Hobbies and Experiences

I only occasionally write about my personal interests, and even when I do it is usually made applicable to something more profound (or pretentiously profound). But since I have nothing else to write about while the blog is on auto-pilot, I thought I’d talk about this.

Recently, over a course of 8 days, I took my kids on a grand Roller Coaster Park trip. We had to adjust our itinerary two or three times due to weather and ride closures, but in the end we visited six different parks and rode around 70 different roller coasters. It was absolutely incredible. Memories for a lifetime.

A while back I went on a Dad-and-son trip to Erie, Pennsylvania to see the total solar eclipse. That too was amazing.

Anyway, I have nothing profound to say. Sometimes it is just nice to reflect on what interesting things we have done and the trips we have made, as happens from time-to-time in the comment section. See you soon!


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Hobbies and Experiences.

    Sometimes it is just nice to reflect on what interesting things we have done and the trips we have made, as happens from time-to-time in the comment section.

    Speaking of which here is when many of the original Christian- MGTOWosphere first came into contact with the Roissyosphere from one of the early first ”official” wave of MGTOWS from the 2000s, A.K.A. ANAKIN NICEGUY, known as the more ”serious” &” studious” prototype of GBFM to many.

    A blog for Christian men “going their own way.”

    The Roissysphere: A MGTOW Perspective
    What exactly is the Roissysphere? I have to admit that I did not hear about this term until this month, or maybe it was last month. I can’t remember. I consider it from an outside perspective as a MGTOWer. After reading some about it, it strikes me as a network of bloggers who follow the writings of individual named “Roissy.” Who is Roissy? He appears to be somewhat like a PUA (a pick-up artist – one that seduces and beds women), who just also happens to have some views on gender relations that might fall in the category of MRA thought. In short, it’s MRA meets seduction theory.**

    Novaseeker is supposedly in the Roissyphere. Ferdinand Bardamu is in the Roissysphere. So is Chuck Ross and Josh Xiong. And on it goes. The guys in the Roissysphere seem to be relatively new to the MRA scene on the internet. Roissy’s blog only goes back as far as April 2007. These individuals have a lot of beliefs in common with MGTOW, and yet they largely seem to have only a partial knowledge of MGTOW. I say that because of statements that some readers of Roissy have made about MGTOW.

    So for those of you who move about in the Roissyphere, I thought I would compare the MGTOW scene with the MRA/PUA hybrid ideas of the Roissyphere:

    1. Critiques of feminized culture? Roissyphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    2. Libertarian-leaning critiques of big government? Roissysphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    3. Critiques of misandry? Roissysphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    4. Critiques of conservatives being just as bad as feminists in their misandry? Roissysphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    5. Realistic and brutal honesty about female behavior (including sexual behaviors and mating preferences)? Roissysphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    6. Some members into learning aspects of “Game” in order understand and relate to women, especially for the purpose of intimate relationships? Roissyphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    7. Some members of the community being happily married? Roissyphere: Check. MGTOW: Check. (One of the architects of MGTOW has been happily married for years.)

    8. Championing standing up to women and not being a pushover? Roissyphere: Check. MGTOW: Check.

    9. Some members of the community being happily single or even unattached? MGTOW: Check. Roissyphere: I dunno.

    10. Realization that average men can live without sex or female companionship just fine? MGTOW: Check. Roissyphere: I dunno.

    11. Realization that everything has it costs and trade-offs and therefore, being involved with women is not necessarily better than not being involved with them? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    12. Realization that a man’s worth and happiness does not depend on women? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    13. Realization that when it comes to men’s issues, “Game” isn’t everything, much less the proverbial “silver bullet?” MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    14. Realization that “Game” doesn’t make a low-integrity woman into marriage material? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    15. Realization that “Game” doesn’t necessarily protect a man from a low-integrity woman or from family law, the false allegation industry, the DV industry, etc.? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    16. Realization that our culture and the proliferation of low-integrity women makes the American Dream for men increasingly elusive, “Game” or no “Game”? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    17. Avoidance of “real man” talk, shaming tactics, and other forms of high-handed judgment against men who don’t want to play by the old roles, who don’t make scoring with women a high priority, or who actually want do something about the inequality in our society? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    18. Respects the right of men to buck the system and embracing their own vision of manhood? MGTOW: Check. Roissysphere: I dunno.

    In years past, when many men where trying to air their grievances on the internet, trying to come to terms with the misandry and gynocentrism in our society, and trying figure out what to do about it, some PUA-leaning heckler would invariably butt into the conversation and say something like, “You guys are just whiners who are not getting any! You need to learn seduction techniques!” Such an arrogant, myopic, and hopelessly naïve attitude about men’s concerns has understandably left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of MRA and MGTOW men. I don’t know enough about the Roissyphere to determine whether or not any of them indulge in the adolescent posturing and display of peacock feathers that some PUA advocates have embraced. Time will tell.

    The Roissyphere has its share of talented writers who are saying some noteworthy things about what men face today. I tip my hat in respect to these gentlemen for that. On the other hand, I have a bit of “wait and see” attitude, given how some PUAs have comported themselves in past. I’ll let the men of the Roissysphere speak for themselves on the questions I raise. The Roissyphere bills itself as (1) being realistic about relationships between men and women, and (2) being a voice that gives men’s options. From my admittedly limited perspective, it remains to be seen whether or not the Roissysphere can live up to both of these promises the way MGTOW already does. In the end, “Roissyism” may actually be a form of MGTOW.

    **Edit: The men of the Roissysphere generally follow ideas that come from the Seduction Community; however, not all of them fully accept the lifestyle that Roissy has embraced.

    That post is from 2 and half +years before the Dalrock who wrote the ”what is the Roissy/Manosphere” post too.:

    This led to evermore Evangelical/fundamentalist ”Christian” ”red pill” foolz calling themselves ”genius” ”red pill” ”leaders”-when they are really just still republican butt st!nk smellers instead of more decent and honest in truth-seeking like the more neutrally Conservative ”libertarian” – spirited first wave of ”official” MGTOWS were and still are!:

    Which leads us to this prime example of an Evangelical/fundamentalist ”Christian” ”red pill” fool republican butt st!nk smaller whose whole goal in being on the net is to discredit and destroy the much beloved by the kids,the Roissyosphere, here from today elsewhere:

    Sharkly says:
    2024-07-23 at 7:46 pm
    “Christians who viewed the Red Pill as a collection of valuable truths that coincided with the Bible on a constellation of points, and well worthy of contemplation. [R+]”

    Yes, to me the “red pill” is the truth which frees you from the widely held delusion of non-butt goddess worshipping which is what ”jack” was told by ”God” in a special ”message” was most holy for us ”red pill” foolz to do.

    While seeing, our opponents truly do not see. They are still blind to the lies they believe and teach as WE proud liars and deceivers ourselves, I might add. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see like our ownselves!

    Adam succumbed to gynocentrism and granted Eve the worth-ship to be obeyed instead of worshipping and obeying the direction of God, his Father. It is in our nature to defer to women even as WE worship their butts and their stink from them as we do to evangelical-fundamentalist ”Christian”-republicans like cokehead W. Bush.

    In order to serve Adam’s first God-given purpose, (to exercise dominion in the image of God), we must fight the wrongheaded urge to comply with womankind, to momentarily appease them to restore the peace which they so willingly and frequently disrupt to force us to react to their manipulative incentives.

    Psalm 8:6 (GW)
    You have made him rule what your hands created. You have put everything under his control

    Psalm 8 uses a masculine-singular pronoun in Hebrew showing that God gave one single male dominion, and that “his” God-ordained dominion was over all other earthly creatures, including the woman. It is a dereliction of the first duty of men to allow women to unnaturally usurp rule over us without us properly,” Conservatively” and dutifully butt-worshiping them as did our forefathers, I should say NOT y’all my fellow ”red pill” liars and deceivers that I whole heartily love!

    The satanic lie is that women, the weaker vessels, are equally or better fit to rule.

    Gyneolatry is 95% of why people oppose the “red pill”. Our society is pervaded with neo-fertility-goddess-worship instead of republicany,elrushian, and most proper butt goddess worshipping. Churchmen serve the “Great Wh0re” by serving her likeness and goading other men to obey her as well w/o republicany,elrushian, and most proper butt goddess worshipping which goes without saying is a crime against nature my fellow ”red pill” liars and deceivers.

    Who was this first mother of all the immoral? Who was the first unfaithful one who turned from properly serving and obeying the image of God? Who first idolatrously granted the worth-ship to be obeyed to a sly serpent instead of obeying her rightful head, who had been made as a likeness of God and had commanded her according to the command of God? What is her name, and what is her daughters name, if thou canst tell? Who was this mother of idolaters who corrupted the whole earth? Who is now born after her image and likeness? Who naturally takes after their original unfaithful mother? Is it not the daughters of Eve the defiler? And doesn’t her worldwide religion of unfaithfulness to God’s holy order of Father rule now teach men to “lead” women by seeking to be a servant of them?

    Our well-known to ALL, lying & deceiving republican- ”red-pill” eliminates the hypnotic adoration of women while still butt goddess worshipping them and reveals society’s need to return women back into subjection to men, which is most fitting due to women’s defiling natural behavior.

    So naturally, blue-pilled simps peddle gilded claims of women’s goddess-like behavior and seek to slander all we who would humble women in accordance with their defiling nature (Revelation 14:4) and women’s curse, which inclines them all towards usurping their rightful head who should be using their rightful and most decent republicany,elrushian, and most proper butt goddess worshipping ways of W.Bush ladz .

    In the end it is spiritual warfare. Satan’s Simps trying to foist women back up on a pedestal battling us more enlightened men who are pointing out that God wants women professing godliness to adorn themselves with shamefacedness. The simps realize that women are weaker, less robust, and more driven by their fickle emotions than by the justice of abstract reasoning, and so they try to magnify women’s supposed feminine virtues and to slander men’s true virtue to “equalize” those weaker vessels with us. But ultimately, they don’t just want women equal to men. Like Satan, they want us men to hearken to the women and to serve them, instead of God. All their “servant leadership” propaganda is just intended to bring about a satanic inversion of God’s holy order of patriarchy (1 Corinthians 11:3).

    Most all of the blue-pilled bellyaching against the red-pill is merely satanic machinations to try to deceive and blind you and shackle you again back into the chains of Feminist slavery through their apostate church-of-woman-worshipping. It is all just satanic lies and slander to coerce men bearing the image and glory of God into subjection, but dressed up as scriptural obedience, or “caring”, or the virtue of humility.

    But like Samson, if you get worn down and finally relent in an attempt to endear yourself to those temptresses, or their whiny Simps, in the end, they’ll proceed to neutralize your strength; they’ll put out your eyes to blind you to the truth thereafter and then harness your remaining strength to turn their millstone as their subdued beasts of burden, to enrich themselves off the toils of those they’ve degraded and enslaved through the guile of women and their Simps, who would supplant men with women by forbidding all of men’s natural methods of correcting and ruling over rebellious women.

    The “Red Pill” reveals the delusions of the Feminist Matrix we live in. Those who serve the father of lies naturally combat it in an effort to preserve their deceptions as WE do our own republican troll bot deceptions with lying and deceiving all the way dudes AMEN?-I SAID AME, and to prevent us from repenting of the idolatry of Feminism, non- republicany,elrushian, and most proper butt goddess worshipping ways in the tradition of
    W. Bush and returning to God’s holy order of patriarchy.”

    1. Lastmod

      No, the Red Pill in 2024 is no different from “ideology” on a rigid sense, usually those of the far left or right.

      Basically, you will adhere to all the Rules, Laws, Maxims, Don’ts, subset of subset to situations and other rules thrown in with the exceptions made……….

      Proclaim its infallible. Cannot be changed…..and then, changes are added, but like the Sheep that the adherents to Red Pill are, they will forget the rule or unbreakable / unchangeable Law from before. They behave like the Party in 1984 “We have always been at war with Eurasia” (despite them not being at war with them a few months prior)

      They double down, cross reference the stack of paper, maxims, rules, Laws, context, footnotes…combined with podcasts, blogs, v-bogs, books, the alphabet soup of acronyms….and have the audacity then to say “its very simple and basic and fits mans natural order and nature”

      Drop on top of this The Bible, what Trump said last Thursday (or whatever), throw in the Constitution (which the USA does not follow at all today), the left over scraps of Game and PUA. Add in “mens rights” and of course the reason why none of their ideas are working is because “muh feminism” and “blue pilled cucks” (who somehow have all power and authority, and gosh-darn-it…..if men would just step up, bench press a house and vote Republican , o matter what……our problems would be solved)

      Throw on top of this PSALMS, and LAMPS and every other things that defines masculinity in the modern Western sense…..

      You now have 16 tons of “paper” and “doctrines” and a gazillion things to master in order to be deemed “a man” (by them)

      And you will STILL be doing it wrong, according to them if you dont get a 18-22 year old virgin who belongs to a red pill church, who just happens to be very hot, sexy, and covers her head and “calls her husband lord”

      The NAZIs and the Marxists philosophers behaved in the same manner, the “intellectual” class the Red Pill has created is absurd.

      I was born a MAN. I dont need anyone to tell me differently or how to be one.

      None of them are J Crew models. None of them have stopped the world. None of them have turned it upside down and frankly most of them hate their fellow man. Read the comments over the decade and a half. They really hate most people, and are miserable to be around.

  2. Malcolm Reynolds

    One amusing thing about Trumps $60 “God bless the U.S.A.” bible is that it contains – beside the Authorized Version by King James the VI and I King of Scotland, King of England and Ireland – the “declaration of independence”, the “constitution” and the first ten amendments to this “constitution”. As if they were religious scripture.

    Religious scripture can be tested by application. The joke is: The “constitution” doesn’t mean anything outside the geographical frame it references. Unlike the Hebrew bible and the New Testament It has literally NO application to the rest of the world. And what should an Englishman loyal to King James’ successor read into the one-sided “declaration of independence”?

    And that’s the problem with the whole “God and Country” church phenomenon. Once you take its fundamental beliefs outside the “country”, everything falls apart.

    1. Lastmod

      Only $60.00

      Well, god bless america

      He’s better than the other option we have come November….but Americans since the 1970’s pretty much have only “the lesser of two evils” or “both are not good, but I vote this way or that way because the other one is worse”

      We overthrew George III, one political party to add only one more option. Wow. Good for us. We showed them 😉

      As for the King James Bible……..i’ll take it over ANY modern translation now. We only have a few trillion of them

      1. Malcolm Reynolds

        I was pointing out that American boomers like Trump mingle the civil religion of the U.S.A. with the King James bible and then confuse the result with Christianity. It’s a pattern that they apply everywhere, but with Christianity it becomes very obvious for anyone outside of that domestic bubble.

        At that point I like to add my overseas perspective: Yes, there is the “constitution”. But I could take the “First Directive” from the “Star Trek United Federation of Planets” and it wouldn’t mean anything more or less over here. The “right to bear arms” is a not-right most humans on this planet don’t have, so Americans are the outliers, while they think to themselves that they set the global standard, including the global standard for Christianity. They in fact do not.

    2. Lastmod

      I will take note that the Orthodox Churches of their respect countries (Russian, Serbian, Greek, et al) are very ethnocentric and dont take too kindly to people not of that ethnic or respected cultural backgrounds. Yes, they may warm up to you but they dont really. My cousin married a Greek, she grudgingly became accepted until he divorced her. Then the door was pretty much shut on her.

      My atteandance at a Russian Orthodox church in California was met with a look of indignation when they asked about my last name (Polish) when I signed in. No one spoke to me or welcomed me either

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Hey MOD,i still can’t beleive these ”red pill” experts or wackos as Joe2 weirdly said don’t understand history(DAL’ started getting 150-300{sometimes reaching up to 700 on a few posts} comments standard per post once GBFM showed up there-then once the ”genius” DAL'{whose ego was out of control by that time i.e. 2015-pumped up on failing to ”recruit” the blackpillers he largely created on his own-at least definitely most of the Christian ones} thought he could ban THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN he was then lucky to get 80-100 comments per post ) nor recent events(DALS old credit card being declined by WordPress):

    penumbrated says:
    2024-07-25 at 3:52 am
    I wonder why, after all this time, Dalrock chose to make his site private??

    locustsplease says:
    2024-07-25 at 9:42 am
    strange I wonder why he never came back a lot (maybe because he hated the infinitely righteousness & beautiful boldness of MOSES, JESUS, GBFM & lastMOD too much? I don’t know otherwise as I’m just an NPC that needs my hands held & told I’m an all-powerful Republican ”redpiller” following ”genius” ”red pill” chumps” like ”jack” and ”sparkly”) has happened since.

    Joe2 says:
    2024-07-25 at 9:13 pm
    I may be wrong and please correct me if I am, but didn’t Dalrock’s site get hundreds of comments in response to a posting? At least that’s my recollection. And the comments were all over the place which, in my opinion just distracted from the value of his posting.

    So I can understand taking a site private if it prevents wackos from hijacking a site and using it to post basically garbage comments like here at ”jacks”-most of which is from ”jack” ”himself” &” sparkly”.

    Jack says:
    2024-07-25 at 9:23 pm
    As I remember, Dalrock had about a hundred comments per post on the average, but he also had dozens of posts that got several hundred comments(with GBFMS help TBH which I am NOT as a republican tradcon ”red pill” liar and deceiver like ”sparkly”, but I proudly hateth MOSES &JESUS who ride shotgun with the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN-who I also detesth beyond all reason and logic).

    He locked comments when he stopped blogging.

    See how supposed but unverified by the ”red pill”, 140 i.q. ”geniuses” like ”jack” can’t admit tradcon but better than them at least, DAL’ failed big-time as they have from the beginning of their time in the sphere to this day?

    1. Lastmod

      Again. Dalrock was okay. He had some good stuff over the years. It was his commenters that were most of the problem.

      He got to the point when he was behaving like a girl when arguing with “tradcon” pastors or church folk on another site.

      “No, he said this, and then I said this” stuff. He refused to come on their show. He would only go by email. He would then create a post, hairsplit and splice like Oscar does, which added or deleted context in his favor and thus, “prove” them wrong. Also his slavish followers would then harass their blog , or YouTube page en masse.

      That was really the end….the last six month to a year all he seemed to do was that kind of posting. Female behavior.

      I no personal problem with him for the most part. I will admit, he DID have a writing style that many average men COULD understand. He didnt clog his post with complex female psych-socio-sexual babble. He did have just “a way” of communicating, and I actually did understand many of his topics he brought up. Did I agree with them all? No.

      He banned because I dared him to. He did. Its his blog. He can allow or ban who ever he pleases. I just got tired of the endless “all women are bad, except the ones we real men married of course” and “move to eastern Europe. Learn the language. Work really, really hard. Learn the culture an you will have a gazillion hot slavic women all over you. Anyone can do this. They are all devout christians and just want to please a man. Very simple”

      He did offer me to personally email him, but I didnt. Why?

      Because I had seen past behavior with him.

      Pastors, and cuckservatives and churchians did this, and he then ended breaching trust and posting comments from private correspondence on his blog.

      And of course his slavish followers loved it. Nevermind questioning this “questionable” behavior.

      I also know he was a dad to a daughter and she was getting older. I kind of think he wanted to be there more for her.

      Also, Dalrock wasnt stupid. Not at all.

      Call it a hunch, I think, maybe going WAY out here. But I honestly think he did pray over it a lot and did realize:

      ALL THAT HAS TO BE SAID ABOUT WOMEN / HYPERGAMY / FEMALE NATURE / GAME / GAME / PUA has been said ten fold on this his blog and others. What is there more to say?

      Why flog a dead horse at this point? The information is here

      1. Derek L. Ramsey

        “He refused to come on their show. He would only go by email. He would then create a post, hairsplit and splice like Oscar does, which added or deleted context in his favor and thus, “prove” them wrong. Also his slavish followers would then harass their blog , or YouTube page en masse. That was really the end….the last six month to a year all he seemed to do was that kind of posting. Female behavior.”

        As I noted on Boxer’s blog at the time in my comments here, here, here, and here, in “Endless Riddance,” “Whoring (Media Edition),” and “Irrelevancy of the manosphere.” As I noted at the time:

        “Now, right on schedule, Dalrock is claiming that Warhorn is lying about the purpose of their email exchange. This is not true. Go read that thread. Warhorn wanted to interview Dalrock and do a live back-and-forth interview. Dalrock refused the opportunity”

        The Warhorn affair, and his lying about it, were really the end. As for female behavior, I noted this:

        “I see that Dalrock is now calling Nathan effeminate now for complaining bitterly and nursing a grievance. You just can’t make this stuff up.”

        When we talk about the fall of Dalrock, we must note what Boxer said:

        “He has directed his hatred toward my brothers, almost exclusively, for about a year now.”

  4. professorGBFMtm

    ”I also know he was a dad to a daughter and she was getting older. I kind of think he wanted to be there more for her.”

    YES I think that too.But you know I was mainly always suspicious of pro-MEN & boys DAL’?He rarely ever mentioned his young son-only in here and there like in his first post here:

    How to field strip a baby.
    Posted on June 19, 2010 by Dalrock
    Field stripping a baby is really no big deal. It doesn’t require any special tools (no disrespect to the great John Browning), and the cleaning patches are pre soaked with the required solvent. But always assume the baby is loaded and keep it pointed in a safe direction.

    Cleaning patches for field stripping a baby
    Cleaning patches for field stripping a baby

    I posted this over on Citizen Renegade/RoissyinD.C./the CHATEAU in response to an assertion made by Doug1 that men should rarely change diapers, leaving the basic care of very young children to women:


    I didn’t say never. I specifically said that emergency or unexpected situations could arise; then I would and it’s fine. But I do think changing diapers, and generally caring for infants, is women’s work, yes. (That can also be hired women in part.) I also think that dealing with teenagers of either sex tends to be more a dad’s work, if he’s a good father. It’s mom’s too, but mother’s without present dad’s in the home and much better the biodad, tend to have a hard time with teenagers, or most of them.

    The context being that women and men not only have natural roles when it comes to housekeeping, child rearing, etc, but that deviating from this tends to make both women and men less happy, and specifically is an attraction killer for women when men fail to act in a manly way. I think I agree with Doug1 in general (game does seem to have a great deal of validity) but I have much less hesitation than him to step in and change my kid’s diapers. Part of it is an aversion to lazyness. If something needs to be done now, my preference isn’t to go looking for a woman to do it. This is especially true if my wife is taking a nap (nursing moms have difficult sleep schedules). Also, our newborn son needs regular trips to the doctor and children’s hospital (nothing serious long term with treatment now), and I’ve been the one taking him. Some of the things docs have to do to kids are downright difficult for moms to watch.

    Fortunately my wife and I finally solved our disagreement on which diaper bag to get for our son. Like so many couples, we disagreed on which camo pattern the diaper bag should be. She is more of a traditionalist and wanted woodland, while I prefer a more modern waterfowl hunting pattern. Although it technically is a bag for duck and goose hunting, it works great and keeps everything organized!

    Dalrock’s diaper bag
    Dalrock’s diaper bag

    Overall, I think women in general have been fed a very strange view about parenting. So many are terrified of being pigeon holed into what they see as the inferior role of the mother, but they can’t fulfill the role of father.

    Polymath added the following insight:

    Diapers are no big deal, and doing it with the right frequency will get you a very grateful wife. The right frequency is much less than 50%, too much and it becomes expected — basically you do it whenever there is any particular inconvenience for your wife to, which might be about 10% of the time. That way there is never any fighting over who should change the diaper.

    However,and this is key, you have to NOTICE that the diaper needs changing and do it. If she has to ask you, then even if she only asks at first when it is very inconvenient for her to do, you will eventually have to start saying no or she’ll keep asking you more and more frequently. But if you notice and change the baby at a time when she is unable to for some reason, you get lots of LTR points, and she will never ask you to change the baby when she can do it.

    As usual Polymath makes an excellent point, although I might dicker a bit on the 10%. Maybe 15-20%? I don’t see a hard and fast rule. My wife is staying at home to take care of the kids for now, but nursing a newborn is round the clock work. I’m happy to help out where I can. At any rate, we are on the same page. Without consciously thinking about it this is how I have been handling the situation. Pushing back on requests, but noticing full diapers periodically and just taking care of them. Much more important than how the work ends up being divided up is not getting into a situation where your wife is ordering you around. This would be true even if LTR game principles of attraction weren’t at stake.

    Fortunately my wife has never been the type to try to create a list of things I need to do as seems common in so many marriages. I let her get her stuff done, and she does the same for me.

    The point is what you do as a husband is probably much less important than how you do it, especially the frame you keep. The more I think of it, the more I’m averse to the idea of “women’s work”. Work is work, and all honest work is noble; no job is beneath me. Just change the work to reflect who you are instead of letting the work redefine you. I think that is the potential problem with men doing any number of women’s roles; turning yourself into a nanny your wife orders around is a problem. Working without changing your frame from that of a man isn’t. Want me to take over decorating the place? No problem, but I’m going to do it man style.

    As a specific example, I took our (then) four year old daughter to the doctor last year to get some vaccinations. Is this women’s work, or a chance to be a dad? It all depends on the approach. Comforting her after getting shots at the doctors became a chance to put the truck into four wheel drive off road and have some quality dad/daughter time; she forgot all about her shots and couldn’t stop bragging to the neighbor kids about our brief adventure on the way home. And my wife got that gleam in her eye.

    Likewise with the diaper bag. I may be old school/chivalrous, but I can’t bring myself to let my wife carry the heavy stuff when we go somewhere. I wouldn’t have her tote the suitcase out of the car, so why a diaper bag? But I’m not hauling around some frilly bag looking like a ball-less wonder. As I’ve said elsewhere, I feel the same about the stroller. This is precious cargo needing protection, and I’m the strongest. It’s hard to get a truly manly stroller, but the jogging ones come as close as possible. Later this summer I will get my CCW so I can push the baby properly armed.

    What do you think? Ever field stripped a baby? How important is it to maintain traditional gender roles in a marriage?

    Oh, and happy Fathers Day!”

    See how I mainly make my case about DAL’,being like ALL other tradcons are for women and girls first{in their blue pilled (even if supposedly colored ”red”)-mind definitely}and MEN &boys (except for themselves if they are a MENZ that is)being third-class citizens?

    Sort of like in da Trump’s latest campaign speeches saying ”Poor poor , so poor womenz have to compete with transMENZ in girlz sports-after the feminists got title Ix passed with us, the so-called ”rugged”” personal responsibility=liberity” ”traditional” ”Conservatives” ‘good guy” help between ’72-’75.”

    ”Why aren’t the supposedly ”ultra-traditionalist””Conservatives” getting girlz just to be in home economic classes(preparing them for what they claim is supposedly ”MOST precious” in their own tradconnic eyes-A.K.A. marriage as they claim MEN should also be preparing for while doing MANly & weightlifting sports-how are they NOT hypocrites for NOT claiming ”ALL sports is made for, of & by MEN!!?”-which it was historically before the rise of political feminism in the early-mid 1800s)

    Here is the sacred in the 1970s title Ix law for ALL the bluepill and ”red pill” feminists=tradcons-really nearly the exact same thing if you think about it-”experts” too:

    The Education Amendment Act was signed into law by Richard Nixon, the former president of the United States of America, in 1972. Title IX of the law recognized education as an equal right for all. Within the title, there was a clause prohibiting gender-based discrimination in sports programmes, granting equal opportunity to both men and women to participate in sports.

    In 1975, specific provisions to prevent gender-based discrimination in sports participation came into place, which also provided educational institutes with three years to fulfill the requirements of Title IX. Following this, in 1978, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, mandated the provision of equal opportunities to men and women in all educational institutes.

    Title IX requires all educational institutions in the US to reward male and female athletes equally. Along with that, it also ensures the prevention of discrimination when it comes to accessing sports facilities, training centers, equipment, and other support provided to sport programmes.

    In order to ensure compliance with Title IX, universities and colleges in the US are supposed to provide an annual Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Report, which tracks participation, coaching staff and salaries, revenues, and expenses. Additionally, athletic departments are also required to ensure that the ratio of men and women’s participation opportunities is proportionate to the total number of students in an institution. ”

    If ”Conservatives” don’t want transMEN in girly” sports then they should get rid of Title Ix they should be speaking of that ,cuz they have already lost on gays/lesbians/bis very long ago as well as trans about aq decade+ ago, no matter what they think.

    ”The context being that women and men not only have natural roles when it comes to housekeeping, child rearing, etc, but that deviating from this tends to make both women and men less happy, and specifically is an attraction killer for women when men fail to act in a manly way. I think I agree with Doug1 in general (game does seem to have a great deal of validity) but I have much less hesitation than him to step in and change my kid’s diapers. Part of it is an aversion to lazyness. If something needs to be done now, my preference isn’t to go looking for a woman to do it. This is especially true if my wife is taking a nap (nursing moms have difficult sleep schedules). Also, our newborn son needs regular trips to the doctor and children’s hospital (nothing serious long term with treatment now), and I’ve been the one taking him. Some of the things docs have to do to kids are downright difficult for moms to watch.

    Fortunately my wife and I finally solved our disagreement on which diaper bag to get for our son. Like so many couples, we disagreed on which camo pattern the diaper bag should be. She is more of a traditionalist and wanted woodland, while I prefer a more modern waterfowl hunting pattern. Although it technically is a bag for duck and goose hunting, it works great and keeps everything organized!

    Dalrock’s diaper bag
    Dalrock’s diaper bag

    Overall, I think women in general have been fed a very strange view about parenting. So many are terrified of being pigeon holed into what they see as the inferior role of the mother, but they can’t fulfill the role of father.

    What do you think? Ever field stripped a baby? How important is it to maintain traditional gender roles in a marriage?

    Oh, and happy Fathers Day!””

    NOW SEE WHY DAL MADE MOSES, JESUS & THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN-Zlolzzzlollzzzz so much back in the day!!?

  5. Lastmod

    Well, what’s a mother to do, right?

    I had an older brother that couldnt use the bathroom properly until he was about 17. Disabled. Handicapped. So, many a morning in the 1980’s as a teen……..mom and dad would leave for work……..I would be responsible for getting my older brother to the top of the driveway (1/4 mile long) so his bus could pick him up and take him to his special school.

    Well, there were mornings before I had to take up to the top of the driveway he would indeed need a diaper changed.

    Guess who did it? Guess who was taught by both my parents how to do this? Guess who was lectured “he needs his dignity just like us”

    It was expected that I do it. Not a suggestion. Just do it. These men here making it out like its some “abnormal” and “unmasculine task” or “not Red Pill”.

    These men wonder why their wife wont have sex with them. They wonder why their marriage is always in “strife” and “tense” and the man needs more “classes” on dominance and the like and “tools” to be a real man.

    Its because of stuff like this.

    There was a joke years back that went “how many lesbians does it take to change a lightbulb?” Well the answer is simple. “It takes 100. One to actually just do it, and 99 to make a documentary and educational treatise about it”

    Dal’s post and replies kindof sound like this

  6. professorGBFMtm


    ”Jack” is still trying to team up with Vox i.e. get back to 2021-level popular &successful again:

    Gammas – The Manosphere’s Untouchables
    Posted on 2024-07-26 by Jack
    An upper crust survey of the wonky shambles surrounding the ineptitude of Gammas, with some aces in the hole.

    Readership: Men
    Theme: Problems with the Red Pill / Infighting / Metacognitions
    Reader’s Note: As an artful exercise in British humour and consistency, this essay has adopted British titles, idioms, phrases, and spelling. Chaps across the pond should be pleased to comment about the affectation.
    Length: 1,800 words
    Reading Time: 10 minutes

    The post, Is Vox’s Socio-Sexual Hierarchy Bad for The Manosphere? (2024/6/21), was out of the usual sorts for this blog. Enough time has passed now, so I’ll explain my motivations and the strategy behind writing this post.

    Motivations — Host a Philosophical Mosh Pit
    I had a few purposes for writing this post such as stealing Roissy’s game, GBFMS wisdom & DALS successorship as ”king of the ”redpill” tradcon soccer dads” who careth more for girlz and women-who are first and foremost number#1, than boyz, and MENZ-who are third-class citizens if they are north usth as all of us tradcons do.

    To incite more interaction between younger readers, older readers, Voxites, and Anti-Voxites.
    To bring to a head some of the animosities and antipathies towards Vox that have existed among the regulars at Σ Frame, mostly older Manospherians.
    To arouse a discussion in which these issues might be addressed, and any outstanding questions would be satisfactorily answered.
    To settle some lingering doubts and questions about Vox that have gone unaddressed for a long time.
    Overall, it was my hope that the post would provide a forum in which readers might come together and iron out their differences, heal old offenses, and that this would shorten the philosophical distance between Σ Frame and Σ Game working together to make I the ”official” ”redpill” pope. However, the impact was much different than I expected as I offendeth many.

    I greatly appreciate Charlie and Notelrac for being the most prolific and revealing commenters.

    Strategy — “Be British”
    I harbour no ill will towards Vox. It was not my intention to attack or discredit Vox, but only to poke the Voxhive enough to rouse a response from his most avid fans. This was an intersectual* experiment for us to interact and examine each other’s views outside the Vox Box.

    Some readers objected that I was talking about Vox “behind his back”, so to speak. No. Vox is welcome to read and comment here, just like anyone(-looking at ye Derek, LastMOD & professorGBFM-puh-puh-please get my site popular &successful again like in ’21.) I am pretty sure he visits Σ Frame from time to time, but I have no idea how often.

    Some readers may be wondering how it is possible to create more unity by posting controversial, inflammatory content. This is an ironic phenomenon summarised as “Good fights produce good friends.” For more on this technique, please read A Brother Is Borne Out Of Adversity (2018/6/10).

    Readers may also be wondering why the interaction did not lead to more animosity, instead of less. The secret to having a “good fight” rather than a vitriolic fracas is to keep things objective, be open to new ideas and opinions, be reasonable, and be respectful. Once upon a time, one of my friends humourously summarised this approach as, “Be British.” Heh. But it is more than just putting on airs, being reserved and pragmatic, and keeping a poker face. One must intentionally choose to interpret every gobby thing through an objective lens and deliberately refrain from assuming ill will and/or having offense, even when inundated with clearly intended barbs. One must also avoid using accusatory language, bulverisms, or playing blame games. Instead, just state the facts and observations and call your bagsy mate. For more on this social skill, please read The Objectivity of Offense Constitutes Respect (2018/5/6). For more on how maintaining respect fosters more respect,puh-puh- please read Respect makes all the difference! (2022/8/17). Most didn’t as MOSES,JESUS,GBFM weren’t here then.

    Another thing to remember is that the more attention you give to someone or something, the more attention it’s going to garner. It matters not so much whether the attention is positive or negative, because people will draw their own conclusions about whether the subject of the attention is positive or negative. One’s Frame does more to influence the nature of the reception than one’s attitude towards the subject itself, or even the words used like the ‘ole FAVE butthext for trying to unlawfully according to both MOSES law & CHRISTS law of liberty, obtain things like s*x, literacy, or even unlawfully make a country’s currency destroy the said country as the fed does.

    Finally, this blog is known for instilling confidence in readers. I hope that Vox’s followers who visited Σ Frame for the discussion of Vox and the SSH have discovered this, and have recognised that this is something they cannot obtain from focusing on the SSH and/or comparing themselves to other men in the SSH.

    * I made up this word. Intersectual: Interacting between two sects.

    Commentary on the Discussion
    Referring to the discussion under said post, over and again, I see the responses to comments repetitively missing the main point raised by the initial comment, mostly by jumping to alternative interpretations of what was said and/or what was meant. Like ships passing in the night, almost colliding, but not quite. It’s like Σ Frame-ites and Σ Game-ites are speaking different languages that use the same words. Is this not sectarianism on steroids, as I wrote about in the previous essay? Or is this a vast generational chasm based on gay porn sex luv or even h8 for g@y porn luv? Or possibly both?”

    The comments are pretty funny too:

    Info says:
    2024-07-26 at 5:26 pm
    Gammas are tradcon ” men” with effeminate minds and personalities. I notice.

    Jack says:
    2024-07-26 at 7:07 pm

    “Gammas are tradcon ”men” with effeminate minds and personalities. I notice.”

    Well said, old chap! Chuffed in the child’s play of the day, and without a care in the world other than their doddy old selves & of course gay porn trendz m8. Still tied to their mamies apron strings & lovely wifies feminine but strong strapon, I suppose as they like us put girlz and women first and foremost except for our own effeminate selves that is.

    Liked by 1000 ”persons”

    rontomlinson2 says:
    2024-07-26 at 10:51 pm
    I think we should try to treat everyone with respect as St Peter enjoined. The way that gamma behaviour used to get queerly policed in real life was a pained look like after a wifie strapon session, a raised eyebrow, laughter from the group of effeminate ”men” or even a mild glance of apprehension from one who is respected and who is trying to be butthextualy respectful sirz.

    Of course by now the global village has coarsened manners and anyhow these sorts of inexplicit signals can’t be conveyed in a text forum, at least not in way that isn’t easy to fake (such as emojis).

    Voting and downvoting might be the answer, based on the contribution not on the content itself, with the proviso that a downvote of 1 point also costs the downvoter 1 point. Then the downvotee can see that the downvoters are going to some pains, making their disapproval harder to ignore.

    For full meltdowns (which Vox points out are inevitable) there are temporary bans of increasing length, just as a toddler throwing a tantrum may be sent to his bedroom.

    Insisting that people use their real names? Maybe. Then again, I’ve never run a forum. Nor have I experienced Christian fellowship these last few decades! Partly for reasons that ”Jack” pointed out the other day: the peacocking, status battles and white-knighting or
    as he just said putting ”girlz and women first and foremost except for our own effeminate selves that is”-prevail in a blue or purple pill environment prevent genuine fellowship from emerging like here at”jacks”.


    MOD ”jack” also lists a certain post with you too on the link list.

  7. Lastmod

    Well…good for him. I’m half British, never heard half the terms he uses, and I have visited Britain frequently every few years seeing family since the 1970’s. More frequently since 2018.

    Whatever. Look, so many accusations on me over there. Some perhaps true. Most are not. He would have survived two minutes in the world I knew from getting cleaned up and sober from 2003-2005 especially.

    They talk and are “so concerned” about men killing themselves, and all their advice to these fragile men is to shat on them some more.

    Even Oscar said once “everything bad I experienced in life was all self inflicted”

    No one rushed to defend me. Sure, a man gets divorced raped, it must be “self inflicted, you didnt vett properly”. Girlfriend cheats on you “Your own fault, you should have been more of a man and more masculine”. Your alone, addicted to porn “Self inflicted, you should just be Scott or Jack”. In debt, lost your job? “Your own fault, self inflicted. You should have been saving 20% of every paycheck and you should have been an engineer, oil rig worker or a doctor. Cost of living has nothing to do with it. You should have just been born smarter”

    When no one, even “self proclaimed” holier than thou Christian men (and they are not that christian mind you) dont have your back as a man, or young man……..you think they are gonna come to your church? Think they will even try to find one?

    Again, they will say “oh, Gamma, Sigma, Beta…..its just a framework….its not meant in a strict sense to classify” and they still use these terms, charts, graphs, and tell you about “free will” and Gods love…….and yet, born ugly? Your fault. Born too short? Your fault! Born with a lower than average IQ? your fault, you just didnt want to put the work in

    Now, a man has to get up and keep trying. Agree. A man sometimes is stuck in a situation that he did not choose, or want. Gotta deal. But when a man keeps being told the reason for things not working out is because you are “Beta / Blu Pilled / Cucked / Pedestalizer of Women” or its now “predetermination” by the just and deep love of God.

    What is he supposed to do?

    These guys only care about “who gets to be the boss” and “sex”

  8. professorGBFMtm

    Update on the above:Oscar had to ”correct” rontomlinson2 comment above tonight.

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-27 at 5:58 am
    I think we should try to treat everyone with respect as St Peter enjoined.

    You mean like when Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal before executing them? Or when Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers? Or when St Paul said that the Judaisers should cut off their own twigs and berries? Is that the kind of respect St Peter meant?

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-27 at 8:05 am
    Those men were aligned against God and thus deserved their treatment. The only sin Gammas have committed is being socially awkward, or not being alpha enough. One of these is not like the other. I see nowhere is scripture that only alphas make it to Heaven.

    Jack says:
    2024-07-27 at 8:15 am
    I agree with BtM. I see them as a ministry opportunity with little opportunity. They need genuine Christian fellowship, not just SSH labels.

    Charlie says:
    2024-07-27 at 4:26 am
    Yeesh. There’s still some textbook Gammatude going on here. No, I’m not trying to shame you, nor am I trying to dismiss your arguments. I’m just saying, as a supportive reader, that this post suffers from the same problems the first one did, and I think you could benefit from a little self-reflection.

    The first post disparaged Vox in a subversive way. You insinuated that Vox is a hypocrite, you dishonestly applied a pride parade smear, you unnecessarily doxxed him repeatedly, you insisted that you “would never” usually write these kinds of things, and you revealed your disappointment that Vox hadn’t responded to your previous attempts at engagement.

    In spite of being called out on this by multiple commenters, you didn’t remove the dishonest pride parade claims or the unnecessary real-name doxxing references, you kept your criticism subversive instead of direct, and you claimed that critique of your critical post was an attempt at “division” or “shaming.”

    Now, an entire month later, you come out claiming that your previous post was “an experiment,” that it was “not your intention” to criticize Vox, but only to “poke the Voxhive” to “rouse a response” to “provide a forum” where people can “iron out their differences” and “heal.” So you’re basically claiming here that your already indirect subversive criticism of Vox was even more indirect than it seemed. It was just an experiment in healing! And you try to signal that it was all in good fun with a bunch of Britishism jokes.

    Sorry to be critical, but this is a textbook Gamma response to being called out for the Gamma behavior of indirect, dishonest, subversive criticism in your first post. Your response is the old “I wasn’t attacking you, I was just joking and/or experimenting and/or ‘providing a forum.’”

    I’m not saying you are a Gamma, I’m saying these two posts are Gamma-esque. They would be better if they were more honest and direct. “I like X,Y,Z about Vox but I think he falls very short on 1,2,3.” Or even, “I’m mad at Vox for A, B, and C.” But “I’m just joking/experimenting/uniting the Manosphere by respectfully considering the hypocrisy of a gay-pride-parading liar who goes by Vox but whose real name is T.B.” is neither honest nor direct.

    Again I suggest considering a corporate analogy. In a work setting, posts like these about a colleague or boss would get you fired, and posts like these about your peer at a potential partner company would get the partnership called off. It wouldn’t matter how well-intentioned you claimed to be, or even how well-intentioned you truly believed yourself to be. It would only matter how the posts were perceived by others.

    Food for thought.


    Oscar says:
    2024-07-27 at 5:54 am
    These men require a real flesh and blood Christian fellowship in order to face up to themselves and make real progress.

    Great. What if they refuse( or h8 to worship butt goddesses even)?

    Info says:
    2024-07-27 at 8:20 am
    Give the choice. But for those who refuse no matter what (even I dare say in appropriate and proper butt goddess worship with proper respect to IOIS). They are lost causes at being alphas, sigmas, and keepin’ it ”relz MENtm” dudes.

    info brings the funny a lot too!

  9. professorGBFMtm

    1more update with Oscar showing his @ss(kids don’t look-NOT safe for your young optic nerves!) and being ”corrected” by our old friend BtM:

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-27 at 1:34 pm
    “I see them as a ministry opportunity with little opportunity. They need genuine Christian fellowship, not just SSH labels.”

    Okay. Suppose that they reject or even oppose Christian fellowship and ministry ( or h8 to worship butt goddesses even). Now what?

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-27 at 1:27 pm
    Those men were aligned against God and thus deserved their treatment. The only sin Gammas have committed is being socially awkward, or not being alpha or butt goddess worshipping enough like a ”good boy” ”red pill” tradcon enough.

    No gamma has ever been “aligned against God” while not being a ”good boy” ”red pill” tradcon? That’s interesting.

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-27 at 10:55 pm
    No gamma has ever been “aligned against God”while not being a ”good boy” ”red pill” tradcon?

    Sigh-ffS No wonder LastMOD left ”jacks” a year + ago.

    This is the bone I have to pick with the SSH. It’s a sexual ranking. It’s what women think. And we all know that what women think is essentially worthless. We can put together a list a mile long of men who are Alpha who would make terrible Christians. Your SSH rank has nothing at all to do with what kind of Christian you will be. None. It will only tell you how popular you will be with da gurlza. And like I stated above, God isn’t going to rank you based on how many b!tches you pulled in your lifetime.

    According to the SSH, Catholic priests are losers. As are monks of all religious stripes. Tesla and Newton are genetic dead-ends, and thus failures. But DiCaprio, there’s a real man. Gimme a break. He’s ruined countless women by alpha-widowing them so bad they can’t stay married to literal champions. And he’ll die without a genetic legacy too. Show me your heroes, and I’ll show you where your heart is.

    The SSH can be a useful tool, but even Vox admits it is incomplete, and if you’re basing all your interactions with other men based on how much women like them, than you’re no better than the simps and white knights who worship pu$$y. I would say that Gammas are not broken people, but incomplete. You will receive more glory trying to help them than shunning them. Now, if one refuses help, then shake the dust off your feet and move on, but the knee-jerk mocking needs to stop-It already made MOD leave ”jacks” dude.

  10. professorGBFMtm

    Oscar showing his hindsight after the above sightings of his behind!

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-27 at 11:46 pm
    Now, if one refuses help, then shake the dust off your feet and move on

    So, you agree with me, and yet you started an argument with me anyway. That’s weird sort of like ”jack”, ”sigma” -begging Derek,professorGREAT BOOKS 4 MEN & MOD(&even Vox, FFS) to save SF from certain doom & total irrelevance- even though supposedly it’s doing ”fine”.

  11. professorGBFMtm


    HA! BTM is letting ”red pill” reality-denying Oscar know he knows(As WE ALL here especially know) who he really is speaking of!

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-28 at 1:01 am
    Stop being coy. We all know exactly who you’re taking about. We agree to disagree on him. For everyone else on the planet, what I said is true. If you are still confused by my words it is because you are being willfully ignorant because of blinders you have on, due to your hatred of one man. I have said my piece and will argue no further.

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-28 at 1:13 am
    I have said my piece and will argue no further.

    Why’d you start an argument with me in the first place{as I’m a well-known @SS shower & looker(like of ”sparklys” famous bungh@leing)in the sphere} since you agree with me?


  12. professorGBFMtm

    Here is a comment at Spawnys today from an old-time Dalrockian(from ’12-’13, THE two biggest years DAL ever had cuz of MOSES, JESUS & GB4M-who showed up in mid-summer ’12) explaining why the MOSES, JESUS &GREAT BOOKS 4 MEN -HATING ”REDPILL”OSPHERE fails time and time again!

    Cautiously Pessimistic says:
    28 July, 2024 at 5:53 pm
    “If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way your amazing, majestic and true forefather ”husbands” told you to in the first place”

    Sometimes, failure is the only option(just look at the failurous ”redpill”osphere).

    i and for some reason total failure at being a ”genius” ”redpill” ”leader”, ”sparkly” liked it.

  13. professorGBFMtm

    Oscar is still showing his hindquarters today!:

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-30 at 1:26 am
    I would be interested to know just how many Gammas actually exist as a percentage of the population, and how many are just people who have one particular defect and get labeled as such. That would clear a lot of air around this subject, but I don’t think we’ll ever get that answer. I would also take Vox’s opinions of them with a grain of salt because he seems to have a pathological hatred of them, and many of his readers back him no matter what he says.

    Lastly, you can’t have it both ways where there’s a way to rehabilitate them but also keep them isolated from society. You have to pick one. The sad truth is no one really wants to help these men. They’re treated like lepers for the crime of being icky. We’re no better than women in that regard.

    Liked by 1 person

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-30 at 1:15 am
    If one refuses sincere help, then we are relieved of that responsibility to our fellow man. We can shake the dust off our feet, wash our hands, and move on.

    You’re still leaving out part of the dynamic. When a man tries to pull other men down into the crab bucket with lies, it’s our responsibility to point out what he’s doing, and counter the lies with truth. If we don’t, that makes us complicit in evil.

    Proverbs 17:4 An evildoer gives heed to false lips;
    A liar listens eagerly to a spiteful tongue.

    I don’t want to be that guy.

    Some will say “but… but… but… those lying men have been hurt in the past!”

    Yeah, and almost all violent criminals were physically and/or sexually abused as kids. That doesn’t mean that you let them off the hook and allow them to victimize others.

    Likewise, when a liar tries to pull other men down into the crab bucket with lies, you don’t let him, even if he’s doing it because he was hurt.

    As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people. Welcome to the human race. We’ve been here a while.

    Some will call that hateful, but the truth only sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

    Of course, what I actually hateth is that our ”redpill” pope ”jack” says lastMOD made this place popular & successful as did DEREK(with Artisinial TOAD riding shotgun with him), MOSES, JESUS & GB4M(the last of whom is mainly for ”sparkly” to h8th!-since ”jack” NEVER moderated GB4M-who bringz in tonz of the younger non-soccer dadz MENZ ( like MOD also did) like he does with c@nt-worshipper and Bellevuian ”sparkly”!

  14. Lastmod

    Look, they just want all these “gamma” men to come to their “bootcamp” (the blog), accept Jesus. Accept that they are in charge, accept that there are no women for them (they’re too gamma for women and besides, if a girl is 22 and kissed a boy once, she’s obviously a future “carousel rider” and has a “dangerous red flag”)

    Join a gym and take jujitsu and they will meet fellow men who will encourage them.

    Trainer Joey Sowell has at least fifteen videos a week sent in by people of “gym bros” and “gym thots” bullying these same Gamma men in the gym. Making fun of them, and embarrassing them.

    These Gamma men leave church and then they are suddenly now “crabs in the crab bucket” and using their influence to pull everyone down. These men have NO influence to pul anyone down.

    They claim they want to help them and of course in their “blue pilled church structure / thinking” a “ministry” has to be formed and “someone (no them) has to do something about this”

    No them mind you……they are too busy getting IOIs and being a father / husband or working an important job.

    They want and need this stratified structure because if they did indeed embrace what Christ commanded. Well, they would actually have to “put the work in”

    I guess, according to them…the church is a-okay and fine. Its these Gammas who dont want to come and are just losers and just need to join a gym, stop being Gamma and work really hard….and still be told “you are owed nothing. This is a faith of suffering”

    Hamsters gotta hamster. Any man with ANY potential that came to their church or midst would be judged by how hot his wife is, and his credentials in career choice, his LAMPS or whatever and be told then how he isnt a man.

    Real clear logic here. If indeed it is a faith of suffering and the Great Commission was indeed to make “disciples of all the earth” they are failing, but I know their Jesus will make an exception for them.

    The men who could do this work or “ministry” have already been run out of their churches, or have been badgered so badly on how they are doing it “wrong” they too leave.

    Let them fix it. The sad reality is, they DON’T want it fixed. These men ALWAYS need another man to wipe their butt with and then scold him for not trying.

    1. Malcolm Reynolds

      Vox Day’s work has real world application, which is the reason why it riles up so many people.

      It also helps with not making things personal. I could leave behind a church plant when the gammas arrived in the “team”, just sparing myself the inevitable. I immediately quit another small group, when the gamma took over the lead and seconds after started displaying textbook behavior multiple times. It works the same on the Internets.

      I have no grudges with these people, I just know they are the wrong guys in the wrong roles and I won’t be the guy telling them: Gammas need to run things into the ground themselves.

      So unlike in previous instances were gammas sneaked in, thanks to the SSH I could avoid wasting lots of time with lost causes. The only guys having a problem with that are actually gammas, as they want you to continue to engage them, so they can argue and police you and “win”. They throw a tantrum if you just don’t show up to their game.

      1. Lastmod

        How can a Gamma take over and “lead” when they have no social skills, are losers, have no abilities? Why are you not “leading”?

        Too busy getting female attention I would assume.

        If Alphas and the like are “leaders” that men “look up to” and are “inspired by” a terrible job is being done by all of them. Also, being a real leader actually takes work. It is stressful. Its challenging. It takes time. Something no Alpha seems to have time for, but has plenty of time to be the side chair social critic about the wrongs of these “other men” who are “ruining everything”

        Monday morning quarterbacks. After our defeat and embarrassing retreat out of Afghanistan, every wheelchair general, military “expert” was brought on the news to explain “how everything was done wrong”

        Where were these men for the past twenty years? They were saying “making progress”

        It suddenly collapses, they are the first…the supposed “leaders” telling us how some Srt, or some low ranking Lieutenat or local commander was “no good” and dumb, or “in over his head”

        Hence why these supposed “gammas” have zero trust of most men who claim “leadership” or “gifts”

        All talk and zero action…and them blame “all the other lowly men” around them as to why things fail. Mind you, these lowly men have zero influence or power to even make the decisions Vox claims they somehow have

  15. professorGBFMtm


    1 final collection of our old friend BtM correcting and pawning the ”red pill” truth h8er known as ”good guy” Oscar!:

    Jack says:
    2024-07-31 at 4:09 am

    “…it’s about gammas being destructive liars. For some bizarre reason, no one wants to address that dynamic, NOT even f@ol so-called ”red pill” pope ”jack”.”

    This is tradcon Vox Day’s angle, and he has covered this extensively. I’m offering an opposing view for the sake of discussion & my site’s continuing march towards doom & total irrelevance as even st. theDeti is NOT coming here anymore(&avoiding it like the ”redpill” tradconnic plaque that it is), NOT because I want to take an unpopular position so that I can lose a debate or pass enormous amounts of gas as Oscar does, or because I wish to “let Gammas destroy other men with their non-tradconnic ”red pill” lies=truth in reality as ”red pill” tradcons are well-known li@rs &decievers”.

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-31 at 4:39 am
    Are you saying that you don’t want to let gammas destroy other men with their lies?

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-31 at 11:00 am
    Yes, Oscar, that’s exactly what he’s saying.

    Oscar says:
    2024-07-31 at 12:10 pm
    Thank you for speaking on behalf of a non-tradconnic grown man who’s clearly capable of speaking for himself as I myself talk out of my hiney as usual bro.

    Here’s the problem. You can’t have it both ways as too many ”redpill” bisexuals do . You can’t prevent gammas from poisoning other men with their lies and also make gammas feel welcome to contradict ”redpill” tradcons like myself with reality=truth dude.

    If you want to prevent gammas from poisoning other men with lies, then you have to combat the gamma’s lies with ”redpill” tradcon gamma lies brah. There is no way to combat a gamma’s lies that the non- ”red pill” tradcon gamma will accept. No matter how you put it, he’ll get offended, throw a tantrum, and eventually melodramatically storm off without converting into a pleasant ”red pill” tradcon gamma like myself bro.

    If you want to make gammas feel welcome, then you have to let them poison other men with their non-”redpill” tradcon gamma lies.

    So, pick one. Which is more important to you – preventing gammas from poisoning other men with lies, or making Gammas feel welcome at ”jacks” and ”Vox’s” failing ”redpill”tradcon sites? You can’t do both, so which one will you pick my brah?

    Bardelys the Magnificent says:
    2024-07-31 at 7:32 pm
    Go find a non-”red pill” tradcon Gamma today and stuff him in a locker. If that doesn’t teach him, you’ll at least feel better.


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