family devastation upon our nation and world, and I don’t see what we’ve gained by making women so entitled.

    If we feel men were created by God to be the ”leaders” like most ”red pill” failures Moi,bgr, and ”jack”, and run society in accordance with God’s will like the ”puritans” who obeyed teen girl”defilers in executing nineteen folks, then we need to be able to openly share those Godly ideas, before we can ever expect we’ll get others to agree with them and adopt them as WE have supposedly done as WE virtue signal to RS &DS alike.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      It’s fun to talk about hypothetical scenarios of what could happen if such and such happened, like constitutional ammendments, but those things have a 0% chance of happening. Everyone pushing for them to *actually* occur are delusional.

      (This is why I focus on theory and academic discussion and not activism. Ironically, the academic pursuit is more useful)

      1. Malcolm Reynolds

        > It’s fun to talk about hypothetical scenarios of what could happen if such and such happened, like constitutional amendments, but those things have a 0% chance of happening. Everyone pushing for them to *actually* occur are delusional.

        Delusional is how pretty much every political idea sounds a generation before it happens. Women’s suffrage is an idea born from 19th century Western Christianity and that one is on its final way out. While the West secularizes, patriarchal traditions take over and with them their customs. At some point, enough women will “vote” against their own vote to have that burden relieved from them.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          America will collapse before woman’s right to vote is taken away by constitutional amendment.

          You are not an American, so you probably don’t know. America is already operating under a (not so) “secret” second constitution. Modifying the first one makes no sense, when the second one is perfectly demonstrated to be overriding the first. There is no need for constitutional amendments when you can just ignore whatever you don’t like.

          Let’s demonstrate this with two simple examples (there are many others).

          First, remember when the DOMA state constitutional amendments were completely obliterated by the second constitution?

          Second, during the pandemic, Pennsylvanians responded to the abuses by the governor by passing a state constitutional amendment to restrain his power. The governor proceeded to ignore the amendment and went right ahead with more illegal mandates. These mandates were successfully enforced and there was no consequence for his actions. The governor’s head of the health department was rewarded with a promotion to prominence, and now the governor himself is being considered as a candidate for vice president.

          When you can do whatever you want through tyranny, why would you bother with a constitutional amendment? If the right of women to vote were taken away, it would be done without a constitutional amendment, almost certainly by way of tyranny.

          But the point you are missing is that voting itself has been completely undermined, so what would be the point of altering the woman’s right to vote? You are stuck in the past if you think that revoking woman’s right to vote by way of an Amendment is something Americans will ever do.

          Consider what we are seeing in Venezuela right now. It proves that once you vote in Socialism, you can’t ever vote it out. It’s a one-way street. Voting can never remove it, because the act of voting has been undermined by the vote itself. The same is true here in America. You can’t vote out the right of women to vote. It’s a one-way street. If women were ever to lose the right to vote, it would be caused by something other than voting (probably involving lots of violence).

          In the 80s and 90s I foresaw what the ACLU of today would “become” because I saw what it always was. Many of the classical liberals are aghast today at what happened to the ACLU which once “defended freedom.” The reality is that it never defended freedom and that classical liberals were deluded by their own biases. The ACLU “became” what it always had been.

          This is fundamentally the problem that you face. You are stuck in the past, misunderstanding its significance. You can’t see what is going to come because you’ve failed to properly analyze the here and now. This is why I said we should compare our past predictions and see which one of us is better at this.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    How many of the Christian police, politicians, and other government grunts who enforced the illegal, immoral, and unethical covid mandates were willing to sacrifice their careers to do what was right?

    Do we oppose evil by merely not participating personally, or must we flee it entirely? There are no clear answers. Wisdom is called for.

    Which sort of reminds me of this ”sociosexual” wisdom from ”saint” theDeti.

    thedeti says:
    2022-06-07 at 1:02 am
    There are other kinds of Blue Pilled Christian men too.

    — The high status, longtime married pastor/minister simp. James Dobson, Dennis Rainey, Bob Lepine, Bob/Audrey Meisner, most other married men in Christian ministry. When I was younger, most of these men had Marriage 1.0 marriages. Now, most such men are in ”“equal” “partnership” ”p@on to best b @tt buddy ”marriages where the wife LARPs at submission and tops from the bottom. See, e.g. Lysa Terkeurst, Paula White, Mark Driscoll, etc.

    Google Bob and Audrey Meisner – they have quite the interesting story that, to most of us, is a shocking red pill.

    -””Christian” ”redpill” ”genius” ”leader” f@ol” tradcon-who sits on his @ss & fantasies( while doing self-hand sodomy) about a ”perfect world” of fellow ”’redpill” ”genius” ”leader” f@ol” tradcons” obeying every ”puritan” word out of their rear end that is supposedly from ”Da lawd”(this is ”jack”,”bgr=matt perkins” & ”sparkly”)

    — Men with very little premarital dating/sexual experience. These are men who married the first, second, or third women they ever dated or had sex with. Their wives are very attracted to them and love them very much. (If I had married my First College Girlfriend, who I met just after turning 18 & non-”Christianly” fornicated while WE both were zlolzzzllollzzzing at her father, I would be this man as I’m now a total hypocrite on obeying ”fathers” when it comes to s*x &”sanctified” m@rriage.) I knew a fair number of these men in high school and college. These were men who married their high school sweethearts. Or college men in long distance relationships with their high school sweethearts. In any event, they had met before reaching age 22, and married by age 25.

    — The Natural. These men came to Christianity later in life after time as womanizers and players. They learned about women, sex, and sexual behaviors, very early on, with first sexual experiences (while zlolzzllolzzzing at girlz fathers wit da girlz) in their early to mid teens, a string of sexual partners and relationships, and maybe a failed first marriage followed by a successful second marriage. To the Natural, this isn’t Red Pill. There’s nothing special or interesting or earth shattering about any of this to the Natural. To him, this is just Life and The Way Things Are. The Natural is nonplussed about this and cannot believe or understand why anyone would be surprised or taken aback here. When asked what his secret is, he looks at you funny and says, “What secret? They’re just women. You just…. I dunno. You just go do it. You just go talk to them. You just have some fun with them. You just… What’s your problem, anyway? Why is this so difficult? Just go DO IT. Just go FIGURE IT OUT.” (This is SAM, Scott, and Mike.)

    Men like this just do not understand the Red Pill. They don’t see why any man should have trouble with women or need to be ””good” b@tt buddies to a modern galz” or “learn” or “figure out” anything. They don’t see any difficulty or problems here that aren’t solved by tonz of g@y porn in their b@tt like most bisexual RS &DS that loved that gay porn swinger mike davis post here some nine months back when ”Jack” told I &RPA ”if my barely existing loser gamma site can’t be popular & successful w/o gay porn then I will destroy it with gay porn g-damnit!!!!”, also say”.

    i think I can see the wisdom in all of that.

  4. professorGBFMtm

    Wisdom from the saint Deti today from spawnys who still can’t find his way to ”Jacks”!

    thedeti says:
    1 August, 2024 at 6:57 pm
    Maybe the Internet is a factor in all of this $#it, but there is more going on I do think as an INTJ. So why do studies so very often ignore the various bi-curious ”red pill” and blue pill ”Conservative”- tard elephants in the room?>

    There is more going on here. The stage has been set for this for 100 years, with feminism’s waves, the sexual revolution in various ”leaders” b@tts , the loosening of sexual mores in said b@tts, hormonal birth control w/o said b@tts, the decoupling of sex from pretty much everything else and making sex an end in and of itself, the declining importance of the nuclear family and men’s role in it, women’s insistence on all authority and benefits with no accountability or responsibility; and men’s continual adjustment to all of this with “just tell us what we need to do to get porn star or NOT p@on like Trump and we’ll happily do it”.

    This study is some support for the existence of Women’s Dilemma: Can’t get the men they want; don’t want the men they can usually get to bend over just look at poor mike davis whose whole ”Christian” gay porn career in his rear, ended after ”jacks” ”red pill” ”genius” ‘leadership” gay swinger porn post at sf-he blamed on rpa by the way.

    Studies ignore the obvious bi-curious ”red pill” & blue pill ”Conservative”-tard elephants in the room because

    (1) they make women look bad and they put the responsibility squarely on women. All that makes women feel bad, and as we all know, making a woman feel bad is the second worst crime one can commit in 2024 America besides doing no self-graduating self-hand sodomy every day &night like most ”Christian” ”red pill” ”genius” ‘leadership” gay swinger porn lovers do.

    (2) everyone wants to ignore the dark underbelly of sexual attraction and intersexual dynamics. No one wants to admit that there really is no role in the current sexual and relationship marketplace for at least 50% of all men. No one wants to admit AFBB=ALPHA FUX BETA BUX-mainly cuz GB4M is cooler, more majestic, and all around ”nicer” than all their f@ol so-called ”red pill”(as if) idolz put together-looking at ye ”jack”,”bgr-mattperkins” & ”sparkly”-f@olz who passionately love & worship ”feminine but strong” b@tt stink by the way!
    No one wants to admit how women really act when they’re sexually attracted to a man’s jolly d@ng in or out of Da clubs MENZ room ladz.

    (3) No one wants to admit that when left to their own devices, women are terrible at picking suitable men and they’re even worse at conducting their relationships with men. Women just suck at these things. They’re not good at these things. That’s why until about 100 years ago, they relied on help from their families to do this. When you leave a woman to her own devices, she picks hawt men she likes fucking and who make her feel good, but who will not stick around.

    If women were so goddamn good at these things, they’d have fixed every relationship problem known to mankind by now. If anything, things are orders of magnitude worse now that women are running everything like most pillers b@tts for instance.

    (4) there are terrifying implications to a sexual and relationship marketplace that de facto excludes 50% of men (a figure that’s got to be around 30 million to 40 million men). A completely wrecked economy that reeks of b@tt stink by the way. Men not working even to support themselves. Fatherless children. Parentless children. More stress on a criminal justice system already past its breaking point. Subpar military/defense readiness. Crumbling infrastructure. Shortages of everything. Supply chain failures. Projection of weakness. Vulnerability to attacks from within and without like most ”redpiller” behinds. Civil unrest. Substance abuse. Self-deletion. In fact, we’re already seeing all of this just at gamma losers & lawlessness-lovers’ ”jack’s” & ”sparkly’s” sites as they start to be totally doomed & irrelevant beyond belief.

    You simply cannot have a society with millions of young single men with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to friendly rear-end fux even ladz. You cannot have upwards of 40 million idle testosterone-filled powderkegs just sitting around doing nothing, and the equivalent of 4 year olds playing with lighters around them TBH while SMH ladz.

      1. Lastmod

        Since being involved in the ‘sphere never have met so many INTJ’s. Everyone is one, or strong leanings. For such a “rare” personality, everyone seems to have it.

        Kind of like them getting “IOI’s” daily from women, all under 30 and of course they are 9 / 10 on the looks scale and they (men in their forties and fifties) this is deemed “normal” and “expected”

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          It’s truly an echo chamber. What we see is severe selection bias, where certain specialized types of people are having common experiences. Even though they are rare, they cluster in these small areas, fooling them into thinking their experiences are universal , and worse, that their advice is universal.

  5. professorGBFMtm

    Since being involved in the ‘sphere never have met so many INTJ’s. Everyone is one, or strong leanings. For such a “rare” personality, everyone seems to have it.


    It’s truly an echo chamber. What we see is severe selection bias, where certain specialized types of people are having common experiences. Even though they are rare, they cluster in these small areas, fooling them into thinking their experiences are universal , and worse, that their advice is universal.

    SHHH….quiet please ”” red pill” ”genius” leader”” thinking & writing thoughts that will supposedly change the world for the better one day, one day as ”he” keeps writing and thinking new thoughts bros!

    Sharkly says:
    2024-08-02 at 3:29 am
    “Derek and Sharkly were placed on moderation in early June.”

    As I recall, I had already been in moderation for a long time then mainly after I called other c@unt-worshippers ”c@nt-wprshippers” which garnered mass complaints so to speak that scarethed ”jack” and he don’t play that, after submitting a comment attempting to correct Oscar, your pet BFF. And prior to that, I’d been in moderation for a comment correcting the red pill expert fully credentialed by our beloved & sacred government opinion of another pet BFF who cannot now be named i.e. Scott(there I said it ”jack” go ahead & moderate me harder brah,- for saying I was obviously gay and in the closet about it (as any ”good” ”Conservative”-tard would be like W.Bush, my beloved idol who proudly and humbly was and still is too)in his fully credentialed psychiatrist -diplomaed expert opinion.

    Sharkly says:
    2024-08-02 at 4:18 am
    “Derek has revived his career as a blogger by writing long screeds about whatever’s being discussed on Σ Frame even though it’s NOT true in the least as ”jack” be a ”redpill” tradcon li@r and deciever bros.”

    I think Derek’s site has become a Christian-”manosphere” troll site where they rage against all things related to the Christian-”manosphere”. Derek published 7 posts aimed against me and my sacred & honorable ideas (by losing respectfully and gracefully during elections) & false teachings in a single month there once. Whereas I’ve posted 89 Roissyosphere trolling s#it posts in 64 months for an average of only 1.4 Roissyosphere trolling s#it posts per month, and my trend has been downward to less than one post per month as my page hits took a huge nosedive one professorGB4M left my site in November 2021.

    Their trolling like mines here &there knows few bounds. They’ll seemingly troll you for being too patriarchal, and not patriarchal enough, all at the same time. Recently they were speculating that I was an obvious wife-beater which most(like Scott) here have believed for years. LOL Attempting to use the same old shaming and talking points as the Feminists like WE ”red pill” tradcons do to young MENZ who need to fully embrace ever more ”responsibilities”Bulls#it-in actuality BUT WE DARE NOT SAY THAT!=work as relz MENZ like usth & beaten for NOT getting up with tradwifecon women to ”red pill” tradcon with, whose side they are aligned with in fighting us- BUT WE as ”red pill” tradcons are even more in alliance with our feminist’s brethren & beloved for their various IOIS they give us everyth dayth- lesbian sisters.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      I think Derek’s site has become a Christian-”manosphere” troll site where they rage against all things related to the Christian-”manosphere”. Derek published 7 posts aimed against me and my sacred & honorable ideas (by losing respectfully and gracefully during elections) & false teachings in a single month there once. Whereas I’ve posted 89 Roissyosphere trolling s#it posts in 64 months for an average of only 1.4 Roissyosphere trolling s#it posts per month, and my trend has been downward to less than one post per month as my page hits took a huge nosedive one professorGB4M left my site in November 2021.

      Hilarious piece of satire. Jack has recently been covering Vox’s stances pretty extensively. I guess that’s okay?

      Rage, eh? Remember when I was lectured for being emotionless? I’m still waiting for them to write my posts for me, so they have the right emotional tone.

      Remember how often I used to comment there before I was told to write here instead? A clever bean counter will note that my total engagements with SF have dropped since doing what I was specifically requested to do.

      “We don’t like you, go away forever” couched in doublespeak.

    2. professorGBFMtm

      ‘ole hypocrite who admired his father for slapping his mother every few months BUT was too chicken$#ited to do it himself even though he supposedly believes that GOD created (& permanently instituted it at the very beginning) ”holy order of Patriarchy” which should override MAN’S law as sayeth also the NT itself as in :

      ”Acts 5:29
      King James Version
      29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. ”

      BUT virtue-signaler ”sparkly” needs permission from Man to be ”” Patriarchial”(which is NOT Patriachial in the least) instead of God”-as the troll bot reverses what’s said in the NT above – as Derek already said here before which is why further above the ”red pill” troll bot known as sparkly says :
      ” They’ll seemingly troll you for being too patriarchal, and not patriarchal enough, all at the same time.”

      IOW?-I’m throwing down the gauntlet today and challenging Sparkly to debate Derek, MOSES, Jesus, and GB4M here finally instead of talking gibberish non-sense elsewhere, as says the following hypocrite supreme hypocritically as per usual for him/her/it at Spawnys today:

      Sharkly says:
      2 August, 2024 at 8:38 pm
      Legacy media outlets call Trump, Vance ‘weird’ more than 300 times in one day after Dem messaging takes hold

      Make no mistake — the ‘JD Vance is weird’ movement was very carefully calculated

      These reports miss the fact that calling a male “weird” or “creepy” is a carefully targeted way of decreasing their sexual attraction for female voters. It lets the rest of the female herd know that he is not preselected or approved of by the vocal women in the media. And that it would be shameful, not validating, in the eyes of the queen bees, to get with them sexually.

      Women to a large degree vote according to feelings and vagina tingles, not primarily according to more rational concerns like ideology, character, and competence.

      The subliminal messaging to all the stupid cunts who vote according to their cunt hole tingles, is: Ignore Vance’s good looks, his Alpha warrior persona, his tough talk, and the fact that he secured an attractive wife,(indicating preselection) we in the media, who function as your brain, have declared him to be icky and weird. So instead, vote for the whore we approve of, who will let you kill men’s babies in your womb, or castrate them if you deign to let them live, all without any judgement or accountability for your frivolous life of selfish wickedness.

      That’s what politics has descended to since women got to vote. A “beauty contest” or “Popularity contest” where stupid whores vote for who they’d most like to fu@ck, or else socialize with. And obviously the other side of the “Vance is weird” coin is that Kamala Harris, according to the MSM, has just gone from “‘cringe’ to ‘cool’”. Got that? It is now cool to like Kamala. Forget what we made you think last month. Now she isn’t the scapegoat for Joe’s wretched border policies, now she’s the new cool kid that you should vote for, so you can be cool too.

      ALL of that reminds Moi of when I & ”JACK” were the sockpuppet commenter ”George” here in December 2021 saying that professorGB4M was ”ranting” or as I just said above paraelles mine and ”jacks” well-known pricy i” And obviously the other side of the “Vance is weird” coin is that Kamala Harris, according to the MSM, has just gone from “‘cringe’ to ‘cool’”. Got that? It is now cool to like Kamala. Forget what we made you think last month.

      Like ”I” & ”JACK” thought we’d be seen as ”cool” (instead of professorGB4M) but WE were still as lame as ever we were seen still ladz.

      Anyway, both mine & ”jacks’ sites have been nearly dead or 99+% dead, ever since the most righteous & boldly red-pilled professor GB4M left them in mid-late 2021-so let that be a lesson to any ”redpillers” who cross MOSES, JESUS & GB4M, my dudes!

      Stupid 19th amendment! It is time to return the political arena to supposed men like my own him/she /it self. And let the womenfolk gossip idly about who they most admire, without consequence or a vote to empower their vaginal itching to sell us all into slavery. Women want to sell themselves into mental, emotional, and sexual slavery to hot Machiavellian playboys, but we menfolk shouldn’t continue suffering the loss of our freedoms as a result of foolishly empowering women’s sexual bondage fetishes with a vote. SMH as I self-hand sodomize myself TBH for once in my commenting history.”

      I wonder if sparkly MAN is enough to pick up the gauntlet I threw down on behalf of Derek, MOSES, JESUS & GB4M!?i’ll be over here SMH & zlolzzlolzzzzing to myself until he shows up TBH while still SMH though.

      1. professorGBFMtm

        Update from the saint Deti to the above usual gibberish nonsense of,by and from ”redpillers” ”jack”,”sparkly” & ”george”!:

        thedeti says:
        2 August, 2024 at 10:13 pm

        I’m sorry …. tell me again who’s “ranting”, lying & deceiving,” red pill” ”genius” chump f@ols ”Jack”, sparkly” & ”George”?-who make me NEVER want to return like over a dozen others-these past 3+ years to SF again.

        Talk about g-damnit(pardon my usual elfrencho please) chump f@olz!

  6. professorGBFMtm

    Hey, Derek guess who is now agreeing with you, ArtisinialTOAD, MOSES, JESUS & GB4M(the last three being the original triad of dudes that started the conversation in the Roissyosphere to begin with) now on s*x=Marriage=one flesh ’til death or marriage-4-life as WE used to say in ’90s lingo.

    thnking says:
    2024-08-02 at 3:50 am
    ‘Fornication’, as I understand it, means ‘sexual sin’. Adultery, best!@l!ty, !ncest, etc. fall under the category of fornication.

    Jack says:
    2024-08-02 at 6:28 pm
    After sitting on this for over a year, I’ve come to believe the whole Sex = Marriage paradigm can be reduced to one very unpopular truth.

    Women get one chance to give their virginity to a man and thereby create a sanctified union. A woman has to stay with the man who takes her virginity until he or she dies. If she ever has sex with anyone else while he’s still alive, it’s sin-as in ye need to confess to your local ”red pill” priest or even I, you’re beloved ”red pill” pope ”jack”-so WE can ”accidentally” use it against thee. If a man has sex with a woman who’s not a virgin and her ‘husband’ (the guy who took her virginity) is still alive, it’s sin like when ”I”, Scott & saint the Deti used to happily do it for fun & zlolzzlolzzz when WE ” wore a younger MENZ clothes in Billy Joel=PianoMAN-speak BUT now WE have daughters and ye better recognize us as ye hypocrite phariseez boys!

    That’s it. The Western world, including ‘Christians’, would rather crawl on glass than admit this simple truth as ”I”, Scott & saint the Deti were doing even though WE were supposedly ”red pilled” or ”hip to reality=Bibilical Truth”-which WE obviously wasn’t.

  7. professorGBFMtm

    My old friend EternityMatters=EM has a interesting(more so for MR & MOD) post up:

    Manage Your Mission – Family – Don’t depend on church youth groups
    August 2, 2024 Eternity Matters 1 Comment
    Please enjoy this excerpt from Manage Your Mission – Living wisely and abundantly for today and eternity. This book will help craft your life mission, establish its priorities, and succeed in each area: Faith – Family – Fitness – Field – Friends – Fun – Finances.

    Church youth groups have the potential to be helpful and productive, but the number of Bible verses requiring them is still zero. As noted in the Finding a good church section in the Faith chapter,you’ll want to ensure that Sunday school and youth group teachers have sound theology and practices. At one church we attended, I discovered that a popular youth leader loved watching Joel Osteen. Yikes. She loved the kids and organized events well, but her theology was flawed.

    The point here is that you are responsible as parents for their Christian education. You can outsource some of it, but the foundation needs to come from you. If you haven’t been doing that, then start today.

    this just as interesting comment:

    August 2, 2024 at 7:24 am
    So very true. A church we attended (pretty sound, Biblically, good pastor, met all the right criteria) had a well-liked youth pastor. Turned out he was a huge fan of Mother Teresa and Steven Furtick. Probably lots of others as bad or worse, but he emphasized those two frequently. Fortunately, he left for a local mega-church soon after we found out his real beliefs. I’m sure he was a great fit there.”

    American” parents” have been off-loading their parental responsibilities even before the rise of the Prussian military(obedience & ”discipline”)-based U.S. school system was fully put in place by the 1920s & ’30s! So of course they are going to do the same in Church like ”redpill” chump ”leaders”.

    Here in this ”The Origins of the American Public Education System: Horace Mann & the Prussian Model of Obedience” video tells how the ”Christian” Catholic Prussians(who luved the bite model of control) hand in hand with Massachusetts ”Christian” ”puritan-evangelicals” pushed mindlessness on ALL children in the US.


    description of video:
    The American Public Education System was directly imported from Prussia (modern day Germany). This model of “free and compulsory” education was designed by the Prussian Emperor, in order to generate obedient workers and soldiers who would not question his authority.

    In the 1830’s, American Lawmaker Horace Mann visited Prussia and researched its education methodology. He was infatuated with the emperor’s method of eliminating free thought from his subjects and designed an education system for Massachusetts directly based on these concepts. The movement then quickly spread nationally.

    Horace Mann said, “The State is the father of children.” Do you want your children growing up in total submission to the State? ”

    Still, wondering why blue pillers &”redpillers”(especially ”genius” ”hierarchy” is all important- chump ”leaders”) lack critical thinking skills & are generic gamma failures?

    They were designed & NPC programmed by their beloved government to be!

    P.S. They love being told what to think( & telling everyone else to think the same) is what government wants them to think as they fail even more!

    1. Lastmod

      Again, they go back to “olden times” and a mistake made by one person or a small group that “caused all the problems we have today”

      Blaming our education system on Horace Mann and those Prussians in 1830’s central Europe.

      WIth the assumption of “before the 1830’s, the US educational system must have been pure, christian, patriorichal, and perfect”

      I mean, the mustached man from Austria, loved dogs and was a vegitarian. He didnt drink or smoke. So does this mean dog owners, vegitarians, and people who live a healthly lifestyle are prone to gassing six million Jews, murdering twenty million Slavic-Russians, and four million Slavic Poles?

      Come on now.

      Been hearing since I was a kid that the “US education system is in peril” (Remember “A Nation At Risk” published by the Ed Dept Secreterey under Reagan T Bell was his name)

      I had a few good teachers growing up in elementary school and Jr high. Most were okay and you had a few that had no business being a teacher. The best education I got during those years was at home at the dinner table with discussions about so many topics with my parents.

      I was never a genius, nor gifted. At best, a low to mid range B student. Sure, got an A in social studies, art, and history. C’s in math.

      Even Edison was home schooled by his mother, and she was hardly a genius but there was accountability, love, expectations and hard work on her part for her son.

      Thats a good teacher

      1. Derek L. Ramsey

        “Been hearing since I was a kid that the “US education system is in peril” [..] I was never a genius, nor gifted. At best, a low to mid range B student. Sure, got an A in social studies, art, and history. C’s in math.”

        This is a complex topic, but I’m fairly well informed, so let’s go through it.

        First, you have an average IQ, and so were an average student. You would have been an average student more-or-less regardless of the quality of education. Private school? Public school? Home schooled? It mostly doesn’t matter, your performance will be similar. Though IQ and grades are not perfectly correlated (there are many confounding factors), most kids will perform according to their intelligence and there is hardly any benefit to different learning environments.

        Second, the US education system has been in peril (whatever that means) and it hasn’t gotten better. In short, the people crying about the education system were correct, but inept at fixing it. Indeed, all the attempts to fix it have been categorically misguided (i.e. driven by blankslatism) and so caused the system to get worse, not better.

        Third, modifying the first point and in line with the second, bad schooling tends to disfavor those with the lowest IQ and have minimal effect on those with the highest IQs. So, for example, Common Core was widely (and legitimately) hated by parents, but gifted kids actually do well with it. The problem is that it harms below-average kids, thus widening the performance gap. This is true of the pandemic lockdowns as well: the poor students got worse and the smart kids did okay, thus widening the performance gap.

        Fourth, the decline is more gradual that politicians suggest. It takes generations for these effects to take place. The decline is quite real and (mostly) permanent, but it isn’t speedy.

        Fifth, the reason modern education doesn’t look as terrible on paper is because the books have been cooked. Grades have been inflated, testing and tests modified to make them easier, and outright fraud has been normalized. But no one can hide the “Crisis of Competency.”

        Sixth, most schooling is just babysitting. Kids need far less time to learn what is taught in school, which is why homeschooling is much more efficient. Good teachers can teach kids faster, if not better.

        Seventh, kids learn at different rates and have difference ceilings. If our schools were better configured, gifted kids would graduate high school two years before everyone else. Similarly, around a quarter of kids are done learning by the end of 8th grade. Mandatory high school is a pointless waste of money for many kids. Imagine if you could cut property taxes by 25% and have the bottom quartile not go to high school.

        1. Lastmod

          Agreed. I might take issue with a few minor aspects you have purported.

          I was trained to be a schoolteacher. My undergrad is a BS in ELementary Ed / Special Ed. My college was one of the few that gave a BS for special education on its degree track in New England at the time.

          Teachers have boatlaods of paperwork now………sure, they always had “homework” of grading papers at home, phone calls to parents in the evening, lesson plans. Even when I was in teaching back in the early 1990’s I was shocked about how much paperwork I had to do for the local district, the State, the County, the city or school district.

          New York State actually had a groundbreaking system called BOCES / VOTEC that started in 1969. It was setup for students to get into vovational training while in high school (nursing assistant, medical billing, cosemetology, barber, vet tech…..stuff like that) It also was the setup for the Special Education program for kids like my brother. Pretty revolutinary for 1969

          Its still around but ground to a halt with paperwork, watered down programs, inept teachers and now they meainstream kids like my brother (which is useless for them to function in the world…….what good would High School English be to a teenager like my late brother?????)

          Counties would have a regional BOCES center, kids would be bused to the center for their schooling and high schoolers would leave mid morning from their local high schools and be bused to BOCES for VOTEC training.

          It could be a very viable program today if half the regulations and paperwork were struck down. A system like this today is desperately needed today!

          1. Lastmod

            I thought the Prussian “education model” was setup to train people to work in workshops and of what was then the early industrial era in what was to become Germany.

            Desks in rows. Attention to detail. Run on the “bell / clock” and standing in lines. Timed tasks. Even the schools look like factories or “manufacturing plants”

            Also, the Prussian culture itself was very disciplined, or what became very stereotypical “german”

            This “model” was and became used around the world, and still is to this day in so many aspects. It had nothing to do with “evangelical culture” in the USA and all the other mish-mash you added.

            Also, the first school and compulsatory education in the USA was done in Massachusetts. This was in the 1700’s. Some met in homes, or churches and some actuallyhad theat “one room school house” on the edge of town that became a symbol of “americana” so to speak.

            I attended for undergraduate a college founded by the Methodist Church in 1814. Affiliation with that church was dropped in the mid 1930’s for the fact that it became too expensive to run, and with the rise of public funded schools (which was huge in the USA in the 1930’s where our current model stands)

            Prior to that it was scattered schoolhouses, bigger cities might have had a school system, but most of America….schools were one-room, optional in some states, and most younger education and even high school was handled by churches.

            You have to stop tying everything to “evangelical American / Western culture” for things it has nothing to do with…..they never have had that much power in the USA. Never.

          2. Derek L. Ramsey

            You have to stop tying everything to “evangelical American / Western culture” for things it has nothing to do with…..they never have had that much power in the USA. Never.

            Not to mention that the modern American approach to scripture has been shaped in very large part by Germany’s Walter Bauer. His 1934 book “Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity” had an impact that is resounding to this day. You can read more about this in “The Heresy of Orthodoxy” which was a 2010 treatise that argued that Bauer’s thesis was fundamentally incorrect.

            Curiously, I don’t see Malcolm Reynolds discussing this influencing of American Christianity by a European.

            MR is still talking about Puritans, even though they were enemies of the Quakers, Baptists, Anabaptists, Episcopalians, Anglicans, and Presbyterians. Puritans were more or less gone by the late 1700s. Their successors, the Congregationalists, didn’t even manage to subsume the whole of the Reformed/Calvinist traditions, let alone dominate “Evangelical Christianity.” Indeed, it appears that the reverse took place, with the Puritans ultimately being a sub-sect of the whole Reformed tradition. Perhaps 750,000 Americans can be identified with a congregation that descends from the Puritans. That number was once around 2 million, and is falling fast at a rate around 30% per decade. At current rates, it will be be around 500,000 by the the end of the decade, but I suspect that it will be even less by then given their rapid decent into apostasy. In any case, it is a small fraction of Christians in America.

          3. Malcolm Reynolds

            > This “model” was and became used around the world, and still is to this day in so many aspects. It had nothing to do with “evangelical culture” in the USA and all the other mish-mash you added.

            “It came out of the blue” is the unhistorical approach people like to take. But no, it didn’t. Of course preceding developments had a huge impact.

      2. Malcolm Reynolds

        > Again, they go back to “olden times” and a mistake made by one person or a small group that “caused all the problems we have today”

        With a historical approach you don’t make this mistake, debunking the whole of “conservatism”. Also you do not run into the bogeyman fallacy, because most if not all developments come out and point back to a society itself.

        Prussian school was not an innovation, the initial idea was making the Evangelical church the father of the children. The Prussians then co-opted it. Most customs (school prayer, bible reading, singing lessons) transferred over and lasted far into the 20th century.

        Public school is now one of the bogeymen of Fundamentalists, but it’s pretty much their own invention.

        I once attended a “conservative” church and all they did was being exactly one generation behind – in everything, not just theology .They already ordained women, but they haven’t picked up on same-sex marriage yet and are still segregated. I could fit in with people a generation younger, because they now just did things I did in my youth. At the same time people my age looked and behaved like unusually young and healthy boomers.

        Inside their “conservative” bubble they pretty much just repeat everything progressives do just one generation later and they especially don’t avoid any of the “mistakes”. They started where everyone started, so they finish last with the same foreseeable conclusion. In the end it just looks like an epigenetic breeding experiment playing out, creating doubt that humans have any agency at all.

  8. professorGBFMtm

    i think ”jack” has found an ”average guy” to who he can build his new audience(which will be Saint Deti-less now as he is still only at spawnys instead of SF right now still as his browser can’t seem to find it perhaps WordPress ”trouble” or updates?) around.

    anaverageguy1 says:
    2024-08-05 at 8:15 am
    So I have a question- where is the boundary between being a “gamma” and just defending yourself?

    Jack says:
    2024-08-05 at 3:00 pm

    Welcome to Σ Frame!

    “…where is the boundary between being a “gamma” and just defending yourself?”

    Ed Hurst recently wrote a couple posts that speak to this question.

    Radix Fidem: What They Want You to Believe (2024/7/30)
    Radix Fidem: Benevolence in Control (2024/7/31)
    Ed is writing from a sociopolitical perspective and doesn’t touch on ‘Gamma’, but the prescription is the same. To sum it up…

    Be honest unlike rs & ds. ( u know who I am speaking on)
    Do what’s right( like MOSES, JESUS & GB4M.)
    Understand human nature(again like the triad of chaps above).
    Look at the long-term time frame.
    Don’t meddle into other people’s affairs.( like ”sparkly” did with professorGB4M & Derek)
    Take care of those under your domain of authority.
    Don’t gullibly believe what your opponent wants you to believe.
    Cultivate good relationships with those you regularly interact with.
    Vigilantly defend your own community / covenant / domain / family.
    Catacomb Resident wrote a post on defense.

    Catacomb Resident: Defending the Covenant (2024/8/4)
    Putting all this together, a man’s purpose is to build, maintain, and defend his covenant community, which stands in contrast with the typically self-centered Gamma purposes of defending his own ego, needing to be right and never wrong as supposed ”red pillers”(like I, Scott, saint Deti &” sparkly”), etc.

    If a man puts these things into practice, then over time his conscious awareness will change. The more negative Gamma traits will slowly fade away and it will become more clear when defense is in order.

    anaverageguy1 says:
    2024-08-06 at 9:18 am
    Thank you so much for the in depth reply. Gamma’s have a lot of overlap with vulnerable narcissists(like ”jack” & ”sparkly”), it seems. If I’m reading this right, the thing that separates them from a guy just defending himself properly is whether he is using facts and argumentation to reach the truth or to defend his ego, with the latter willing to hurt and pay no respect to others for the sake of self preservation. It’s no wonder they’re hated- that’s textbook pharisee behavior.

    I’m not better BTW I had a lot of high key gamma traits when I was younger and still do.

    Jack says:
    2024-08-06 at 10:16 am
    “I’m not better BTW I had a lot of high key gamma traits when I was younger and still do.”

    My understanding of the SSH archetypes is that every man has some of the traits of each type, and some men have some traits more than others, which makes them a stereotype of that type.

    IMO, the goal is not to become a stereotypical ‘alpha’ or ‘sigma’, but to face up to who you are in reality, be aware of your positive and negative traits, and if possible, control or reduce the negative and build up the positive ones. That’s what makes a man ‘better’ & to get those all-important IOIS from Da b!tches.

    Red Pill Apostle says:
    2024-08-06 at 9:25 pm

    “Gamma’s have a lot of overlap with vulnerable narcissists, it seems. If I’m reading this right, the thing that separates them from a guy just defending himself properly is whether he is using facts and argumentation to reach the truth or to defend his ego, with the latter willing to hurt and pay no respect to others for the sake of self preservation.”

    Mrs. Apostle has a propensity for avoiding facts and attacking as a means of self-preservation. She thinks of it as being defensive, and has said such, but I believe her aggression in part stems from feelings of being out of control, fear or hurt and then reacting emotionally to quell those feelings. She doesn’t do well with self-awareness, a characteristic that seems to afflict women more so than men, which means she repeats the cycle of Gamma like behavior.

    The good news is that with a little self-reflection a man can recognize patterns of behavior and begin to change his thinking that will ultimately lead to changed behaviors. Gamma traits are not fixed states of being. The vulnerable narcissist overlap you mentioned will tend to diminish when a man gains a little self-confidence and the perceived slights that once served as triggers don’t bother him enough to react to them anymore.

    Mic drop

  9. professorGBFMtm

    Semi-update to the above ”average guy” & ”sensitive” PC NPC gamma loser sites losing audience members fast.

    thedeti says:
    6 August, 2024 at 4:28 pm
    My experience suggests mental percentage is based on how much baggage she has accumulated from past experience (sexual or otherwise).

    This is why there’s been a full court press to get men to ignore women’s pasts, especially their past sexual histories.

    Men should pay even more attention to women’s pasts or previous hindsight butthext experiences, and make informed decisions on particular women because of those past hindsight butthextal experiences.

    thedeti says:
    6 August, 2024 at 4:44 pm
    Women’s response to “past baggage causes women to be unable to bond” is “No No No, it’s not inability to pair bond; it’s that you’re not attractive/she’s not attracted to you nor your butthex I’m afraid and disappointed to say.”

    To which my rejoinder is “then you admit you’re using and exploiting men for material gain and status points, and it has always been this way from time immemorial” and “in your view, men aren’t entitled to anything in their personal relationships nor butthextual experiences”.

    So be it.
    Like I permanently left ”Jacks” over a week ago like NOVASeeker, MOSES,JESUS, GB4M, Liz, Elspeth, MOD, Scott, Derek & MR before I lads.

  10. professorGBFMtm

    About time ”jack” says something that MOSES, JESUS & GB4M can agree with as they are patient perhaps too patient especially with ”genius” ”red pill” chump ”leaders”.

    First from our old friend BtM:

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-08-06 at 12:07 am
    Prophets(like MOSES, JESUS & GB4M) and Saints( like DALrock, Rollo & DETI)are supposed to be rare. True ones, anyway. They usually come from unlikely sources. We are also supposed to beware of false ones. Be very careful ascribing that label to someone. Just because someone is right a couple times or has a deep insight here and there does not make them a “prophet”.

    Liked by 3 people

    Info says:
    2024-08-06 at 7:09 am
    The requirement is that the Prophecy will come true. Otherwise he is either lying or gamma delusional with he/she/it being judge, jury & girl= natural defiler executioner like in 1692-era Massachusetts.

    Oscar says:
    2024-08-06 at 8:04 am
    Which would make Ed Hurst a false prophet, to which he admitted.

    Info says:
    2024-08-07 at 3:45 am

    This is why the title of Prophet should be treated with utmost gravity.

    A false prophecy in the Old Testament is a Capital crime. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

    AngloSaxon says:
    2024-08-07 at 4:01 am
    Then Jonah is a false prophet, so is Isaiah.


    Jack says:
    2024-08-07 at 4:25 am
    “The requirement is that the Prophecy will come true.”

    “Then Jonah is a false prophet, so is Isaiah.”

    I discussed this point of confusion (re: Jonah) in Current Trends in Prophecy (2020/3/13) which was NOT popular nor successful I’m afraid to say as it pre-dated MOSES, JESUS & GB4M coming here & leaving here 6+ months later. Prophecy is commonly thought to be about predicting the future, but it is more about pointing people towards God. True prophets impart an awareness of truth vs falsehoods and inspire repentance. False prophets obfuscate and lead people away from God. It helps to recognize that truth (re: a prophecy being true) is not propositional (which is positivistic) but sentient (which is mystical).

    Also saint Deti is still Zlolzzzlollzzzing at ”Jack” and his ”average guy” audience!:

    thedeti says:
    6 August, 2024 at 9:27 pm
    Tim Walz might not be a Marxist, but he presents as one. Walz’ “accomplishments”:

    *was known as no-b@llz walsz in military
    * Fueled BLM Riots in 2020 (let his entire state burn with butthex fever)
    * Rioters looted and wrecked Minneapolis as they butthexed the night away
    * Change MN state flag to resemble Somalia’s
    * K*lled old people with Cov*d nursing home scandal
    * MN a ‘gr**mer friendly’ LGBTQIA+ butthextually “sanctuary” state
    * Pushes youth trans surgery, ‘hormone therapy’ agenda
    * Soldiers accused Walz of embellishing and selectively omitting facts about his military career
    * Fellow soldiers accused him of “quitting” on them even though they couldn’t ”quit” him like in broke butthext mountain ladz

    * Got DUI in 1995 going 96mph in a 55 speed zone while relentlessly w/o mercy butthexing himself
    * Praises socialism as he flaunts his piles of cash
    * quit the National Guard & ALL butthext when it became clear his unit and package was going to be mobilized to Iraq in 2005
    * lied about being a “command sgt major” when in fact he was a master sgt (I think being a chickenhawk and then lying about your service record is one of the most shameful things you can do as a butthexter running for vice prez)

    thedeti says:
    6 August, 2024 at 9:28 pm
    Shapiro was found to be scrubbing his Wikipedia entry of his past pro-Israel stances, criticism of Palestine, and past IDF service, so as to endear himself to the Harris campaign.

    Time to admit that the Dem party is antisemitic.

    thedeti says:
    6 August, 2024 at 9:39 pm
    Looking at a picture of Tim Walz. Did Kamala just recycle Dick Cheney?

    The choice was between the curmudgeon and the loudmouth butthexual harasser Jew. They couldn’t go with the Jew because they can’t afford to lose MI or MN and because too much of their party is rabidly antisemitic.

    The Harris campaign is cynically hoping to appeal to the Heartland rubes and rednecks with a crusty old white guy. They really do think we’re just going to look at anti-American, neoMarxist Walz and accept him because he “looks like one of us”. They really do think we in the heartland are that stupid. They really do think

    “Those shitkicker churchies in Flyover Country have to love us now! I mean we picked the rich old white guy. He might not be one of those weird Christians, but at least he looks like one! Plus, those rubes don’t like Hebrews (even though we democrats hate them more)! Had to go with the old white guy! Love us, rubes! Vote for us, moron hicks in the sticks!

    Also, did anyone notice I haven’t been to SF in a whilezlollzzzzlollzzzzzz!!!?????

    P.S.y’all as well as over a dozen plus other ex-sf commenters know why!

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