Divine Judgment?

On July 7, 2024, Catacomb Resident said:

Catacomb Resident — Hiatus Once More
I sense a shift in the Unseen Realm. I’m not the only one who feels it. Something has changed behind the scenes and I need to see what it is in order to address the needs of my readers.

Citation: Catacomb Resident, “Hiatus Once More.”

On July 13, 2024 a gunman attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. A couple days later Ed Hurst posted this (emphasis added):

Ed Hurst — The Implications of Divine Covering
We’ve been chatting amongst ourselves in the community about divine covering. One of our members had a vision that responded to our shared impression that something substantial had changed in the Spirit Realm over the past couple of weeks. The vision dealt with covering and uncovering. On the one hand, the Lord specifically promised to cover His covenant people. Peace with Him includes that until He gives you a Word indicating otherwise.

On the other hand, He tends to cover others for His often inscrutable purposes. I have said I believe the Lord is raising up Trump to bring an end to the US as we know it. You would expect that the man would be covered until his mission is complete.

Citation: Ed Hurst, “The Implications of Divine Covering.” Radix Fidem Blog

Meanwhile, one of my favorite bloggers wrote this:

Comment by Gunner Q
“…if Clown World is a sign of God’s judgment upon us…”
It’s not. God is not punishing us, least of all for what other people did to us. If God still judged nations then Israel would be a glowing glass crater.

Citation: comment by Gunner Q @ To Reclaim Normality, “Clown World’s Back Is Against The Wall”

I wrote about my thoughts back in April of 2023 in “Fighting Evil or Doing Good?” and recently talked about it in my review of Sharkly’s recent post. What do you think?


  1. professorGBFMtm

    What do you think?

    This will be a bit unusual-do you remember that Hipster racist commenter guy that used to be at Dalrock’s between ’14 and ’15(he seemed to be quasi-friends with Boxer)?

    Anyway WordPress itself banned him as well as many forums(Dal definitely as he was at the time the most ”redpill”-lite as now ”jack” the tradcon is, after he started saying that Trump was an obvious psyop operation by c.i.a.-especially after Trump through Steve Bannon started courting the ”alt-right” & ”red pill” tradcons like at DALS-Anyway he came back as Banned racist in late 2020 and said the same as above-his ”banned racist” site that I noticed at the time -just got deleted around March last year. He basically said that Trump was to reignite the far left to get ever more extreme and violent so that the government would have to very reluctantly-(i might add)” step in” with new laws as they did after 9/11- with the ”Patriot” act.

    Bottom line to the above !? As the stern but ”nice” Dr. & radio host Mike Savage said around ’08-” The government will take away your guns before the terrorist’s guns” and ”How do you feel knowing your own government has betrayed you?”

    & the other bottom line from above?:

    On July 13, 2024 a gunman attempted to assassinate Donald Trump.

    A classic psyop job Derek to see someone as a Christ-like figure!

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “A classic psyop job Derek to see someone as a Christ-like figure!”

      Just to be clear, neither I nor anyone in Radix Fidem is suggesting that God’s covering of Trump implies that Trump is favored by God. No one should make the mistake of putting their faith in him.

      Trump is like the Pharaoh in Egypt, who God used as a tool. Just as Pharaoh—an instrument of evil—was used to bring about the plague judgments, Trump is being used by God to bring about judgment on America. So long as Trump serves God’s purpose, he can’t be touched, but that doesn’t mean he himself is in the clear spiritually (Frankly, like Pharaoh, I don’t ultimately see Trump emerging from history unscathed, regardless of his current covering).

      As God’s chosen instrument, Trump is a Messiah-figure, as “messiah” just means God’s messenger. Understand that Trump is delivering God’s message, but it just isn’t the one people think is being delivered.

      This warning is especially important for those who see spiritual symbology in the details of the assassination attempt and think that this means that God approves of Trump. But just like the Eucharistic miracles in Roman Catholicism, just because a thing is spiritual—really actually real—doesn’t mean God approves of it.

      Steer clear of politics. And, it doesn’t matter who wins the election.

      1. Lastmod

        Here in Los Angeles, just about everyone “hates” him……or do they????????

        People put the signs on their lawn “Lock him up!” or “Presidents are not kings!”

        And I’m thinking that many of these folks are doing it so THEY wont be suspect of supporting or even liking the guy. Former 1960’s radical, David Horowitz (who guest hosted the Savage nation in the early 2000s on KSFO) said “back in the 1950’s, my parents were Marxist. Totally sold. But, they would hang the American flag on the porch and fold it properly. They told me to behave in school. We kept our house and lawn picked up. We FIT in so there was no suspect of their true intentions. We went to Temple. My parents were polite to the neighbors.”

        With the 2020 election results, more people in Los Angles County voted for Trump than the population of some entire states. The support for him here is kept under wraps, and people keep quiet about it.

        I remember in the 1980’s Trump’s tabloid legend divorce. I remember the high profile affairs. I also remember him saying “If I had all the money in the US, I would buy everything what everyone owned”

        Okay, times change right? That was then. This is now. I can understand that. He openly campaigned and donated to Clinton both times in 1992 and 1996. He also has said “Caitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom she feels like using at my hotels”

        My point in this ramble is…….you cannot stack all your hopes on some man to solve the deep ingrained social problems of a nation. Some of his supporters…heck, many of them…….are raising him to messiah or anointed status. That does worry me. Its not just Bubba out in Madera County California. Its “god country pastors” and others that are feeding into this. I remember in the 1990’s every white woman in California behaving like a schoolgirl about Bill Clinton “Hes so handsome. He’s so amazing, he’s done sooooo much for the county” (you ask them to name something, they couldnt name a thing…they were just partiests, defending anyone with a letter D for their political affiliation)

        I do see this pattern with many Trump supporters……like Elvis die hard fans, “If Elvis had live, he would have brought world peace” kind of statements.

        Trump didnt follow the Consitution. He approved “spending bills” he didnt close the border (ICE was ordered to STOP counting). No swamp was drained. Spending STILL increased and a budget was not balanced.

        But he went to a pro-life march once……so that fixes everything.

        I do not wish ANY harm to come to him. I am glad he was not assassinated.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “I do not wish ANY harm to come to him. I am glad he was not assassinated.”

          I think it goes without saying that we do not wish people to be assassinated. This is orthogonal to whether or not God is divinely protecting them or whether they “deserve” that protection (whatever that means).

  2. As I’ve stated on my own blog and elsewhere, Trump might very well be under God’s protection – but not for the benevolent purposes many (most?) of his supporters believe. Just as God used ancient Israel’s enemies to punish her back in the day, He might very well be using America’s “friends” to do the same to America today. I believe Ed Hurst is correct: God is using Trump to destroy America as we know it. That doesn’t mean, however, that what replaces it will be a good thing.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Heres is where hipster racist responded to Feeriker’s response to another commenter on the ”Don’t blame Roissy=Heartiste for the equation of Alpha with virtue.” post from June 13 2015 by Dalrock

    feeriker says:
    June 15, 2015 at 10:16 am
    You abandoned your traditional churches – Reformed, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist, RCC, for these
    fancy new Zionist Mega-Churches.
    I’m afraid you have that exactly backwards. The traditional denominations you list abandoned the Gospel long ago in favor of
    catering to the secular culture. The growth of the much-despised “maga-church” was a direct (and predictable) result of ghis,
    as the true believers sought alternatives that refused to compromise withe the world.
    The new Mega-Churches barely even make a pretense of being anything other than businesses. Rick Warren is lavished
    with praise by the Wall Street Journal for the effective cash machine he’s running. They approved of his plaque at his desk,
    quoting the famous business dictum, “the customer is always right.”
    Alas, you are correct here. What started out with the best of intentions has gone off the rails just as its traditionalist
    predecessors did half a century ago. The lesson to be learned here is that once principles of faith are in any way
    compromised, the corruption of the World quickly sets in and destruction becomes total.

    Hipster Racist says:
    June 15, 2015 at 2:14 pm
    The traditional denominations you list abandoned the Gospel long ago in favor of catering to the secular
    culture. The growth of the much-despised “maga-church” was a direct (and predictable) result of ghis, as the
    true believers sought alternatives that refused to compromise withe the world.
    The only problem with that theory is that people did not abandon the traditional denominations then join mega-churches
    that were preaching the Gospel and did not cater to the secular culture.
    It was the opposite – the mega-churches explicitly modeled themselves on secular entertainment venues, everything from the
    stage shows to the bookstore/cafes, and these are what people flocked to. In fact, these mega-churches were advertised on
    “Christian TV shows” all throughout the 1960s to the 1980s. By the 1980s, televangelists had become such a farce it was
    embarrassing the cooler heads and threatening the tax breaks, so much of that was sublimated until the 2000s. Now, we have
    “churches” that model themselves on dot-coms – they even make documentaries about their “church plants” – it’s a franchise
    Ecclesiastical polity matters. It is what kept traditional Protestant denominations accountable. It proved a defense against
    infiltration by non-Christian ideas. Traditional forms of ecclesiastical polity were attacked throughout the 20th century in
    order to break down this defense. The Pentecostal movement was the first to lure church-goers away from the traditional
    forms of Protestant worship with carnival-style circus acts and magic shows. Once this parallel “church” business network
    Pingback: Hubris damned Caesar: do not him follow [Lk 20] | Dark Brightness
    was set up, it was easy as pie to swap Christianity for political Zionism. Feminism was a natural outgrowth of this because
    wives were more interested in these new entertainment centers than their husbands.
    It’s funny, Christ said “strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Yet
    the typical “church” in America is getting bigger and bigger, and the wallets (and waistlines) of the pastors are getting fatter
    and fatter, and no one dares point out the obvious.
    Because then you’d have to actually do something about it, like stop playing along.

    See how those comments could have been written today(even by MR or myself here)?

  4. professorGBFMtm

    More commentary about Trump shooting from ”free speech” actress who was on ”the sopranos” non-Christion tv show about murder, rape & ”blue-pilled” ”lawlessness” gambling that most ”Christian” ”redpillers’ luv:

    ExCLUSIVEOnlyFans star Drea de Matteo claims Donald Trump assassination attempt was an ‘INSIDE job’ as she SLAMS ‘entitled’ Hollywood stars in another blistering industry takedown
    De Matteo, 52, retired from acting and has made a fortune as an OnlyFans model
    The Sopranos actress told DailyMail.com, ‘I am embarrassed for this country’
    READ HERE: Drea de Matteo admits her 13-year-old ”redpilled” son edits OnlyFans Oasis
    porn content

    PUBLISHED: 09:09 EDT, 27 July 2024 | UPDATED: 12:21 EDT, 27 July 2024


    View comments
    Sopranos star Drea de Matteo believes the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a republican rally in Pennsylvania was an ‘inside job.’

    The actress turned OnlyFans model, 52, made the admission as she furiously criticized left-leaning celebrities for purporting to be a ‘trusted voice’ for the people, branding them ’embarrassing’ and ‘self-righteous.’

    Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com, she said: ‘I think this attempt was clearly an inside job most likely by tradcon ”redpillers”. All these ”bluepilled” kids that are saying “I can’t believe he missed.”

    ‘A lot of people don’t have a clue what’s really happening and that’s why there’s Trump derangement syndrome. It’s the level of propaganda and the twisting of information… there’s no truth out there anymore. And if you want it, you must carry on you have to pick up every rock in sight.’

    Trump, 78, was addressing a campaign rally near Butler on July 13 when Thom@s M@tthew Cr@@ks fired shots at the former president, one of which struck the top of his right ear. Crooks was shot dead by Secret Service snipers.

    Drea de Matteo, 52, told DailyMail.com that she believes Donald Trump’s assassination attempt was ‘clearly an inside job’
    View gallery
    Drea de Matteo, 52, told DailyMail.com that she believes Donald Trump’s assassination attempt was ‘clearly an inside job’

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, 78, survived an assassination attempt while speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13 (photo taken at rally)
    View gallery
    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, 78, survived an assassination attempt while speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13 (photo taken at rally)


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    Hours after the attack, Jack Black’s Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Gass jokingly wished that Cr@@ks had been successful as he blew out a birthday candle on stage in Sydney, Australia, and told the audience: ‘Don’t miss Trump next time.’

    Discussing the fallout, Matteo – who started the clothing line Ultra-Free p@rn-wear to support free speech – warned: ‘Don’t follow any celebrities, don’t have any idols like Dalrock, or even very lesser known & therefore even more irrelevant ones like NPC ”jack” &”sparkly”. Make your own decisions. Everybody needs to learn more about what’s really going on and then form their own opinions.

    ‘Everybody is so tied into hearing what other celebrities have to say, because somehow, they’re a trusted voice. And I don’t know why because they’re just f*****g actors. A lot of them are super f*****g entitled bluepilled Hollywood folks that don’t really do their homework. And that upsets me.

    ‘I’m definitely not trying to be ”redpilled” self-righteous like Vox hating ”jack” nor Derek,MOSES,JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS 4 MEN hating ”sparkly”. But I feel like there’s so much self-righteousness out there when it comes to these blue-pilled topics instead of real righteousness like Roissy, Derek, LastMOD, MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN HAVE IN UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE DUDES.’

    In a nod to Gassy gass, she continued: ‘Do your work, know what you speak of, know why you’re condemning this person, and maybe lower your f*****g bluepilled voice when you’re condoning lawlessness and murder.’

    The Emmy-Award winner, who described herself as an ‘old hippie liberal’ who likes Trump and RFK, also expressed disillusionment with the state of the bluepilled nation.

    ‘I mean, they the left, and I am on the left, but I am embarrassed,’ she said. ‘I’m also embarrassed of my country. And I’ll wear an American flag all day because I am a real f*****g patriot. But I am so embarrassed by the blood on the hands of this country at this point and the karmic overload of just dishonesty and greed of both the bluepill and ”redpill”.’

    ‘It’s gone so far, but I really do believe in the bluepilled people… I believe that we can make America great again with the ”red pill’, I also just heard that Saint Dalrock is coming to blogging soon y’all,’ she added.

  5. Malcolm Reynolds

    There thousands of splendid mosques built in the West thanks to financial support of the US-backed Saudi family funded by oil money. On the other hand hundreds of thousands of up to thousand years old churches are in ruins. These buildings can’t be supported by their shrinking congregations. At least those in the city centers are mostly (free) attractions for (Asian and American) tourists, while those in remote villages are just getting demolished.

    Online the most vocal self-proclaimed “saviors of the Christian West” are Putian-Orthodox and Trumpian-Evangelicals. However their financial contribution to the cause is exactly zero. It’s pure lip-service and that will be judged accordingly.

  6. professorGBFMtm

    ”Online the most vocal self-proclaimed “saviors of the Christian West” are Putian-Orthodox and Trumpian-Evangelicals. However their financial contribution to the cause is exactly zero. It’s pure lip-service and that will be judged accordingly.”

    YES! Also want to know the exact moment I knew a certain ”red pill” ”leader” was just a mainstream republuican ”Christian”?:

    AUGUST 13, 2021 AT 2:27 PM
    Just a quick point, on the property crimes concept. The Bible teaches that men or people, depending on your translation, are God’s property and we are just stewards of our own bodies:
    1 Corinthians 6:18(NASB) Flee sexual immorality. Every other sin that a person(“man” in the KJV) commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

    I need to study all that some more. Women are given to men, perhaps like Rush Limbaugh’s talent was, “on loan from God”. God ultimately own’s all things, and yet things are given to men to have and to hold. This is quite a thought provoking concept.”

    Yeah elsriushbo is a good example of a risk-taking for God dude.

    But who really was?Here:

    Michael Savage made the claim during a bizarre outburst, in which also dismissed accusations of rape and sexual harassment.

    Speaking on his show – The Savage Nation – the outspoken radio host began by dismissing claims of sexual harassment made by women.

    Savage – real name is Michael Alan Weiner – goes on to defend the men accused in sexual harassment lawsuits, comparing them to dissidents who face persecution in communist countries, such as North Korea.

    He also attacked US presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, mocking “the myth of the poor, downtrodden woman” he says is destroying America.

    “What’s this nonsense about ‘oppressed this, oppressed that’?” he bellowed.

    “The most oppressed member of society, as I’ve said before and I’m willing to stand by this again – the most ridiculed, the most oppressed member of society today is the straight, heterosexual, white, male Christians! Period!”

    SEE? Michael Savage an ethnic jew stood up for ”straight, heterosexual, white, male Christians!” and what did most of those same ”straight, heterosexual, white, male Christians!” do in their very predictable ”I want to instead virtue signal to receive ”that’s a good boy” from blue pill hos and bros alike, IOIS from gamma hos and bros alike, & ”good vibes” but please cry for I later when I say I was ”twicked””?
    Stick further up for sell-out ”good guy” Republicans and very ”hard-working” in climate-controlled sound booth studios, radio hosts like Elrushbo,” great”( as the fool ”red pill” republican blogger/commenter above from ’21 said last year at another site) debater Ben Shapiro, and wall-banger Sean Hannity.

    IOW-does anyone really NOT see why America will
    completely fall! sooner rather than later?

  7. Lastmod

    I remember in grad school (1992-1994) all my professors got their talking orders from the news and did “duckspeak” of

    “Rush Limbaugh is the most dangereous man in America”

    I remember laughing so hard in a lecture hall when I first heard that. Mind you, I went to a polytechnic for grad school that was 90% men.

    Did I listen to “El Rushbo” back then? Yeah, but he was wrong even back then on so many occasions. Yeah, “the most dangerous man in America” sure. He was an overweight, a check-pants wearing golfer republican. A real threat to the nation.

    Hannity was the typical frat boy I knew in college and grad school. Loud. Arrogant.

    In Fresno, the mayor when I lived there was Alan Autry. Remember “Bubba” from the TV show “In the Heat of the Night”? Yeah. That guy. He played a tough sheriff on TV but had to have an actual no nonsense police chief to clean up Fresno.

    Rush lost most of my mild respect after his addiction. I was hoping for a change to “hey, these people need HELP” instead we got a doubling down of “they belong in jail”

    El Rushbo got to have private in patient treatmenat at Walter Reed. The average addict on the street gets nothing but told he “made a bad choice, you belong in jail”

    These “republicans” on that dying talk radio / Fox news circuit thankfully were in the end exposed for what they were. Just humans. Flawed. Now if we could just get their followers to accept that.

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